The House of the Dead 4: Chapter 6

Published 2007-05-31
The Final Chapter: Hope
If anyone plays The House of the Dead 4 Special in Chicago/Schaumburg Gameworks or Tokyo, Japan, before you go to either one, please bring a camera and record the story, gameplay, and ending. Then post it on Youtube. I know someone record the part where Kate meets with G. PS: Play as G please.

All Comments (21)
  • @vinc0504
    thumbs up if you remember Gary...
  • Kate! This is it! Give it all you got! My favorite line in the whole game!
  • @jmsee0067
    the only boss fight which is longer than the level itself
  • @JLOver9000
    Is it just me or is the way the bosses in the HOTD games ID'd for weakness rather cool? The animation at least seems to impress me a bit.
  • @ranzudezuLRTC
    The Last Boss was using "Ice Make Magic" haha :)))
  • @Dalmightyone
    I remember the HOTD4 special, they reuse all the levels in different orders, starting with the car ride. The fact you sit in a vehicle that rotates 180 when the 'characters' turn around and the room spits vapors at you makes it much harder then the original arcade. With only one life and very little first aids its pretty impossible to win, so kudos to the ones that do.
  • @Desilent49
    I'm really happy this is finally hitting home consoles....or the ps3 in this case. We'll finally be able to get some HD videos of this game. Though this and the 2 times I've gotten to play this have been awesome.
  • @SnazzyjazzBro
    That must be the most saddest ending throughout the entire "house of the Dead" series.
  • @OldemarFIN
    Goldman is at least 50 times more intimidating in this game than in HOTD 2. Good voice acting does a lot.
  • @ReverendSyn
    It could be any of those scenarios, and the best we could do is speculate. What IS certain is that Goldman is very, VERY dedicated to his cause and has proven that he will take ANY steps neccessary to see them through, no matter HOW ruthless. Despite his fanatacism Goldman is still pretty crafty so it would make sense that he would leave failsafes of some sort in place were he taken out of the picture. In short, Golman's apparently taken his possible death into account in his plans
  • @kolonarulez5222
    I remember that confrontation being a lot less cool in House of the Dead 2! And speaking of 2, I wonder what ever happened to Gary.
  • @FFKonoko
    They're not robots, they're engineered life forms. They were seen in HotD2 as well. They have armoured bits, implants or arm replacements, but are just modified zombies. And armour doesn't stop bullets completely
  • @alster724
    @meganbellant no it's the World. Pandora's Box is a reference to the Greek mythology where Zeus gave the box to Pandora and warned her not to open it. Since she opened it, all of the evils around the world were spread and the only thing left inside the box is hope (Hence, the title of the final chapter). BTW, all of the bosses in the HOTD series (except Overkill) are named after Tarot Cards from the Major Arcana deck
  • @ShinoharaMiyu
    They did in the past. However, let's not forget they only stopped when they took out the ultimate being responsible (Magician, Emperor, The Wheel of Fate). Personally, I think The World was like the Emperor- like how the Emperor wasn't in it's most powerful state of being yet and was forced to fight before it's time, I think it's possible The World was like that- I think over time, The World would have naturally evolved into it's mobile form- Kate and James just forced it to evolve.
  • @PortillaJ22
    Well, Kate and James actually made their situation worse, since The World was able to morph to meet its needs of defense/offense. If they were to have fled once The World awoke, The World would have been immobile, since it is stuck to the ground (As it seems), and thus it wouldn't have been a problem.
  • @ranzudezuLRTC
    at 0:55+ the Zombies/Humanoids looked like "Robocop" XD
  • @TheTamanddave
    Maybe the mystery man is zombie James after he blew up because the mystery man limps around and James limped after being injured by star. Also I think goldman is world because the world has gold man's voice. Just a thought
  • @izuddin151
    At 04:00 -this gives me an impression of the boss saying "I am the one who rules over nature... I am the Emperor!"