Unknown Playthrough: Byakuren Hijiri (UFO Final Stage Lunatic)

Published 2010-10-03
"The world of dharma is filled with light."
-Byakuren Hijiri, right before scarring someone for life.

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   • Unknown Playthrough: Byakuren Hijiri ...  
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   • Unknown Playthrough: Byakuren Hijiri ...  

A video of me fighting against the saint mankind condemned, Byakuren Hijiri

Byakuren (the name tingles my mouth), is the Final boss of the game Undefined Fantastic Object, the 12th installment of the Touhou Project. The Touhou Project is a series of danmaku shoot'em ups created by ZUN where undefined fantastical girls fly through the sky writing the history of paradise with colorful and beautiful bullets.

Once upon a time, there was this monk, a beautiful and gentle girl with a heart and a conviction as pure as snow. She only wished for one thing: for human and demons to coexist peacefully. A good hearted dream, but ultimately dream. Since the days of old, human and youkai had been at odds with each other. Nothing less was expected from a predator and prey relationship. Youkai ate humans, human hunted youkai preemptively. Survival of the fittest, one of the most fundamental notions of reality.

Nevertheless, the human girl tried her best to reconcile humans and youkai. She embraced everybody regardless of species. Not all youkai ate human, so many youkai looked up to her as a beacon of hope in breaching this gap. But humans, on the other hand, started to slowly fear her. This girl wasn't a normal monk after all. This human was a youkai monk, who forsake her humanity out of fear of death. With the passage of time, human grew uneasy, until they finally sealed her in the demon realm, to be forgotten by time.

A thousand years later, the relationship between youkai and the majority of human is practically nonexistent. As mankind displaced their faith to science, most youkai, being dismissed as mere fantasy, sealed themselves inside Gensokyo, a magical land protected from the outside world by the Hakurei Barrier. Despite this, some human do live inside Gensokyo, in the Human Village. Inside the village, they are relatively safe from harmful youkai. But they've been warned. Outside the haven of the village, they are fair game. While some youkai had befriended humans, the confrontation between these two species persist and is up to the Hakurei Shrine Maiden to maintain the balance and keep youkai from overpowering humans. A thousand years has passed and the remaining followers of that monk, freed from their own imprisonment, now seek to return the favor to the monk as they approach the demon realm, Makai. They seek to free Byakuren Hijiri from her imprisonment.

Byakuren is in my opinion one of the most beautiful character in the series, platonically speaking. Platonic because most of her beauty lies on her personality and past, which is only rivaled by Yuyuko's in beauty. There I go again, using beauty without saying what it is. I can say at least that for me, beauty not only lies on image (that is pretty). It also lies on personality, origins, ideals, etc. That image in the beginning is simply gorgeous (albeit the proportions might be a little weird in some parts). When I saw it, I knew I needed to use that image and that I needed to somehow recreate the scroll effect for the text. Kudos to the artist and kudos to myself, since I'm particularly proud of the text's effect. Also:
-I believe Byakuren's hair color is actually a purple-brown radial gradient (makes her more interesting)
-Got to love that outfit!!!

"The world of dharma is filled with light." I cannot help but feel a chill when I hear that. If you had read "Love and Peace" by Stripe Pattern, you should know why (WARNING: rated R for Violent). It is a doujin about Byakuren's ideals... taken to their logical extreme. I want to make it count: Byakuren's ideals are equality between humans and youkai. Is amazing how such a thing can be distorted to its logical extreme... wow.

Finally, as a closing statement. This finale is extremely intense. Definitely not for the weak hearted. I literally finished this by the skin of my teeth. While overall the whole run could had gone a whole lot better, I'm VERY proud of this. If only... just watch it.

Well... I might as well say this. I'm effectively taking two Physics classes and Calculus 3, plus C++ and Japanese (I just wish that last one could count credit-wise). This semester will be hell, so my video input is pretty much nonexistent and I don't know when I'll be able to upload the Extra stage of this run or do a stream on the Stream Channel. Such is the life of a student. Hope you understand mina-san. Dōmo sumimasen (hopefully that makes sense and I didn't insulted anyone by using dōmo. This is hard =/)

Music: Check hidden annotations in video

Title: Unknown
Credits: 朱シオ (NSFW gallery)

For more info on the Touhou Project, check the wiki:

All Comments (21)
  • @lightJason1
    All Byakuren wants is both humans and youkais to live together..... And rider her MOTORCYCLE!
  • @CrypticSquid1
    For those looking for the remixes in absence of annotations: Jun.A ~ Fires of Hokkai - Cradle2 Sunpon - Skyscraper Grief ~ Cosmic Mind
  • I saw and remembered this video and i thought to myself, "Hey, if raak can do it, maybe I can too" So I did. I went on UFO Lunatic and did it. I got to Byakuren there I was. Her last spell. Under the same circumstances. And I realized that No. No I can not do it.
  • @awesometrick
    I just realized something. Byakuren is probably the closest to a Mary Sue in the Touhou universe. I mean, think about it. She's non-alcoholic, she's a vegan, she's a saint, befriends both humans and youkai, and has the most impossible shade of hair ever. Hell, I bet that's the actual reason she was sealed in the first place.
  • @ryanelf1738
    The music fits the video fight very well! It's a wonderful choice of remix for this playthrough!
  • @topnepCh.
    UFO and SA are like "You want to experience total despair? Here's your go!". While LolK and others are sometimes infuriating, sometimes unfair, sometimes challenging hard, those both are the essence of heartbreaking cruel. That's what I felt.
  • @FJGenso
    Her last spellcard easier compared to other final bosses. My opinion
  • @tinhquang2885
    This video is the best Byakuren fight ever, the art, the music, the gameplay, sync perfect to music, change my mind :))))))
  • THanks of rmaking this, I liked the commentary, I was expecting just a silent run. 
  • @malayabiz
    Thanks a bunch! I always love the song remixes of your video since Yuyuko's Playthrough, and I've been surfing and downloading touhou song remixes like crazy >.<.
  • @iceball3xd
    Liked for the video. Fav'd for the description.
  • Oh thanks alot! :) I finally truly feel like a touhou fan xP and your videos are a really great help :3.
  • @jackalhunt1
    I love your Touhou Lps, they amuse me so much, I also love that you bomb and die a fair amount because it gives it a sense of true achivement when you win through. (Watching a guy play through without dying or using bombs is impresive but it lacks the whole game aspect, making it look more like a career)
  • @DarkMarxSoul
    Let me add, too, that I love what you did with this. You didn't just play it through, you added fun commentary and even had custom music. I genuinely enjoyed watching this. :D
  • @cactu
    How loud did you yell when you beat the game? Also sweet editing bro.
  • @TehDuckOfDoom
    Awesome, thanks for the commentary, enjoyed it. :D
  • @PsYcHoN3Ph
    I gotta say I love you're timing with the bomb at 2:29