Rafe Heydel-Mankoo | This House Would Pay Reparations

Published 2023-01-01
November 10th 2022 at 20:00 in the Debating Chamber

Debate Results: Prop: 302 | Absn: 67 | Opp: 93

Thumbnail Photographer: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Second Opposition
Rafe Heydel-Mankoo (FRCGS, BA, LLB, MA) is an author broadcaster and historian specialising in British institutions, the Monarchy and the Commonwealth Realms. From the BBC to ABC, Rafe is a well-known commentator in national and international media. He is a trustee of the Royal Canadian Heritage Trust and a senior fellow at the New Culture Forum think tank. ............................................................................................................................

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All Comments (21)
  • @johncatto5019
    These are supposed to be some of the most intelligent people in the country and yet they still refuse to listen to the truth. What hope is there for their future ?
  • Very shocking to see the absolute disrespect displayed by these students who are meant to be the “future” of our country.
  • If you think people who were never slaves should be given money by people who have never owned slaves, then may I suggest you pay them yourself since you feel so guilty.
  • @Aiphiae
    I'm a high school teacher. Some of the rowdiest classes I've ever had were more respectful of guest speakers than these kids. I expected so much more from students fortunate enough to go to an institution such as Cambridge. Their lack of humility and openness to new (or competing) ideas is anathema to everything universities stand for. These kids should be utterly humiliated their infantile behaviour has been captured and permanently put on display for all to see.
  • As always with this speaker, opinions are underlined with well chosen, broad ranging facts, rather than weak and emotional arguments used in the counter argument. If people who are concerned about historic slavery were as concerned about modern slavery they could truly claim the virtue they crave and do so in a useful cause.
  • @maggiemathars235
    The behaviour of the "students" sitting behind the speaker is utterly disgraceful. They have the manners of toddlers and are obviously determined not to listen to anyone who does not agree with them.
  • Snickering and giggling at hard truths. Best brains of the country? Look to our future political leaders in the room so far removed from reality and the electorate. There's got to be a better way.
  • @stub1256
    The audience..Ohh the horror ohh the outrage!! Wheres Nanny?
  • All of the smug students will probably get good jobs while the poor working class who never gained from slavery will pay the reparations.
  • Brilliant, I would have paid to hear him speak. Thanks for the upload.
  • @yamoto1833
    These students shows a very reactionary offensive and impolite attitude to engage in a debate.
  • If someone's talking, either leave or listen, particularly if you don't agree with them. They need to check their privilege as people seem keen on saying these days!
  • @guyellis19
    The behaviour of the people behind is appalling especially the girl in the green and white top - no interest or attention span - a future PM maybe
  • So distracting when the audience keeps wanting to interrupt but then don't seem to even care to listen to the arguments of the speaker
  • Wow... The audience is as disrespectful as their attire is shabby. Have they no respect for one another? I don't think many of them were able to hear the speaker, having written him off before he began to speak, perhaps.
  • @peace-yv4qd
    The children sitting in back of the speaker snickering, chatting and texting are the future? God help the future.
  • @mange2
    You will never change these young peoples minds because they view what you say as YOUR facts not THE facts. Its the way they contrive their own knowledge so think everyone else does. The Universities are complicit.
  • Are we now going to jail descendants for murder committed by an ancestor 300years ago? If these are our future l despair!
  • The group behind him have no manners. Isn't it common decency to listen when somebody has given their time to speak whether you agree or not with what's being said? Could it be they believe they know everything about this subject and have nothing to learn? They have shown their ignorance. Cambridge needs to teach independent critical thinking.