Vladimir Putin lays out terms for Russian ceasefire in Ukraine | BBC News

Published 2024-06-14
Vladimir Putin has said Ukraine would need to withdraw troops from territories Russia claims to have annexed before a ceasefire could begin.

Ukraine's President Zelensky has called the terms a Hitler-like "ultimatum".

Ukraine has long said that it will not negotiate with Moscow until Russian forces leave all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.

Russia's president also said Ukraine would have to give up on joining Nato before peace talks could start.

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All Comments (21)
  • @braidend4379
    First time Putin has said anything like it? He literally said the same thing in the first few weeks.
  • @ilikevines
    I think it's a tough deal for Ukraine but they are in a very precarious situation. They've lost a lot of young men in a country that is already in a demographic crisis. It's one thing to egg on the conflict from your comfortable home in the west but the longer this war continues the harder each side's resolve will be not to make any compromises and seek total victory. If you're rooting for the war to continue and for Ukraine to defeat Russia totally you better be willing to join the front line yourself. It's easy to make bold statements when it's not you risking your life.
  • It's not the first time that Putin is saying something like that.
  • This comment is to honor Russia which was the only European country in the 1950s -70s to stand up and defend Cyprus and Greece from British and Turkey genocide brutality aggression. Why is a Turkish and British occupation of Cyprus ok and Russian occupation of Ukraine condemned? Why is a US and British occupation of the Middle east ok and Israeli occupation of Palestine condemned? NATO, UK, US and Turkey are a bunch of hypocrites!! Love to Russia from Cyprus Greece.
  • @tigoes
    Why do we need a guy to interpret what one side or another said? Can we just see them talking with subtitles?
  • @willdobson7351
    How can Putin have a ceasefire when he said that there is no war?
  • Imagine someone breaking into your house and saying you can stay as long as I can have the living room šŸ˜‚
  • @maughan3061
    The comments on this video are not representative of public opinion in the UK. The majority of British people do not support military aid to Ukraine. I suspect these comments have been deliberately placed to give the appearance of public support for war with Russia.
  • @JTMaster
    He literally is even asking Ukraine to give up areas Russia doesn't even occupy as well. He's smoking the good stuff.
  • @zykel621
    If he truly wants peace, why doesn't he send his troops back to Russia? No need to negotiate, no need to wait for Ukrainian response. He could just do it.
  • @krumba100
    No matter on how many fronts the war is fought, the winning of narrative war does not ensure the winning of the war on the ground. As an European Union citizen, I demand that the Union first take care of its own citizens and then (if something is left) send it to another country, which is not part of the Union. We have countries in the Union that need money, regardless of the fact the story of Ukraine is sad.
  • @kayrams1792
    People forget that modern Ukraine was created using Russian land. Russian empire and USSR created Ukraina.