[YTP] Avengers Ensemble

Published 2021-02-06
When a glorious boot wearing alien dog comes to earth to steal fish and chips, Mace Windu must assemble a response team. Unfortunately, he chooses the most dysfunctional and incompetent heroes on the planet:
- Titanium Man: idiotic, billionaire, cheeseburger enthusiast
- Capsicle America: living legend that doesn't live up to the legend
- Thor: has a mean swing but can't catch or throw
- Black Widow: master assassin demoted to designated driver
- Hawkeye: one of Fury's sharpest men, understands how doors work
- Hulk: a guy with breathtaking cat food issues
But when all else fails, there's always the Blow Stuff Up Initiative.

The feature length video of the first Avengers movie has finally been assembled. Had tonnes of fun (and frustration) putting this together as one of my final major projects. Even though it's long, I didn't really want to take anything out, so the full experience is here for you to enjoy. I'm sorry that the video quality is not that spectacular, but this is the best I could do with what I had (dying computer, failing applications, etc. Notes below for those that care about BTS). Hope the content itself more than makes up for it and please enjoy. Comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more :)

(Edit) For some reason viewing on YouTube looks worse than the original file. At least for me. So yeah, sorry about the quality but there's nothing I can do about it.
It's lucky this thing even got made.

Well, I said this was fun in the making, but it was also a massive and somewhat painful undertaking. Couldn't get the quality to come out that nice, but it's still watchable. The darker scenes get more pixelated. Then the audio itself was out of sync by 4 frames, so for every individual clip I used I had to separate the audio and move it 4 frames so it would be correct, which is a tedious thing to constantly do. But I put in the time and finally I had this pretty much complete and then I took a holiday. Came back to find that my computer brain is essentially dying (my tech friend that tried to help me fix it basically said "how the heck is thing still alive?") and functionality is dropping off. Source material either corrupted or computer simply can't read it, thus compromising all the work I had done. Which was many, many hours. Nothing was salvageable. So I reimported all the media from the movie and reassembled everything (especially the sentence mixing) from scratch. Built it in 10 separate smaller projects, because now my iMovie can't handle too much in a project before slowing and freezing, and then combined them all together at the end. Cherry on top was finally deciding on a title and wanting to call it 'Avengers Disassemble', which would've really worked with the storyline, characters and themes of the video. Then found that name was already taken :(
TL;DR - many hours to complete massive project, everything failed and unusable, many more hours spent building it all from scratch. Essentially had to make this entire video twice.

P.S. Looks like Hawkeye's head is on fire in the thumbnail. Unintended, but funny.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and do not seek to profit from this video. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

All Comments (21)
  • @TedSpaghetti
    “Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” “Naked”
  • @TenthSgtSnipes
    “Put on the suit” “Roger Roger” “Yknow you better stop pretending to be a droid”
  • @Dufix
    "Put the woman on the phone, or I'll blow up the block" .... "I'll blow up the block"
  • @N1kk1_N00dl3s
    I love how Cap pointing out the obvious is a running joke. “Ya know, the last time I was in Germany…I was in Germany.” “Lightning seems to run on some form of electricity.”
  • @ChrisTheodosis
    “Avengers” *Anakin and Padme’s love theme plays *
  • “You know the last time I was in Germany...... I was in Germany” He’s not wrong
  • @daboyz2374
    Nick: “Remind me again of how you made your fortune Stark?” Tony: C H E E S E B U R G E R S
  • @Ratmus1
    This YTP seems to run on some form of electricity!
  • @Chatulhu
    9:11 "I thought you people are the Justice League" love the idea that thor came to earth not knowing who the Avengers are but also never having seen the Justice League before
  • @nicksojka7457
    *speaks Chinese* "Finally, someone who speaks English!" Fucking awesome
  • @Jak_Grajeda
    How to censor a movie: Replace every mention of “kill” with “kick”.
  • "Lightning... seems to run on some form of electricity!" I mean, he's not wrong.
  • "There are people in these buildings. You need men in these buildings, take them into the line of fire!"
  • @Obsoletejack
    I love this concept that Bruce Banner got so depressed he ate cat food only for the Hulk to spit it out for him.
  • @Zokere
    "No. We need a Thneed." Dr. Seuss in tha house!
  • @slip4510
    Aw dude the Sherlock Holmes bit was brilliant