Talking to Top Taiwanese Students In English | National Taiwan University

Published 2023-12-14
Talking to Top Taiwanese Students In English | National Taiwan University

I used to like to learn English when I was a student, but the study resources at that time were not as rich as it is now. Although I have left the campus for a while, I am still curious about how National Taiwan University student think the English learing environment in Taiwan. I hope you guys will like this episode too !

🌟以人工智慧分析和糾正你英語發音的準確度 🌟
🤩 免費7天高級會員資格 下載【ELSA】👉

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All Comments (21)
  • @ketodiana
    在澳洲八年分享,口音雖然不是最重要,但是發音正確性是蠻重要的~ 並且了解不同國家的口音也可以增加 comprehension, 畢竟不同英語國家差異真的蠻大的 😂
  • @kju666
    台大外文畢業的路過: 很多台灣人說口音不重要,但他們根本不了解“口音”和“發音錯誤”的差別。舉例來說,如果你不是很確定"bad", "bed", "bain", "bang", "bin", "bean"這些詞發音的差別,你的發音是錯誤的,不是口音問題而已。 這六個詞彙,對任何英文母語者來說,是完全不同的發音,完全不會聽錯或是搞混。美國人念“bad"會和英國人念“bad"聽起來不一樣,但是在美國人的accent中,“bad"和"bed"絕對是不同的發音,又例如說紐西蘭人念"bad"其實是接近美國人的“bed",但紐西蘭人還是會distinguish "bad" from "bed"。 美國人和紐西蘭人溝通時,一開始可能會有點confused為什麼“bad"會念成"bed",但是多說幾句話之後,就會意識到,紐西蘭人的“bad"像是美國的"bed",紐西蘭的“bed“像是美國的"bid" etc. 基本上就會有一個mental mapping出來 知道他們在說什麼。 但是很多台灣人“bad"和“bed"都隨便念 分不清楚,如果你要說“這是一張不好的床”,很多台灣人會念成“This is a bed bed."或是“This is a bad bad". 外國人根本就聽不懂你在說什麼,只能用context去猜你在說什麼。這根本不是口音問題,而是發音錯誤。 因次不要在說口音不重要,因為會說這句話的台灣人,通常發音是錯誤的,而不是口音而已。
  • @LoveYuYuLove
  • @RoritaChen
    其實臺灣的學生比想像中的更棒 大家一起加油💪🏼
  • @itut550
    Thank you very much for the interesting interview, Jay! The interviewees, by and large, seemed to speak English much more fluently than my generation, some thirty years ago. We were still very much a generation of self-consciousness.
  • @lololololol3_11
    我很喜歡Catherine 說英文 會搭配一些手勢 讓人更融入情境以及說服力 👍
  • @tom-ps2xo
    最後一個人講的很對 可能他的英文不是全對 但他願意學有自信有一天他就會變超強
  • A very practical method to build confidence is one on one conversation using "what if" questions...Hypothetical ...I teach conversation english using this method. My students like it and feel it is very productive.
  • @sukimy1534
    謝謝你的製作 我在交大,很多同學不喜歡跟外國人有互動,因爲說英文讓他們覺得自己沒那麼好。 過度在乎別人會怎麼看
  • @mickeybrown9052
    "'s all about work and homework and I have a lot of stress." Yep, that's Taiwan.
  • @T_T629
    我覺得雙語政策很重要耶 因為採訪台大的才顯得每個人英文能溝通吧 其實去差一點的學校大家英文能力就沒這麼好 英文好在讀原文書有很大優勢 以前念書時我看原文書很慢所以有買中譯本 印象很深的是工數中文版根本看不懂 還是需要抱著原文書慢慢啃 然後以前當家教的時候也會覺得教育的城鄉差距比想像中的大很多
  • @garylarowe8741
    World goal: More native Chinese learn to speak English and more native English learn to speak Chinese. Grammar is definitely less important the communicating in real time (speaking).  Another thought provoking vlog, Jay!
  • @FunkyKiwi7
    As a trilingual country (NZ) I would recommend finding and studying a funny TV series and your fav hobby. It will remove the stress from achieving fluency. For your communication to be fluent, you need to understand language in a relaxed state. The whole bullying, trolling, shaming, judgemental, competitive and hierarchical culture, is an obstacle that just slows any progress toward becoming fluent in another language. When you understand the humour in the culture, the language becomes easier and most importantly enjoyable. Don't be shy. Make a friend with an English speaker that wants to learn Taiwanese and practice with them. It's a win/win. Also practice singing songs in your chosen language. Although you may not understand the lyrics at the time, you'll get the pronunciation down a lot better.
  • @AlanLin1995
    有看過Asian Boss頻道訪問東大學生的影片就知道,這支片裡台大學生的英文能力遠勝那部影片中的東大學生 我不知道這部影片有沒有cherry picking,但從發音、字彙選擇上,台大學生都好上非常多
  • @yung-hanhung9064
  • @cookieyu1
    會覺得一代不如一代好像是每個老人的通病XD當你年輕的時候被老人嫌;但當你自己變成老人的時候,又會看不順眼年輕人。 但每次我回台大,看到校園有更多各國來的同學、圖書館裡的年輕人讀起原文書比我那時候好像還要更專心(沒有去偷看YouTube XD)、每台電腦上大家好像都在學coding或跑統計軟體。我就覺得一代應該還是勝過一代的!
  • @fabledqqman
    我在歐洲玩的時候都覺得歐洲人比較自在,法國人只說法文 德國人只說德文 西班牙人只說西班牙文 ... 誰管你會不會英文 XDD