WNBA star Brittney Griner sentenced to 9 years in Russian prison

Published 2022-08-04

All Comments (21)
  • There are 40,000 people locked up in the US for marijuana possession. If you're going to exchange her for dangerous criminals then release those 40,000 people also.
  • While I think that nine years is too much, exchanging her for an arms dealer or a LITERAL convicted assasin named Vadim Krasikov is pretty stupid in every way Plus she literally brought a vape pen to one of the most severe and authoritarian countries in the world. Expecting nothing to happen means you're just disconnected from reality Thinking otherwise is nowhere close to rational or empathetic
  • It’s arrogance to go into another country and break their laws. Also if you gonna break a law in another country Russia would be one of the last places I would dare even consider getting in trouble. Complete stupidity
  • @4yearsago343
    Ignorance of the law excuses no one. Hope everyone must learn from this incident and be aware of everything before travelling to any territories.
  • @razerone49
    As much as I think that 9 years is insane for a vape cartridge, it’s also not right to bring her back before all the others that have been ‘actually’ wrongfully detained (the ones that weren’t stupid enough to take hash with them to Russia). Another example of our government preferential treatment of celebrities.
  • @garyyim1229
    How is it wrongfully to detained her??? She got caught snuggling weed. We still have people locked up for marijuana in the U.S. 🤷
  • @drewt-rex7805
    Perhaps those nine years will help her appreciate America, also teach her a valuable lesson that many of these athletes, Celebrities, and other privileged people here in America need to learn - if you break the law you have to pay the price. Also she may learn that America is not the bad country she and others constantly bad mouth but continue to enjoy the fruits of our freedoms.
  • I feel no sympathy For her. She needs to accept responsibility for her own actions. I personally wouldn't ask for help from people I used crapped on and that's what she did to this country when it ran its mouth
  • In America there are no laws or any thing such as a crime. Not so much in civilized countries. maybe after she does her time she can teach young ball players why it`s not smart to take drugs into a country that enforces it`s drug laws.
  • Will the WNBA also discipline her seeing how marijuana is illegal in the league.
  • @steve0ne11
    So let me get this straight, we’re going to exchange an arms dealer and potentially a convicted murderer for someone who couldn’t even stand for the national anthem?? Scratching my head here… I’m wondering if any other normal American who loves their country would get that same treatment 🤔
  • @kaiwildly3938
    This carelessness cost her. You can’t play or be flippant, especially in the current environment with Russia. Be extremely diligent when you travel to another country. It is no joke.
  • @N33zy23
    Yall weird in the comments saying she deserve 9 year for a vape cart lmfaoo
  • @joecam21
    Griner just agreed to a new 9-year contract.
  • @darren5376
    THEY SENT HER TO THE MENS PRISON 🤣😅 that's a man Baby hahaha 😂😅
  • it sounds harsh until you think of what kind of a person she is and then it sounds pretty righteous
  • @cj8803
    Wow, that IS HARSH. But she knew it was wrong though, these athletes don't get special treatment.
  • The U.S. should not exchange a dangerous criminal for Griner. She broke the Russian law .
  • Respect a foreign countries laws. Take that 9 years like a strong independent woman.
  • @John_Redcorn_
    9 years is harsh, I cant argue that. But karma is a b*tch. Careful what you ask for