This Is How You Become More Articulate

Published 2023-03-31
Your success is dependent on your ability to communicate. Be a force to be reckoned with.

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All Comments (21)
  • @chrisklugh
    To the point: Write. Write often, even if you don't intend to share it. Writing organizes your mind better then anything else. It also helps construct your vocabulary too.
  • @christabb8481
    As a person who has yearned to be understood in society, this was a difficult challenge and takes time. Coming from the hood, I've went down this path to become a more articulated person. I wanted to be taken more seriously and convey to others my thoughts or intentions clearly. Heres what helped me: 1. Surround yourself with folks who are more articulated. If you dont know anyone, listening to podcasts, reading self-help books, or watching videos like this is a great start. Avoid listening to music or watching content that's dull, unproductive. 2. Listen to yourself. Pay attention to the words you use and how they affect others. Try removing words such as umm, ahh, like, like, like as filler words when you're thinking too fast. Listen to how you finish words. Things like saying axe instead of ask is a big one. 3. Anytime you hear a new word or phrase, write it down and look it up. Dont memorize, seak only to understand the word or phrase. 4. Try to use those words throughout your normal day if possible. The more you use them, the more they will appear in normal conversation without you having to "feel" for them 5. Reading poety out loud. This helps your voice not stay so flat. Keeps your pitch moving up and down while using words in a manner you're unfamiliar with. 6. When asked a question, dont speak right away. Pause and give your mind a moment to form a more articulated sentence. Our brains are quick to use default words when we are not thinking. Give yourself an exra few seconds to actually think of a better word or phrase and respond accordingly. If you have more, please add. I'm always learning! Hope this helps someone! Edit: Fixed minor grammar and spelling pointed out by others. I appreciate the tips! I didn't expect this post to get as much attention! Thank you
  • Asking Jordan Peterson how to be articulate and listening to him articulate how to be articulate has to be one of the greatest moments on YouTube
  • I had a great teacher who once said, " an intelligent person speaks so that the people around them can understand what they're saying". That saying has never left me
  • "If you're guided by the spirit of honest inquiry and every word you say is reflective of what you believe to be the truth, then the pathway you walk on is a golden pathway to success" - Jordan Peterson
  • @user-sz5ve6yl9q
    "To become articulate, is to become the master of your own tongue" How profound!
  • Another great thing to do is to record yourself speaking about your day. Consistently doing this helps improve articulation
  • @nickbanet4755
    "Why be literate? Well, do you want to be competent and dangerous or vague and useless?" -Jordan Peterson
  • @Maktub9
    What a privilege to be alive and to absorb this wisdom!
  • Man it makes me sad that I only discovered Jordan about a year ago. My life has changed completely since I started listening to him. Thoughts have become clearer. Vocabulary has expanded. And morals have been solidified and purified with the cleanest moest transparent water. I can't ever thank you enough Jordan.
  • I am always told how articulate I am. My husband comments on it. My friends, new people I meet, old bosses…you name it. “You’re so good with words” “you say it better than anyone”, “you speak like a poem” I read a lot & I always have. I also don’t speak unless I know what I’m talking about so the “umm” “like” “mmm” rarely happen because my brain knows what it’s trying to say. I recommend to read a lot. Write a lot too
  • @brvndxnl
    Before lockdown began where I live, I wasn't very articulate. Mostly because English is not my first language, but I knew how to speak it well regardless. But because I was inarticulate, I had difficulty starting conversations and holding them. So much so that every time I was part of a group conversation, I was always waiting for an opportunity to jump in and contribute to it. And by the time I came up with a way to include myself, the conversation had already died down and everyone had lost interest. I felt like a background character, an NPC. I started to feel really lonely. The inarticulate person that Jordan Peterson described, vague and useless, that was exactly what I didn't want to be. So once lockdown started, I prepared for when I would re-enter the outside world. I knew I had a problem and I started looking for ways to solve it. As unproductive as it sounds, I just watched more YouTube videos, specifically more video essays about some of my interests, but also some other interesting topics I stumbled upon in my recommendations. I started to observe how people express themselves in the videos, their mannerisms, their expressions, their expansive vocabulary, everything that made a person look interesting while having a conversation. I wanted to be that kind of person, who stands out so much when they talk. So I copied it in the best way possible and rehearsed it in my head. I started looking for synonyms of common words I use and applying them to my speech and writing. Immediately when I came back to school, still in lockdown, I hadn't become more successful at making friends like I expected. But I noticed many things. For one, I started reading English literature much better, and when I come across a new word I've never heard of before, I read it perfectly the first time. I also started to understand the literature much easier, whereas before I struggled a lot to find the hidden meanings. But the most important thing I noticed was that when I talked to people, I started to better understand what they were talking about. Today, it's really easy for me to talk to people. I'm not as afraid of reaching out to new people as I used to, and I can hold conversations much better. I often give advice to my friends since I've become more approachable. Hell, everyone has started to tell me that I'm really easy to talk to. Being more articulate can really change someone.
  • @AlexAyliffe
    You can see him practicing the tools he's suggesting as he walks through his answers.
  • @GA-Vic
    My Grandfather told me repeatedly, back in the late 1970's through to the early '80's: "Language; the proper use of grammar,speaking slowly, boldly and being able to convey your intended thoughts to another person are the most important things in the world;they are your solid foundation from which to grow and build,if you cant get your point across directly and clearly,it will most definately be misconstrued because it's your fault that you are misunderstood! Everything else is secondary,math, science,religion, philosophy,government,economy and all else.Communication between two or more people is absolutely imperative in order to get the job at hand accomplished on time and cutting cost and waste!"
  • "some of the things I said made me feel weak"........ all I can say is this instantly made me think deep, very deep into my reflections of the past. Filled with regret in many instances. I will reflect on these words forever. I hope some people will see and understand how powerful this one sentence truly is. I need to change my language. Change my approach, undo decades of toxic communication and practicing cheap words simply to fulfill a desire to always be right. I can and will be a better man than yesterday.
  • @lillady7900
    I never get tired of listening to Dr Peterson , even when i have to stop, go back and relisten more then once to most of his videos. He makes you think , and i appreciate that greatly.
  • @hypergraphic
    As a former preacher, I totally get what he means. There is just a flow, a stream of consciousness that you can tap into, and you can discover something that you didn't know before you started talking. Also, I would just add that it helps to spend time by yourself in contemplation. It's really powerful.
  • @kp2011kp
    As someone who has been journaling every single morning since Jan 2017, I can say without hesitation, that to put thoughts to paper really helps to articulate what you're thinking. And also choosing the right words before writing them down is a game changer in shaping how you feel about literally anything and everything in this world.
  • Lately I find myself telling others , instead of saying, "you know what I mean" , "say what you mean , and mean what you say".