Doors Hard mode Concepts (flash warning)

Published 2022-10-02
These are not real and won’t be coming to the game

All Comments (21)
  • @crafter2393
    Planning to do a Part 2 but Guiding Light Generator has been shut down😢 (ok so um, deadmania replied to this comment and stated that the reason this game got shutdown was because of premium payout, and there’s probably no way to turn it off)
  • As a weird paranoid person, thank you for adding warnings before the jumpscares. +1 respect
  • @godofnpcs1416
    I have a concept. The monster is called lonely. Lonely's arrival can be heard if you hear a distant crying. If you hear it, you need to go in the previous room and there you will find a monster similar to seek, walking along the corridor and sobbing. The way to cheer it up is by holding it's hand until you get to the next door. If you fail to do so. It will begin running around and will check every closet, vent, corner, space or bed. If you succeed, you won't be harmed. Edit: Holy sheet that's a lot of likes I give ya'll a new entity It's name is traffic light. It has similar movement to ambush (so it moves back and forth). It has three phases, amber, green, and red. It's arrival is informed by the light's flickering but then turning either green, red, or amber. To survive, the phases all mean that you have to go in different positions to survive. Green light: Green light is simple, hide in a closet or bed (going in a corner, space, or vent will not work). Red light: The opposite of green light. Do not hide in a closet and stand out in the open. Amber light: This one is a bit more complicated. You must either hide in a safe space, a vent, or a safe corner. In this phase, traffic light will act like a rush that can kill people in closets (So if you are in a vent, safe space, or safe corner, then you are safe.) Also note that the entity will come back multiple times has a 75% chance for the lights to change colour when it comes back. It will come back around 4-9 times. There is also a 1 in 3000 chance that the light's will turn blue. This means in order to hide from it, look down. Doing ANYTHING else will result in death. Feel free to make a guiding light message in the replies. Also here's a picture of Traffic light. 👇 file:///C:/Users/drawi/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20(96).png
  • @Juicebelike107
    I really want to use these ideas for a game I’m working on. It’s super well made and the ideas are top notch. Love it.
  • "Watch Yo Jet" genuinely sounds like an achievement for a monster survival.
  • @swiftieAF
    I think for hard mode they should add something called lurker, he will choose a person sorta behind the group and follow them until they notice, if they don’t, lurker would do 30% damage, and warning sounds would be breathing, footsteps, and soft male crying (Edit) TYSM FOR THE LIKES!
  • i have a concept. The monster's name is FORGOTTEN. He moves through dark rooms but makes a sound similar to Hult. His movements cannot be heard when he is far away, he can only be heard when he is already approaching the player. He doesn't act like Screech and Silence. When the player begins to hear the FORGOTTEN, he must immediately find a closet in the dark and crawl into it. The speed of the FORGOTTEN is slow, so the player will have time to hide.
  • @speakmore.13
    I think a good entity would be called “Safe.” During the doors, you have a 1% chance of getting Safe, which is just a force field allowing you to not die for a period of time, maybe two minutes, and you won’t take any damage. During door 50, you have a 00.1% chance of Safe coming and saying “sh, sh, sh, sh,” and so on, which protects your from Figure and you can WALK around freely and Figure won’t notice. Do you think this is a good idea?
