Liver cirrhosis: how long do I have?

Published 2024-01-25
Hello everyone, this is just a bit of info on liver disease and some of the things that can go with it. Also I talk a little about life expectancy when you have liver disease. Also the financial burden is hard when living with this. If you would like to help you can by going to
Or Venmo is @Neil-Mikuta
But not necessarily but I thank everyone who has helped me from the bottom of my heart.

All Comments (21)
  • @adammartinez9667
    I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver 1/21/22 from alcoholism at 38. It was the hardest fight of my life for 10 months. I was only given 3 months to live. The disease took over my body and eventually only had weeks because it was so bad. On 10/17/22 I received a phone call from University of Michigan and they had a match for me. They saved my life and I've been sober since 1/21/22.
  • @j-_....-_____
    thanks for your video. it sounds like you have decompensated cirrhosis. For those out there that still have compensated cirrhosis, I would like to give them a word of encouragement. I was diagnosed back in 2019 a couple of months before the shutdown. They told me I was on the borderline between compensated and decompensated. And said I had about 3 years to live. I made both habit and lifestyle changes. No drinking (which I don't believe was the primary cause, but was a contributing factor), diet restructuring (on going), supplements and exercise. I also gave up driving. And bike as much as possible, on a good day I can get 10 miles. But other days I can't even get out of bed. I have been hospitalized four times for esophageal varices ruptures. which is actually how they found out about my condition. I still work but take about twice as many days off as I get in sick days. I normally don't speak about this topic but to close friends, so I would like to commend you on your willingness to put yourself out there. Also enjoyed the answer to the question how long do I have? It brought a little respite to an otherwise sobering topic. Keep your head up my friend, ...
  • @stevensuhar8302
    Detox in 2018, 3 months to live, hospice. 6 years of no relapse sobriety, great blood work. The Dr. says no need for a transplant yet. Feel great and getting stronger daily. Never give up, It ain't over.
  • @lynnfrancis6795
    I was dx in I have had cirrhosis for 36 yrs...Am now 58 yr old. Planning to do a 100 mile hike this summer. Eat well, sleep, jump on infections or any sign of illness, and lots of exercise. as you said, it doesn't need to be death sentence...good luck!
  • @donitatiller7214
    I was diagnosed on my birthday, January 1st, 2021. I am doing the best that I can to keep mine from getting worse. I have bloodwork and an mri done every 6 months. The Lord is by my side and helping me every step of the way. Mine is non alcohol cerosiss of the liver. God bless you and thank you for all of the information.
  • @jefferee2002
    One thing I noticed is how alcohol -centric our society is. I watched a comedy with friends last night and the whole damn movie basically revolved around liquor
  • @dylannewell1914
    I stumbled upon your videos, turmeric, ginger and milk thistle is helpful for liver, I take them everyday
  • @garryanderson598
    Cirrhosis at 17....with hepatitis...took meds for hepatitis, cured, still livin with 71...went to specialist ...ultra sound on liver 1600 count you have liver failure...sober since 1990 livin with a 1400 count...šŸ˜…...more good days than bad..hallelujah!...
  • @Thatdudefresh
    Crazy so many young ppl are now getting cirrhosis. Mid 20's to early 40's are starting to sky rocket!
  • @reneephoeni
    My husband had cirrhosis for 15 years got a transplant recently that lasted for three months and then he passed away from something else. Keep fighting everybody prayers
  • @miganhawkins8390
    I also have liver cirrhosis. Diagnosed in 2019 brother. My Mom had liver failure secondary to diabetes. I was an alcoholic but quit in 2018 before being diagnosed. It sucks but I've been driving on. I also have chronic kidney failure but I've been doing rather good I believe. I feel good at least. I just do my best to stay positive brother. Keep doing the same buddy
  • @lisabaraszu849
    Neil this was a very good video! You covered so many of the questions people wonder about when newly diagnosed. My liver Dr told me he wanted to see me live 30 more years without a transplant! I am 58 so you have many more years to go my brother in C. I was diagnosed Nov 2022 and went thru all the hoops in August 2023 to make the transplant list. Nov. 2023 with tears of joy in his eyes my Dr said I was too well and not in need of a transplant now. Itā€™s a rare thing he said so you and I are so Blessed! One thing that I still struggle with is neuropathy in my feet - left foot is worse. But like you, put one foot in front of the other & keep on keeping on. All the best
  • @pete9688
    I have to commend your outlook! Thereā€™s another guy who has a channel who has cirrhosis. I couldnā€™t finish watching it. All he did was complain. You have the right attitude. Having had cirrhosis myself - until I got a transplant- I lived everyday as it were my last - no alcohol of course. Finally, be careful of your protein intake. It can cause encephalopathy. Look it up. Also, drink lots of Water to keep your kidneys going. Theyā€™ll take a beating throughout the years. Your immune system is low alsoā€¦ white blood cells are low. Good luck brother.
  • I love your positive attitude. This has really helped me as my husband was diagnosed about two years when he started hemorrhaging (varicosities), he was close to death. So far, no cancer. He never smoked, doesn't drink and was a vegetarian for 15 years. He has recently been having arterial nose bleeds due to the blood thinning, bilirubin kicking butt but no jaundice.... nausea, fatigue, mood swings.... you covered a lot and I think your video is a blessing to others. I wish we could donate to you, but as you well know and so do we, this diagnosis kills you financially. We are hanging on by a thread. Will keep you in my prayers along with my husband. Oh...and I was diagnosed with NASH 8 months ago. Doing my best to reverse.
  • @kapral791
    Stay strong brother, I'm praying for you.
    Thanks for the videos man, Itā€™s greatly appreciated. I can absolutely relate. My dad passed away when he was 36 years old from a genetic form of liver disease/cirrhosis and unfortunately I was diagnosed with it about a year and a half ago and next month I will be 36 and I am coming up on my 2 year mark. I have been hospitalized multiple times for variceal bleeding, H.E. And a handful of other complications due to cirrhosis. Itā€™s a rough process that is for sure, itā€™s hard to plan anything because the symptoms can hit so fast and be so disorienting and crippling.. it makes every day a struggle and a complication. Itā€™s tough to plan to do anything with the family, makes it extremely difficult to work every day.. it makes it difficult to plan for tomorrow, which makes it impossible to plan for the future because ultimately we donā€™t know if we will even have one or if we will get liver transplant or what our health and quality of life will be. Itā€™s a nightmare Iā€™ve sat here and lost track of what Iā€™m writing or thinking.. I wish there were better answers and not just ā€œyou could live with this for the rest of your life.ā€ That must be in the book somewhere because those are the same exact words my doctor told me. I hope the best for you and your family and everyone that is going through the same thing
  • @LichaelMewis
    TBH, I never would have thought you had cirrhosis based on your appearance. You look relatively healthy. Thank you for sharing this information. It may help save lives or quality of lives. I hope only the best for your recovery. Take care.
  • @Simon1985_
    My liver was severely impaired from my test results. Shockingly bad from 20 years of heavy drinking. I went cold turkey for 138 days and my liver came back completely normal. Unfortunately I went back to drinking but at least it shows that your liver can totally regenerate if you give it enough time. So please try!
  • @brucebrooks8144
    Hey Neal ..I got my liver January 16th...I was only on the UNOS transplant list for a total of 10 days from being listed to transplant. I sure never thought it would happen that fast but I have AB + blood type which is pretty rare. But I recovered very quickly I spent 1 day in ICU and 4 days in a private room. I was discharged Monday afternoon and going back to the clinic Friday morning to have my labs checked