X-Men Origins Wolverine Game is AWESOME

Published 2015-11-28
In a review that's long overdue, I give my thoughts on a videogame that deserves a little more recognition as both a good movie licensed game, and a good comic book game.

All Comments (21)
  • @mbmyt4973
    2 years later we're getting a R rated solo movie Edit: it is now 2024 and I completely forgot about this comment. I swear yall keep bringing back to this comment section every couple years 😭😭
  • @untitled3426
    Insomniac should use this game as the basis for their Wolverine game.
  • It’s funny how Hugh jackman went from being in one of the worst superhero movies to being in arguably the best superhero movie
  • @kyles.8332
    Your helicopter pilot joke reminded me of a scenario I encountered while playing Amazing Spider-Man 2. One thug randomly said, "hey, my kid looks up to you." I thought, "oh, now this poor kid is going to have to manage with his dad in jail." ...Then the thug continues, "he's not the smartest kid." So I punched him off the building.
  • The irony is that an R rated solo wolverine movie is just what happened
  • @imcrow7745
    "it's a shame he didn't get a solo R-rated wolverine movie" Haha, this aged poorly
  • The coolest thing about the game was just how detailed his healing process was seen in real time.
  • @theplayaifyer
    This man predicted the future..... Edit: THANK YOU FOR THE LIKES!
  • @lb2kxx
    5 years later and we’ve had Logan and a new game developed by Insomniac
  • the ds version on this game at least allows to also change the villains costume, so u get the actual deadpool with his voiceand everything, he still shoots lasers from his eyes but at least he looks like him, so more power to the devs for doing their best
  • @therealguy2282
    Xavier: "Hacking and slashing that we'll never see on the big screen" Fox: * Releases Logan *
  • @jdilla5622
    Who's pumped for the new wolverine game? They need to keep the lunge mechanic and gore but just make it free roam.
  • >I was only 9 years old >I loved wolverine so much >I had all the merchandise >I pray to him every night >wolverine is love I say, wolverine is life >my dad comes in and says x men origins was a good movie >I call him a waste of flesh who doesn't respect the source material >I'm crying now >I hear screams of agony and metal piercing flesh in the distance >it's wolverine >in a blood rage he doesn't realize I'm a 9 year old >he immediately rips both my arms off >wolverine is love I say, wolverine is life
  • @getschwifty5537
    I can't really back this up since they deleted the website containing the dev blogs (RIP the cool HeroHQ forums), but I remember reading from Raven devs that prior to being attached to the movie license they were actually in pre-production for a Wolverine game some time before it was an X-Men Origins: Wolverine game. So in addition to the downtime to polish the game due to delays, it was made by people passionate about Wolverine and were planning a Wolverine game prior to the movie even being greenlit. I guess that's what it takes to make a good movie based game.
  • 2 light attacks followed up by a strong attack that sends the enemy flying in place. Then pressing the grab button to slam them down, and using the strong attack to punch them so hard they're sent flying at high speeds at the other enemies. I will never get tired of that. The combat system in this game was ridiculously satisfying.
  • @mikeval1525
    One of the reasons that this game is good is because the developers β€˜raven’ were starting the development of a wolverine game just before the announcement of the movie. So they had a head start and got extra time because of the movie’s delay.
  • @jorge54
    I barely started watching your channel like 2 hours ago and I already really like your videos. it's so great to see a youtuber who loves comics and knows alot of stuff about it. and also I started off watching your spiderman game reviews and it's awesome to see another 2099 fan.