  • 0:20 quick (hard mode of rush) 1:50 tackle (hard mode of ambush) 3:00 zack ( hard mode of Jack I think) 3:11 stare (hard mode of eyes) 3:56 silhouette (hard mode of shadow) 4:17 trail (hard mode of ambush again prob) 5:21 noise (hard mode of halt?) 6:16 hole (hard mode of seek) 7:02 width (hard mode of hide) 7:50 block (hard mode of basically eyes and a blocked door with wood combined) Badges 8:12 not welcome. description:seems weird and odd play hardcore 8:16 watch yo jet. description: WATCH YO JET avoid quick 8:21 charging atfront description: look out successfully survive from tackle 8:26 meet zack description: Boo encounter zack 8:31 staring at your soul description:am I really that ugly survive stare 8:36 notified description: prey notification survive trail 8:42 Two loud steps description and stand still survive noise 8:46 don’t fall guys description: how deep are those survive hole 8:51 not a coward description: stop hidin’ will ya survive a width attack 8:57 end of video
  • @antpezzjr
    Wow this is incredibly well made. From the entities, to the jumpscares, to even the badges and more. well done
  • I have some ideas for part 3, I can tell these new monsters on part 3. First up is Vent If you stay in the vents for too long vent can get you unless theres a monster (Guiding light message: You died to who you call Vent Do not stay in the vent for too long and Vent can get you unless theres a monster coming) (Death message #2: You died to Vent again You have to not stay in the vent for too long unless theres Quick and other monsters except for Closet Next up, Closet Do not stay in the closet for too long or Closet can get you unless theres another closet besides (Death message: You died to Closet Do not stay in the closet for long and closet can deal about 40 damage and it will appear in about 2 minutes of hiding) (Death message #2: You died to Closet once again If theres another closet beside it wont appear until 1 hour) Next up is Dark If you are in a dark room without lights shattered and its turned off, there is a chance that he can appear in (similar to screech) (Death message: You died to Dark When you are in a dark room, always look around for Dark. When you hear a "hey" you have to look for it if you ignore it, you are at half health. This is because Dark can deal about 50 damage) (Death message #2: You died to Dark again If you hear something like an "hey" you have to look for Dark. There can be fake ones cause the game likes to troll.) Next up Speed (Similar to ambush) If the lights flicker alot, its Speed and unlike Ambush, it is 3 times faster than Ambush and can go around to around 15 times and the minimum is 2 times and has a 5% chance to appear and if you go past a door past door 6, the chances of Speed appearing increase by 5% At door 92 the chances of Speed appearing is pretty high and at door 95, it will finally appear (Death message: You died to Speed When the lights flicker alot, you have to go out of your closet 15 times or 2 times and it is 3 times faster than Ambush.) Next up, Walk (similar to Noise) When you hear footsteps you have to walk and if you hear nothing, wait till its gone by not walking (Death message: You died to who you call Walk When you hear footsteps and lasting longer than Noise, you have to walk and if you hear nothing, stop until it passes through) (Death message #2: You died to Walk yet again When you hear footsteps lasting longer like 5 minutes, walk and if you hear nothing, stop until it passes by) Next up, Spikes When the lights flicker longer than Speed, you have to avoid the spikes on the floor he will teleport you to a wide and long hallway. (Death message: You died to Spikes Avoid the spikes on the floor Spikes can teleport you to a wide, and long hallway) (Death message #2: You died to Spikes again While the light flicker lasts longer than Speed, you will be teleported to a wide, and long hallway, To survive the spikes, you have to jump.) Next up, A-76 This is A-76 This monster is most rare than A-60, and it only appears when the player hears a distorted sound. It will appear once the player reaches 3 rooms. And it can come back 3 times or 1 time. Its face is much scarier than A-60 and for you to experience it, you have to check every corner until you hear a distorted sound.(Death message: You died to A-76 It is impossible to survive due to its incredible high speeds. This monster is much faster than A-60 and it is much rarer than A-60.) (Death message #2: You died to A-76 again If you hear a distorted sound, ignore it until you reach 3 rooms, And hide in a closet, it only appears when you check every corner.) Next up is Tom, similar to Timothy, Appears in drawers and does 20 damage There is only 1 guiding light message for Tom. (Guiding light message: You died to Tom. It jumpscares in drawer and deals 20 damage per jumpscare.) As this is the end, here are some badges for every entity i mentioned for Part 2, Badge for surviving A-76: Two steps forward to closet (Description: Is A-76 really rare?) Survive A-76. Badge for surviving Dark: Look around (Description: Am i really dark?) Dodge/survive Dark. Badge for surviving Spikes: Dodged spikes (Survive Spikes) Badge for surviving Vent: Get out of the vent (Survive in the vents)
  • @ClarkDaShark.
