The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: Every Day

Published 2017-06-02

All Comments (21)
  • Be sure to see the other video I uploaded today over another Indo Pakistani War!
  • @thespaniard444
    My dad was just a kid in Bangalore when this war took place. He used to tell me stories of how they had blackouts at night so that Pakistan would not conduct a bombing on them, as the city was a huge manufacturer of jets for the air force at the time. He would tell me about how his Aunt, Grandmother, little brother and him would put covers over all the windows and then play cards under the candlelight. Such great stories. Thanks for bringing back these memories EmperorTigerStar!
  • As a Bangladeshi I'm pretty glad India decided to help us out. Bangladesh would most likely have lost with even more casualties had India not intervened.
  • I love how sometime in British parliament they looked at the old map and thought "Yea this is gonna work out."
  • While the previous two wars ended pretty much in a tie, Pakistan definitely got curbstomped in this one. If India had wanted more than just to solve a refugee problem, Pakistan would've suffered even more territorial losses than they did!
  • Well then that was short lived I guess Gandhi must have nuked them?
  • My dad was born in 1969 in Dhaka. After the 1971 war my grandfathers family was forced to move to Karachi Pakistan because they were not Bengali. As a Pakistani I accept the fact that our government did wrong and treated the Bengali people very badly.
  • @CanaryMapping
    wow, I didn't know Bangladesh were part of pakistan
  • @sagittario5543
    My maternal great grandfather lived in Haryana at the time of this war. He was in the Army. When he was finally free from the work, he dug a bomb shelter for the entire street all by himself where he lived, as they had previously seen PAF Fighters in the sky the day before. My paternal Grandfather meanwhile, was also stationed in Haryana, but in the Indian Air Force base in Ambala. He used to load weapons and check all aircraft systems before flights. He later received a medal for his service during the war. He barely survived the PAF raids on the first day of the war as he had to run around 100m to an air raid bunker when bombs were exploding all around.
  • @TheMastergabe
    Thanks Tigerstar! Ive managed to plan an entire month for my history course at University. You make my job easy! ;)
  • @yohhanneb9683
    My grandfather's younger brother served in this war, he was Airforce officer Vinod Neb. He flew into lahore, destroyed 5 planes and returned back to amritsar on one wing.
  • @Blubatt
    My friend came to me, with Sadness in his eyes. Told me that he wanted help, before his country dies. Although I couldn't feel the pain, I knew I had to try, so I'm asking all of you, help us save some lives... Concert for Bangladesh, peeps.
  • @chasaano
    you didn't show the russian and american ships
  • @Ramiobomb
    Hey, EmperorTigerstar, can you please make a video about the Axis ambitions at the end of the WW2 like the one you did with the Central Powers? If you'll agree, can you please detail the Lebensraum?