The Worst Species In The Galaxy (The Complete Story) | HFY | A short Sci-Fi Story

Published 2023-12-06

All Comments (21)
  • @gomezmario.f
    "we are not trapped here with you, you're trapped here with us." - Humans
  • The funny thing is is that we're not apex predators, or carnivorous - we're pursuit/endurance hunters and omnivorous. It's why I love these 'humans are space orcs' stories. We may not be all that fierce, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be terrifying from an outside perspective. Plus, I'm Australian. Apparently that skews one's perspective about scary creatures.
  • @Thraim.
    First impression: Well, that's just a Xenomorph. After the twist: Well played.
  • @mikkelnpetersen
    "The first rule of space tavle kids, is always check out distress beacons, 9 times out of 10 it's a ship full of dead aliens and a bunch of free sh*t, 1 out of 10 times it's a deadly trap, but i'm willing to roll those dice" - Smartest human in all of existence, Rick Sanchez I live by those words when playing space games
  • @ryabow
    As a navy vet, i love this story. If there is a mariner in trouble, you stop what you are doing, and you go, and help them. end of story. There was this one time we were doing a replenishment at sea with one of our fleet's cruisers and a refueling ship. this involves all three ships moving in very tight formation and exact speeds while transfer thousands of gallons of fuel, along with food and weapon transfers being carried out by ziplines and helicopters. this all leaves the ships incredibly vulnerable; one well placed attack, and we lose three ships and crews. as such, we are nowhere near land masses, fishing areas, or traffic lanes when we do this. so imagine how surprised we were when one of our helicopters reported smoke on the horizon. the snoopy team gets dispatched by helicopter to see what's going on. they found a large disabled trawler, the crew scrambling on deck to flag down the helicopter. three of them jumped in the water. the rescue swimmer went in after them, and brought them into the helicopter. as this was happening, the helicopter was relaying it all back to our ships. we immediately broke formation -- like, took axes to the fuel transfer lines immediately -- and within minutes this trawler had two US navy ships, and one USNS supply ship circling them, with teams in helicopters and RHIBs rendering aid. They had been adrift and disabled for several days following an engine fire that also destroyed their radio. We gave them medical aid, and ferried all but a handful of them to the nearest port, with the rest (their captain included) choosing to stay on the ship and await a tow into port. we provided them with supplies for the next few days (they had run out of fresh water) and communications, as well as having contacted their company to let them know we found their guys, they were safe, and they were waiting for a tug. now, i can no longer find the news story about this, but the one i found about year after it happened didn't even mention my ship. it just said that the cruiser that was with us did everything. so i can only imagine my government didn't want people to know my ship was there for whatever reason (don't ask. i don't know. seriously, they never tell us what the hell we're doing. most of the time it's just "go to this random spot and do circles"). but despite that, and the vulnerable condition of our ships at the time, we still dropped everything to come help our fellow mariners. i would hope that is always the norm with sailors, be they on water or in the oceans of the skies.
  • Men this story is a riot….”unfortunately for them humans don’t need complex mathematics to work out a hunting problem they do that kind of thing instinctively” oh my god I almost died 😂
  • @phofire77
    Having red or listened to a lot of HFY This one is especially good because it takes some weird turns and avoids a lot of the common tropes in the genre. The fact that it isn't human-centric, the fact that another species is worse but it isn't this big bad, It's all just very good and refreshing.
  • @NegaZxyz
    The Statston morality description is the best description for lawful evil in D&D I've ever heard.
  • @BrokenCurtain
    Stat'staan survivor: "In space, no one can hear you scream."
  • @FeedMeSalt
    The second hand power Fantasy feeling I get from this is incredible. To be from a world considered extremely hostile and to be considered incredibly dangerous physically and mentally. And then to be set lose on a weak little villian population. Man that's every teenagers dream in a new coat of paint. We all day dreamed about combat at some point
  • @dantreadwell7421
    Oh man, the sound effects are making me twitch to keep checking my phone. Law of the Sea. You dont leave a sailor stranded, regardless of anything else. The sea is doing everything it can to kill you at a moments notice, you dont need to make it easier to do. Even more true in space.
  • @msharp6887
    I have to admit,I love a universe where humans are the most physically powerful species
  • @richhagenchicago
    The description of Video games had me laughing. Great little story and well narrated however that is done. Makes me want to write a short story.
  • Excellent story and writing. It has the feel of mid -1950s stories from Astounding Stories Science Fiction.
  • @jonjgibbs56
    A real gem of a story, and so worth listening to! Thankyou for this!!
  • @robingile4301
    Let his fruit punch ferment a little too long... That is a great one.
  • It's like their species is trying to be a hive mind despite them not having that kind of capabilities.