Sarah Palin ABC Interview With Charlie Gibson Part 1

Published 2008-09-11
Airing Date Sept.11, 2008

Sarah Palin ABC Interview With Charlie Gibson

All Comments (21)
  • This reminds me of what it is like to participate in the class discussion regarding the assigned reading without actually having done the reading
  • @2Godschosen
    I came after watching "Game Change" as well!
  • wow it's even worse looking back at it than it was when it was happening lol
  • @RoiDeR609
    "I can see the moon from my backyard. ...Doesn't make me an astronaut." SCORE: A PERFECT 10!
  • @FakeOutrage
    "I can see the moon from my backyard. ...Doesn't make me an astronaut." Thank you for posting the funniest line of the day.
  • @zeppelin8
    I can only aspire to Charles Gibson's composure. I don't know how he kept a straight face through all of this.
  • @jesse_cole
    lol, I came back to this interview 7 years later, and I still can't get through the first minute without being stunned at the stupidity of an actual vice presidential candidate. Charlie: "Did you ever hesitate? Did you ever have a thoughtful moment where you wondered if you were experienced enough?"... Sarah: "No, Charlie, I didn't bother with 'thinkin'... it was just, Sure-diddly McCain, count me in!" And that was how the interview started...
  • @spazfemme
    Thanks for posting this! I'm sad that I missed it live!
  • @prrolg
    @capsunful Do you have source reference for that claim?
  • @MrSincere5g
    @TheGqMusic "in what respect charlie?" llllllolllllllll!!
  • @themansayz
    Charlie Gibson actually retired due in part to this interview because he said he did not like the current lack of debate and dumbing down of candidates in American politics.
  • @ardalire651
    Everybody gives Katie Couric credit for taking down Palin, but Charlie Gibson got in the first punches with this interview.
  • @Levi6110
    Charlie I can see the moon from my backyard charlie I guess that makes me an astronaut
  • @JimmyChooBoots
    Truly terrifying.  Not just this ridiculous woman, but the contemptible people, starting with the sad McCain, who put her here.  Gibson can barely mask his contempt. I could not, cannot.  This dear country (and the world) was saved from worse than NUKE-U-LAR fate in 2008.  Let the idiots remain bitter. 
  • @bunnyfish714
    Gibson "I get lost in a blizzard of words there,is that a yes?" Palin "We must have all options on the table."...LOL
  • @Zolgeist
    He went to Columbia University then Harvard and finished at the top of his class. He became president of the Harvard law review.