Kid Icarus: Uprising Boss 26 (Final Boss) - Hades

Published 2017-04-15

All Comments (21)
  • Hades is the ultimate bad guy "I only wear it for special occasions, you know, weddings, Armageddons"
  • hades, pit, hades, pit, hades, PIIIIT ! hades.... Hades: HACHOOO ! I'm dead ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @finalbossd
    The great sacred treasure should have been Pitโ€™s final smash in Ultimate.
  • @Danny-rg1ux
    I dont know if it's just me but when i played this fight back then i definitely got scared by hades charging at me ๐Ÿ’€
  • @xxxxkad
    Hades is so sassy, I love it.
  • The things I love about Kid Icarus: Uprising: -Expressive characters -Hades -Fun story -Hades -Well polished gameplay -Hades
  • @ramzehx6534
    This guy has more attacks than many final bosses of classic videogames like Kingdom hearts Hearts bosses
  • @pcapcom5283
    Hades' comical personality is comparable to the Disney villain of the same name, in fact, Hades' secondary head strongly resembles his Disney counterpart.
  • This Boss is etched into my mind because fighting this on 9.0 was fastest way to grind for hearts trying to get over 300 Value Weapons Then dying just before the end because there's no more hearts
  • @VestedUTuber
    With all the work pit does, shouldn't he be at least promoted to a minor god?
  • i was watching a vid on ssbu and the guy mentioned hades and the comments were flooded with all of the Y E S so i looked this up and... ive got to say holy fucking shite he's fucking amazing!!!
  • @galewindx
    Can someone clip the part where he talks about his ankle please ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • Best 3ds game period! Remakes and ports dont count like Resident evil revelations was great but you can play it on a console now so they are no longer exclusives to the 3ds :)