    I respect the work on this video and would love to see some of these come into the game including a hardcore mode. Great job
  • @giorgi.pigeon
    for silhouette i think it would be better if it would be slightly more common and after you meet it once, it haunts you for the remaining of the run, ex: tries to flicker the lights but if you look close enough you can see it's just him passing really fast near the lights in order to make them look like they're flickering, and overall when he's haunting you will appear wayy more often
  • I think it would be neat if instead of always being replaced with quick, it would be cool if rush sometimes was replaced with normal ambush in addition to quick or trail, just to add some variety. That way, when the lights flicker, you don't know what to expect.
  • @enhaxvz
    I would just imagine if these concepts were real in the hardcore mode, these concepts were so cool especially trail.
  • @ogestrom8947
    I have an entity concept, the name is Illusion, Illusion has 500/999% chance of spawning in any type of room, the long hallway has the highest chance of Illusion spawning (800/999% chance), If you happen to find yourself in a long hallway, it will flicker long up to 15 seconds whatsoever and once it’s almost over it will go completely black, then once the lights are back on you will see outside of the long hallway is white. Once you enter the next door you will so happen to fall down into the blank abyss and be concussed for 5-10 seconds, when you get up you see every furniture floating in the gravitational field, that’s where you find Illusion, they will tend to ask a question that includes a picture you have to look at, it will be the same question (it will not be randomized anytime you encounter them) you are required to stare at a black dot for 30 seconds, and once it’s gone you will see the color of what it was, then Illusion will ask you what color you see (1 right, 2 wrong) if you get one right, then they will leave you alone for up to 29-40 doors, but however if you get the question wrong, Illusion will haunt you up 5-10 doors until he will start acting like Quick/Ambush (the hints if you get the questions wrong; White/black spots, intense whispering, the window will still be white, and dark ethereal sounds.) Illusion will check every closet and vent, so you have to be quick in finding a corner because their speed is 2.5x faster (they’re arrival would be a loud clock chime with them coming while it flickers to trick the player as if they were coming after the lights) (death: You have died to Illusion, I know it’s a tricky one but make sure you get the question correctly, they tend to come back like Quick but more often up to 7-11, closets nor vents won’t save you from them, hide in the corner, they don’t check it..) (badge: Arts and Fool - Answer Illusions question correctly) (badge 2: Illusionist - Encounter Illusion) (badge 3 - The other side of Art - Survive Illusion’s rage of terror) thanks for looking. :)
  • Trail is probably one of my favorites here, it can really screw over a player if they aren't paying attention or the ones who just go full speed into rooms without a second thought.
  • I really like tackles, width, and trails concepts! I like how tackle checks vents, forcing a player to wait and hide in a closet or under a bed. Width tricking players into hiding is super cool, fooling noobs to make it seem like quick or tackle is coming, but they aren’t. And trail forcing you to not touch the trail it leaves behind is cool. Honestly I’d keep dying to trail and width cuz I’m dumb lol 😂 Edit: also trail looks like among us
  • @k.w.a.g.
    I got a doors entity idea! Her name is Trap. Her gimmick is to open loose planks, holes in the walls, or leave closets open to give you a feeling of "something's not right". If you step on a loose plank, walk into a hole in the wall, or enter an open closet, she jumpscares you from the proclaimed openings. You lose half your health and deafs you for 1 minute so your now reliant on visual cues. (cause she's all about visual cues) Looks: Just imagine seek but with rush's face, small, and alot more teeth. Death message 1: It seems you've lost your life to the little girl called Trap... "" Avoid any anomalies in the rooms. "" She learned her intense sound from her BFF, Screech. Death Message 2: You had your life taken by Trap once more.. "" She has a particular fondness for holes and gaps. Achievements: Peek-A-Boo "I'm quite loud aren't I?" Fail an encounter with Trap. S-surprise? "I just wanted to play..." Avoid Trap's Traps. ------------ Thanks for reading to the end. I know it's long but I just finally wanted to share my idea for someone to see. Hope you had a good read! :D