Riff on Wolfgang Smith's Cosmic Icon

Published 2022-05-26

All Comments (13)
  • @almondtree
    This is really good. The second image you brought up definitely maps onto how I understand trinitarianism as well
  • @grailcountry
    One of the major points of Wolfgang Smith's icon is that we are seeing only the outer circumference with our physics. This is very important because this outer layer is the realm of quantity which denies the qualitative world we experience.
  • @Lazara2023
    The reality is out of that circle, we down to this dimention.
  • @MrHwaynefair
    Loved this Luke- countering the default nominalism of our milieu with a coincidence of opposites.. I’ve been trying to read Cusa lately- The Vision of God, built around an almost literal iconic vision.. Please share more as you can… this is good…
  • @almondtree
    This reminds me of the tree of life/flower of life in sacred geometry.
  • @shari6063
    You need to read Douglas Harding’s book.
  • Thank you Luke. I really like your "God, Breath, Word" analogy. To be precise though, that is not what Wolfgang's Icon says. Though, again, I do like where you're going with that and maybe it fits, as well. As for Wolfgang's Icon, the center point is aeviternity, i.e., the "now" that which is not in space or time. The line is time, and the circumference is space. In Wolfgang's Icon, God is not the center point, rather God is He who caused the center point. Looking at Wolfgang's Icon as a geometric shape, God is the geometer.
  • @shari6063
    It’s consciousness. Mysticism, gnosis and articulation.
  • @grailcountry
    sparked is more accurate than facilitated. I just said, hey Karen, you would like be interested in this guy. Michael Martin provided the contact info to her, so he played a minor facilitating role. I just pointed Karen in his direction.