The Forgotten Kingdom Hearts Multiplayer...

Published 2024-05-24

All Comments (21)
    The real forgotten multiplayer is the Days one.
  • @RenKium
    The true forgotten multiplayer was Chain of Memories on GBA, you had to beat the game as Sora once to obtain the function to fight your friend.
  • @luckyducky7819
    I hate how hesitant Square is when it comes to KH multiplayer. I know the mobile games are multiplayer, but I just want a real KH experience where I'm mashing the attack buttons with my friends.
  • @LaCazaLP
    I still think KH1 and 2 should have had "soft" coop. Where a second and third controller could just control Goofy/Donald or the World Character. No split screen, no HUD/Camera shenanigans. Just a little explanation in the Manual under the Controller section. No need to advertise that it has Coop, wouldnt take much time to program and, lets be honest. its one of the sickest feelings sitting with a buddy and he just randomly taps the second controller and suddenly your Party member actually moves. Never forget that feeling in Blood will Tell, Devil May Cry 3 (doppelganger Ability) or Shadow the Hedgehog when we realized we could actually play the story together. Yes. Give us Coop in Story. Not in some half ass'd Arena Mod. ...or at least give us arena mode back now with ALL the Characters we have. they could do it like the Data Fights in KH3. Mirage Arena as a Simulation. Easy. And if they wanna make it fancy. Let us spawn in Radiant Garden as Riku, then let us free roam the World where we can Talk to all the different Playable Character. Once you talk to them you have the chance to play some kind of tutorial to learn their differences, then when youre done with talking you go back to the PC and choose either Mirage Arena and your Character or the Data Orga fights. And once you beat the Data Orga with Sora you unlock the ability to Rematch the Data Orga as ANY Character. Man. They could have done so much....
  • @zakilj3
    i remember helping you folks when you had a little issue setting up multiplayer, always a pleasure to see this game's multiplyer, if you ever give it a shot again and got like 6 players, i recommend trying the preset pvp mode, it can become quickly chaotic yet fun, kinda like a party game
  • I recently played this multiplayer too lol. We were a group of 3 doing No Heart, it was pretty hectic We still play the Days multiplayer from time to time, it's pretty nice
  • @rashi7535
    Oh if you thought that was fun, you HAVE to see the Days multiplayer mode! It's done MUCH better And, of course, great video as always Ninten!
  • @Alucard65535
    If this is what the ancient keyblade war looked like, I have some concerns about the game's lore.
  • @sonict2241
    i hope with the pc ports coming to steam theres renewed interest in modding them, and hope that someone is able to restore multiplayer for this because it looks really fun
  • @Running_Man_OG
    I wanted kh3 to have an arena where you could pvp hoping kh4 will have it
  • @gracekim25
    I wish they used it more! 😭 I would LOVE to play it with friends
  • @fdg2208
    How are you guys able to do this?😮
  • Ah yes, KH Multiplayer, always held back by the system it's in. But the potential will always make it something to hope for. Just gotta reign in the protagonist-syndrome and balance for PvP in the mainline games and it'd be good to go.
  • @MrSzautner
    This is so cool! I can't believe something like this isnt in all KH games
  • @redlox2
    oh yeah the BBS "Armour" gang!!! I would preferred to play simplay as Aqua without Armour but hey that is what single player mode is for lol
  • @meevil24
    When i had a PSP, i wished the multiplayer wasnt stuck to local cuz i didnt have friends who liked KH
  • @mine4114-rc7nu
    I guarantee that eventually this mode will be ported to Final Mix.