What is Light Language? Angelic Beings Explain!

Published 2023-02-01
Channeling the Angelic Realm to Explore the Sacred Geometry of Sound

Key Takeaways :

- Sound vibrations create energetic waves that form sacred geometrical patterns
- Sound itself is the building block for all of creation because it sets energy into motion
- Sacred geometrical blueprints hold the codes for creation
- Light Language is comprised of high vibrating sound patterns and geometrical light prisms that interact with your field to rearrange your quantum makeup --- this is what creates the experience of "healing"
- Everyone is a channel ; an antenna that transmit and receive information
- You become a channel for high frequency information and sound codes as. you accelerate the frequency of your consciousness ( this is also based on how much light can be held in your body via Full DNA Activation )

Lot's more was shared, enjoy!

Much Love Always,

IG & Tik Tok : @erinlyonsofficial
Website : www.erinlyonsofficial.com

#lightlanguage #ascension #angel #channeling #starseed #lightworker

All Comments (21)
  • ❤❤❤My first experiences with light language were in the Christian church. I've always known it was more than what we were told. I had a beautiful experience with light language on this present journey a few months ago. When I tell you I felt the energy and when I spoke, it was with authority. When I shared the experience with my sister, she had a vision of me being a pure light being. I want to learn more
  • I just found this intergalactic Queen today…. I’ve been mesmerized for almost 6 hrs worth of content so far. Each video she becomes more and more beautiful and hypnotic. The way she articulates her words are so genuine and elegant you HAVE to believe. The angelic realm told me I am extremely attracted to your vibration and ultimately belong in this frequency. I do have a beautiful Black wife and your explanations are helping me understand and appreciate her better. But your energy is fantastic and I really hope you read my comment and can pick up on my frequency as well. I can’t wait to go through ALL of your Content=Subscribed
  • @MrIn10sity
    Finally someone who can explain this to me. Because the things that come through me I’ve never even seen in books. Much appreciation for your energy!
  • I love Dr. Emoto's water with words experimental. It's a very beautiful lesson to show how much words effect us, especially considering we are made up of something like 70% water.
  • All of a sudden I have become obssessed with Light Languages..... and here I am learning about it from the Masters who know it well. Thanks for sharing it ❤
  • @obiestill5785
    When I was a child and had trauma events, I would intuitively help myself calm by focusing on making up different structures with my hands. Years later, I learned I did not make them up, lol. Same thing with singing joyful jibberish and funky tongue sound mantras. Makes me feel good still today.❤
  • @shoeaholik1
    Thank you so much I have been speaking light language for 3 years. I haven’t shared it because I couldn’t explain it. You’re are an amazing teacher soul sister. This was so helpful❤
  • @kelly5198
    I'm proud to be listening to such knowledge and higher wisdom coming from such a young soul..thank you beloved 💓
  • You did it! Perfect! You explained light language, light codes, and sacred geometry. The body feels like dancing bubbles. Thank you Erin.🤏👌🙏
  • I had a dream I was speaking light language fluently, with my own unique sounds and when I woke up I couldn’t remember any of it 🥴. I’m so excited to receive more information from my higher self on my light language.
  • Thank you Source for flowing through this beautiful soul to enlighten myself and the collective 🥰🙏🏾😇
  • @JillDavis26
    No one has ever explained things better than you it’s amazing the clarity I experience from your channel thank god for you ❤🎉😊
  • @gemsstr7933
    Yes! As a former Christian, I loved speaking in tongues - getting into the mysteries of God. But for years i hadn't, even being spiritual because i thought it was only Christian. It was only a couple of days ago that my spitit and guides opened me to say this is a gift given, and does not discriminate whether religious or otherwise. EVEN those in organized religion speak in this anglic light, just as much as anyone else. Getting back into it now is like returning to great friend. Love it!❤
  • So awesome. I've been doing this for years (we called it Tongues from the Holy Spirit) and it sounds like the same language. I've even tried to "put a lid on it" but in my most love filled and connected moments, it would just well up in me. I've finally just given in to it! JOY!!!
  • @luvinmaks
    I can't help but think that if I had held the knowledge that you have (back when I was your age) my life would have been SOOOOOOOOOO much better. Geese!
  • Also I’m not sure if you know Danica Patrick but I just sent her a recommendation to have you on her podcast lol so you may eventually hear from her. Hopefully! I think your more of what this planet needs!
  • WOW everything you are saying is causing a remembrance! My entire being is vibrating I feel light as a feather!!!!!
  • This answered so many of my curious questions. You made it simplistic and digestible. Thank you Erin! You always come through with perfect timing
  • @jorritoud536
    Every time I watch something of you I learn something new! I love it! :hand-orange-covering-eyes:from the Netherlands with:face-red-heart-shape::face-red-heart-shape::face-red-heart-shape: