Everything GREAT About Love and Monsters!

Published 2021-02-26

All Comments (21)
  • @ikebirchum6591
    Forget a sequel, I want an entire open world survival game set in this world, Horizon Zero Dawn style
  • @Kokumaru_art
    Dylan is one of them actors who plays himself in every single movie and yet nails every role hes in 100% of the time.
  • I love how Boy’s obsession with the red dress also represents Joel’s obsession with Aimee. Notice that, only when Joel really lets go of his fascination with Aimee does Boy also appear to save him, likely leaving the dress behind.
  • @PhoeniixFiire
    The dogs who played Boy were seriously good actors, holy crap. I know they're just dogs, but I got legitimate feels from them, and I was terrified when the dog was in danger. Best on screen dog ever in my opinion.
  • This was a surprisingly good movie. I went into it just expecting a okayish monster movie with some ham fisted romance subplot. But no, this was actually really good. So was the movie you have set for next week.
  • One thing I think you missed was him pausing before shooting the crab. A call back to how he froze in front of the ant during the breach, but now instead of freezing in fear he’s pausing to make the right decision. I absolutely love this movie.
  • I love how Joel buried MAV1S. She gave him closure. He never got to say goodbye to his mom or have any kind of proper funeral, so him burying her really gave him that final bit of closure and was so touching. She deserved her wins. Thank you!
  • If I traveled in an monster ridden world and fight for my life for someone I love......and they aren't able to return my affection, I would definitely say, "But I travelled so far to be with you" at least once. The fact that he didn't make her feel pressured about it and instead he blamed the fact that he didn't ask if she wanted him to come to where she was, was refreshing and really fit his character.
  • @SirAsdf
    Honestly I'm just surprised Dylan O'Brian stuck with acting all the shit he went through on the 3rd Maze Runner movie.
  • @PredatorH2O
    I like how the found a way to avoid the cliche romance without leaving him hanging. They both changed and now they can build a new relationship.
  • @Rougarou99
    The scariest thing about the movie is understanding that, as a dog movie, there was a overwhelming possibility that Boy would die by the end. Thank the Lord that didn't happen!
  • @CinemaWins
    I really can't believe I forgot to make a Doctor Who joke/reference. I just...I can't.
  • @Donika691
    You forgot to point out that the first kiss he gets with the girl when he makes it there is not actually with her, it's with some old man because he's still hallucinating. That part was hilarious.
  • @DeathlyDrained
    I actually thought that Joel's colony was going to die, due to my knowledge of ants and how they attack. They had 0 hope if they stayed to fight an entire ant colony.
  • @TheDilster
    This movie perfectly captures Dylan O'Brein's acting skills, his comedic timing, action skills and the emotional performance he can put on. I just hope the rest of the film industry will recognize him.
  • @Colechamdiceman
    Dylan and the dog probably bonded so much because Dylan is still dealing with issues from that onset tragedy... Poor dude. He's a Great actor in everything I've ever seen him in and it sucks that he's running on slightly diminished capacity now :(
  • @idcidc5078
    Everything great abt love and monsters: 1. the fact that the downfall of human race ends up being because of our own stupidity is so much realistic 2. Dylan O'brien 3. Lovable characters 4. the best boy 🐕 5. no cliches and a satisfying climax 6. Dylan O'Brien again❤️ 7. Needed this during this draining pandemic era
  • @megh9464
    the scene where Joel sees the messages his colony left on the back of the map left me sobbing I can't lie