Who is the Gman

Published 2009-03-19
My Gman Theory

All Comments (21)
  • @sumofluffy
    i don't think the gman is gordon in the future because the nialathn says " you are man, he is not man"
  • @jariroth
    @bananhosdig Whoah, your theory is PRETTY far fetched. Your theory sounds basically as convincing as: Batman is actually Superman, because Superman is carrying Louis like a baby, and there is a picture of a baby in the Batcave.
  • @Liam9787
    THIS IS SO OBVIOUS: I have played Half-Life since i was 9 years old. and i have figured out in Half-Life: Decay Dr. Rosenburg says "The dampening field locks should not fail unless someone turned them off!" or something. BUT, i have gathered this: G-Man is an alien agent that works for Dr. Breen and turned off the dampening fields and brought the crystal to the Anti-Mass Spectrometer and caused the resonance cascade so the combine could come so Breen Could be the king of Earth. THAT is my theory
  • @27POP27
    nonono, they call him g-man as "goverment man" (briefcase and suit)
  • @PinataFreaks
    @Liam9787 that would make sense if it wasnt for the fact that Gman sends Gordon to City 17 to stop Breen in HL2
  • @Liam9787
    @Liam9787 The reason that i say G-Man is an alien is the ninilanth says: "You are man. He is not man."
  • @jariroth
    Okay if Gman was Gman from the future, would it go like this: Yeah, i got time-traveling powers! Oh, the things i could do now...Hmmm... I KNOW, ill shave my beard and use contact lenses to freak myself out in the past! Seriously not possible...
  • @PinataFreaks
    @jariroth to be honest, thats what i would do if i had time-traveling powers...
  • @bananhosdig
    Well actually we have many theories. But i guess, that -Freeman is actually Gman. Not because of the name. Because that gman is actually carrying Alyx much like hes own daughter. i think he killed Eli, and therefore want hes daughter back, or just revenge. Although in Half-Life, there is your closet where you open and there is Alyx as ina picture, i thnk there is some connection between Eli, Alyx and Gman And end of halfe life 1 he wants someone to work for him, that have contact to alyx! ^^
  • @Liam9787
    @PinataFreaks heyheyhey maybe, just maybe, gman turned on breen because they had a deal or something? or maybe he worked for no-one and i was fully wrong?
  • @PinataFreaks
    @bananhosdig Alyx is Elis daughter, not Gmans, and deffinetly not Gordons... Youre theory makes no sense at all... It doesnt have to be Alyx on the picture, it could be any baby
  • @PinataFreaks
    @pwnguy123 that still doesnt make sense.... ofc you play gordon freeman, you do the same thing in hl1, and the main thing about the gman-beeíng-gordon freeman-theory is that gman went back in time...
  • @bananhosdig
    @jariroth lololo xD I were pretty drunk at the moment =3
  • @shamone456
    To be honest i don't want to know who gman really is because i think that it would kill most of the games fun. I mean, when ever you see gman your like wtf but if u knew who he was then you'd be like oh it's him again -__-
  • @PinataFreaks
    @Liam9787 hmmm... im sure he works for someone, since he keeps talking about his "employers". It could be possible like you said that he and Breen had a deal, but i dont think Gman is Working for him. He maybe broke the deal or something which made gman send gordon in...
  • @sumofluffy
    @WoWDanceW barney is not man? and valve said he was talking about the g-man