How to Avoid Cracking the Spine of a Book.

Published 2015-02-12
If you hate cracked book spines as much as I do, HELP IS HERE!
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► About Me
Hoi! I'm Sanne. Nine years ago I moved from the Netherlands to London, where I'm currently working as a freelance social media producer in the publishing industry, event host and content creator. I've been making videos for 12 years and on my channel I talk about books, translation, the publishing industry, London, travel, plus career and creativity advice. If you're looking for your next book to read, need a confidence boost before starting your internship/new job or want to follow my journey trying to reach new creative and freelance goals, you're in the right place!

► Frequently asked questions
◦ Where is your accent from?
I was born and raised in the Netherlands, studied English Lit at Leiden University (also in the Netherlands), studied in the US for 3 months and have lots of American friends. Now that I live in London, I still mostly have my American accent, but with lots of British vocab mixed in.
◦ Where do you live?
I currently live in North London.
◦ Where do you work?
I’m a Freelance Social Media Producer, public speaker and YouTuber/blogger. Before that I was an Audience Manager at Penguin Random House UK.
◦ How did you get your job in the publishing industry?
I did publishing work experience on 3 different occasions, did a lot of networking and learned everything I know about social media from creating and running my YouTube channel for 8 years. P.s. you don't necessarily have to study Publishing or English to get a job in publishing.
◦ What kind of brands are you interested in collaborating with?
I’m especially keen to work with brands that focus on books, films, travel (mainly Europe and UK), London, museums and the arts, education and sustainable lifestyle.

All Comments (21)
  • @okayokayval
    I couldn't help but cringe with each bending of the spine! Gosh, you're brave. 
  • @krisxcross
    I hate cracking book spines, which is why I usually buy hardback instead of paperback even though they cost more. I'm one of those people where all my books have to be in like perfect condition, even the slightest bend drives me nuts! xD But after watching this video, I think I'm definitely gonna buy more paperbacks! :D
  • @bocaruidosa
    Thanks for this! My grandma worked in a library and trained me to do this when I was a kid. I remember one time at school the teacher was passing out brand new copies of a book and I just instinctively did this. She got really mad at me at first but then when I explained and she saw that it worked she made the whole class do it with the next books we read.
  • @eevans545
    Cracking the spine of a book is part of the intimacy for me. Like you're slowly killing a loved one as they confide in you all of their greatest secrets and life experiences.
  • @BostonBookBitty
    This is so great to know! I always just hold the book open a TINY bit, just so I can avoid cracked spines. Thank you!
  • @procrastinathi
    Rereading Order of the Phoenix in paperback was a struggle, I wish I'd known about this then...
  • @Summer06x
    I personally love cracked spines, it gives this book a sense of history and idk.. it has been read before, maybe even several times. I like that. I prefer buying used books for that very reason - am I the only one? Cool technique non the less :)
  • @akaalihasan
    I love reading books, over 80% off my entire book collection looks 100% new and untouched I know it's crazy or whatever but I feel very protective of my books and lend them to no one and try to keep them as clean and neat as humanly possible.
  • Ahh you cracked-spine phobics are crazy! I study English lit at uni and there's nothing that I love more than a book that looks well-read. Whether that's due to reading a book from our library that was published forty + years ago or a book I've bought myself - annotated and underlined, little coloured tabs poking out of pages everywhere to mark a significant passage that I wish to discuss or write about later; I can't cope with a book that doesn't look like it's been well-read and well-loved. 😭
  • Finally someone who doesn't crack spines. I hate it I can't stand it. No cracked spines on my bookshelf!
  • @CaatsGoMoooo
    Reading these comments are so amusing since I'm a person who actually likes cracked spines, dog earing, yellowed pages, etc. I feel like it gives the book a human touch. But I still think this is a super useful tip for people who like keeping all of their books pristine!
  • @imogenna_
    I'm split when it comes to cracked spines, I think for me it comes down to each individual book. If it's one I have read over and over or a book I love and will never part with, a cracked spine is absolutely fine. With a newer book, one I may only read once or twice, I may be more cautious. But yes it depends for me, and thank you so much for this :)
  • @xXzombchickXx
    I used to hate cracked spines but now I like them, it shows the book was loved and gives it a nice rucked look. Also not worrying about the spine cracking makes reading more enjoyable for me. However I will definitely do what you showed in the video if I am reading a book I borrowed from somebody!
  • @wordienerd
    Love this.  Cracked spines are a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. And bent pages. And dog ears.  New and shiney even when finished reading! :)
  • @CanadianLynxx
    A broken spine on a book, literally hurts my heart! Awesome video, thank you!! :)
  • Oh I loooveee a cracked spine! I love how worn my books look after I've read and re-read them. Though to be fair I don't own any fancy editions of books that I'd want to keep relatively new-looking either. But I won't ever write in my books--not even the poetry books I own where there's plenty of room. So to each their own with book wear, I guess.
  • @katchya8
    Yessss! So trying this for my next read! My book collection is something I'm very proud of, so I hate having it ruined by cracked spines!
  • Really loving the fact that you're putting out such great content so often ! Your videos make my day !!
  • Sanne. Where have this piece advice been al my life. This is magic.