Disease! Crash Course World History 203

In which John Green teaches you about disease and the effects that disease has had in human history. Disease has been with man since the beginning, and it has shaped the way humans operate in a lot of ways. John will teach you about the Black Death, the Great Dying, and the modern medical revolution that has changed the world.

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コメント (21)
  • “We’re probably gonna die from bird flu” Corona virus has entered chat
  • Who’s here watching this during the Coronavirus Pandemic
  • 14 year old me: Watches crash course to avoid going outside. 20 year old me: Watches crash course because the government told me to stay inside.
  • This is absolutely the funniest video after Covid. He sounds sarcastic and hinting at something but somehow he doesn't know what's about to happen in 2020.
  • “We’re all gonna die of bird flu” Corona: hold my beer
  • "Diseases can't wipe out cities if you don't have cities." Killed me haha
  • John Green - "Fortunately Disease does not play a massive role in Human life" Coronavirus - " I shut down the entire world. Do I look like a joke to you?"
  • “We’re probably gonna die from bird flu” Covid-19- “YOU THOUGHT”
  • Note on the Black Death (for anyone interested): Bubonic plague and pneumonic plague are both caused by the same bacteria (Yersinia pestis, the difference between plagues being due to the site of infection) and so while we are now pretty damn sure that Yp was responsible for the Black Death (dna evidence, yay!) we can't tell easily which plague was responsible. However, pneumonic plague is almost 100% fatal in a very short time frame with symptoms typically appearing a couple of days after infection meaning that there would not be much time for the infected person to expose others to the disease. In addition pneumonic plague lacks the classic swollen lumps (or 'bubos') that are written about in historical literature. Bubonic plague on the other hand has a longer timeframe from infection to symptoms of around half a week and is a little less lethal. Importantly it does cause bubos in infected people - bubonic plague being a Yp infection of the lymph nodes causing them to swell. shrug Hope someone else finds that interesting.
  • Nobody: Absolutely Nobody: Not even the Coronavirus itself: My YouTube recommendations:
  • Man, it’s 2020 coronavirus is here, it’s johns worst fear
  • Ugh I loved it when John used to be on crash course! I wish he would come back as soon as he'll have the time, I really do miss seeing him here...
  • Ironic how a pandemic is giving us that extra time to study history... and pandemics.
  • Who is here after corona virus epidemic outbreak? Edit (March 18 2020): It's become a world wide pandemic now and all the governments around the world are trying to contained it by social distancing so please corporate and follow instructions.Together we can fight it so please don't panic but be aware and practice precautions.
  • @CDave
    Oh boy, aged like a wine this video, Disease has and always will be the doom of humankind