Ep. 54 Putting a Brave Face on Parkinson’s Disease

Published 2023-03-11

All Comments (21)
  • @mikefalch8304
    Thanks for vocalizing how many of us feel battling Parkinson’s .
  • @Had2Listen
    My wife has had PD now 10 yrs. We belong to a great support group. Thank you for sharing your journey. I watch your videos and others to gain perspective and learn as much as I can. This was a great video from the heart and impactful. Wish you the best. As I like to tell people no matter what they are going through celebrate what you can do and wake up every day with a goal to enjoy that day. Stay well stay strong !!!
  • Just so you know..😊...you are one of my major supporters! Husband first then my favourite Parky person. I'm always saying. Honey, listen to this. This is exactly what I experience! Thank you, stranger. We could not be more different and yet I connect so much. Wanda
  • Thank you, Jeremy. At a family gathering over the weekend my sister in law asked me how I’m feeling in front of everyone. It’s so hard to answer that question in a group setting. Glad you made the video. I was wondering where you were. 😊
  • @Cabmaker
    Well stated only us people that are living with this disease can really know what it’s like. I know it’s rough on our caregivers also and I want to appreciate them as well.
  • @enidday5396
    Jeremy, thank you so much for this glimpse into your life! I found it very touching. Your videos always make me feel less alone especially this one. Impossible to describe what we go through but you came very close. Thank you so much!
  • Thank you Jeremy for saying on your show the things that I have difficulty saying. People around us need to understand what we're dealing with.
  • @mmhervey3449
    Hi Jeremy, thank you for this video and your honesty. I don’t have Parkinson’s but I have a nephew who is 53 and has it for several years now. This has led me to find out as much as I can about it. Take care of yourself and God bless.
  • @tomrio9914
    @jeremymcdonald just watched this from a year ago. The struggle is real and sometimes it rears its head more than others. Keep strong always.
  • Raw. Honest. Real. Thanks for putting on your brave face and speaking your truth.♥️
  • You are on point. Very difficult disease. I am much like yourself trying to cope. Tremors are relentless. Cannot sleep. Very real nightmares. Restless leg. Cognitive struggles , depression and continues to progress rapidly. L/C less and less effective. Stay strong. On a positive note I am an avid bodybuilder and look amazing, 55 years old. But as you said, people cannot begin to comprehend our struggles.
  • @KirbyCobbinKC
    I'm having that exact type of day right now...oh hell...you're right, it's everyday. Thank you for doing what you do. It has helped tremendously to give me good reference points and hope. --signed: Loyal Listener in Kansas City
  • Hi Jeremy thank you for the heartfelt episode, it really does show the life of someone with Parkinson's in an honest way.
  • I appreciate this video so very much. Like you, I try not to drone on about it to others, so it’s nice to know others feel the same as I do.
  • Hi Jeremy! I've missed you! I'm so glad to know that you're okay and so happy that you were able to get away for a few days with your sweet family. You mentioned what you called a "honeymoon " period-- this is the first I've ever heard of it-and I believe I am experiencing that right now. I finally am under the care of a neurologist/movement disorder specialist and have begun taking Cinemet in small doses. I feel like a million bucks and almost forget that I have Parkinson's! So this is a normal phase of the disease, and one that isn't going to last? Darn it!! I guess that hope springs eternal....Thank you for being honest and sharing your struggles with us. Your videos are usually light hearted and humorous, lifting our spirits and brightening our days. Now I know how to lift you up in prayer, trusting the Lord will lift your spirit and help you in every way!
  • Thank you for your honesty Jeremy. I’m only a few months into this journey and although most of my motor symptoms are still intact. The depression and this dreadful fatigue I’m feeling both mentally and physically consume me most of my day. All I can say is it’s just terrible. However when I see stories of people like yourself going through similar experiences I don’t feel so isolated. Thanks again for posting.
  • @ryo390
    I am listening to what you have to say. Listening to English is difficult, but I understand part of it. This disease is a big monster. I also struggle with anxiety and depression. Far from Japan.
  • Thanks Jeremy for your openness and showing your vulnerable side. I feel I keep a brave face for myself firstly because I'd rather go out laughing than crying. Secondly for my children to teach them how you can choose how to deal with adversity. That's not to say I don't struggle physically and mentally, but like most of us, I tend to struggle alone. But we owe it to the people that love us and care for us to let them see the good and the bad. I try to let my family know about the bad times and why they are bad. This way I can keep them active in my life through the good and bad times I also believe we need to show the world our struggles so that we can stop the stigma and embrasemment ,we didn't ask for this disease. But we can choose how we live with it.
  • I am still beginning this journey, but you and other Parkinson’s veterans are teaching me a bit of what things might be like in the future, and about some of the daily choices and struggles you are sharing. I understand what you are saying about how hard it is to share the harder things. Thank you. Take care.
  • @donindusted
    Thanks Mate, one of the truly hard things to accept, both for myself and those around me about Parkinson's is that you are not going to get better. Changes in medications may mitigate symptoms better but you know it wont last. This is why I put on the brave face so we all can keep going on. Apologies for such a downer of a comment.