Sonic Prime's End Explained By SEGA Has Fans MAD! + Season 3 Review

Published 2024-01-11

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All Comments (21)
  • @SonicHubYT
    Thoughts on Sonic Prime as a whole, and the news about the timeline placement? It was a pleasure to cover all 3 seasons of Sonic Prime for yall! From discussions, to reactions, reviews, and everything in between! Loved Prime, cant wait to see what the future holds for the next Sonic TV show!
  • @AussieDragoon
    I guess the moral of the story is Shadow can only have good characterization if the continuity wipes itself out afterwards.
  • @JumperTV33
    I came here to see Nine’s arc resolved, and I did not leave disappointed. As for this “Canon” talk, it was just a buzz word to drive up conversation and get people to watch the show. And if they enjoyed it, all the merrier. I hope we get to see Nine again in some form. Also the three Amy Sisters was also very touching. We often see “brotherly” love and interactions from the Sonic Franchise. This was the first time I saw sisterly love.
  • @SoranotRoxas
    Let's be honest... this whole show was just about Nine's surprisingly good character development 👏. Seriously, he needs to show up again, just so prime Tails can meet him
  • @its9333
    It makes sense shadow got the emerald. When the worlds reset, everyone went back exactly how they were before the prism split. Including body positioning and what was held in their hands. We saw from the flashback that shadow was there for the original breaking with the emerald in his hand and because he used chaos control, it caused him to stay in the rift
  • @shadic1988
    The canon is it's after Advance 3. But Flynn said the whole the adventure was moot making me wonder what exactly was the point of making it canon? The only positive was the other characters being used more prominently and Shadow was the MVP.
  • @valeriechern8173
    Sad it ended, I'm going to miss the series. I don't even care anymore about this whole "canon" thing. I really enjoyed Sonic Prime as it's own show and I'm happy it happened at all. It gave us Nine, it gave us best portrayal of Shadow since 06 and a wholesome story overall. Hope seeing community's reaction SEGA will do Shadow better justice in their next projects. And I'm kinda glad the Prism arc came to a sorta conclusion, because now I can go and live my life again. These 6 months of waiting were the longest lol
  • @cyberwolf5896
    I really enjoyed season 3 and Prime as a whole however I do think the final fight got a bit tiresome and repetitive at points. Don’t get me wrong I liked most of what happened from the nice character moments, the team ups, and some of the specific fights, it did feel like this was just a lot of back and fourth between Sonic’s team and Nine, with one getting the upper hand, then the other, then the other again, and etc. which made the fight a bit exhausting to watch near the end cause it felt like the same thing kept happening just in different ways. Don’t think they needed 3 whole episodes for it and could’ve cut a bit out. Other than that though still had a lot of fun, beginning was great, ending was good, liked seeing Sonic and Nine make up and hug. Ending was a bit confusing feels like they just pulled another 06 with wiping the slate clean. But still I liked it all. 8/10
  • @agentomecha634
    Gonna be honest, I’m happy with how Sonic Prime ended. Yeah there were a lot of filler episodes and some characters didn’t really feel important until near the end. But the important thing to me is I enjoyed watching it. I had a fun time watching it and I’m glad it was able to run its course and not be put on Netflix’s chopping block. If it gets a physical release, I’ll pick it up. As for the ending and where Sonic Prime takes place in the timeline, I’m not really that concerned about it. It’s an animated TV show. I’ve learned a long time ago not to take this stuff too seriously. While I do appreciate any sort of continuity and I’m glad SEGA is trying to do a better job at handling it; I’m not going to lose sleep over trying to figure out where Prime fits. Although I do feel bad for Ian Flynn having to face the brunt of Twitter’s wrath. Hopefully he comes out unscathed. But overall, I had a fun time watching Sonic Prime and that’s all I care about. It was also nice to see Shadow written good again. If Netflix wants to green-light another season, great. If they don’t, I think Prime ended on a fine note. But this is just my thoughts on the matter.
  • @ShadsTH1
    This is definitely my favorite Sonic show. Honestly, I’m someone who’s more of a fan of kids stuff than mature stuff for older people. That’s part of why I find a franchise like Sonic to be appealing. It’s not too childish, but it’s also not too mature to the point of boredom. I, of course, have my limits just like anyone else, but this show never went past them. I don’t really mind the characterization of Sonic too much, and the ending was… fine enough. I choose to treat this show as its own thing rather than being stuck to whatever the canon demands. This show does have its problems, but I still found it to be enjoyable.
  • @elise8353
    I was really excited for this season and I did like it but I’m a little disappointed too. Like everyone already mentioned, the ending was just…not it. I already thought it was gonna be rushed when I got to episode 7 and there was still so much that had to happen. I was really hoping to see a conversation between Sonic and Shadow in Green Hill at the end. Bc the moment Shadow saves Sonic felt a bit underwhelming to me because it was never mentioned anymore. And yeah, just so many questions. I really wanted to see what happens to Nine bc it looked like The Grim was totally destroyed and how it ended with the Chaos Council and all. And it’s kinda sad that we barely got to see the normal main cast. I was really happy with Shadow’s character bc he has always been my favorite character, but I wish he had more to do. He had some awesome moments but he was often just doing the same as everybody else in the fight. I did like Nine as the villain, but I wish he didn’t just copy the robots all the time. Also it looked really cool when he was hurting himself as well but they didn’t really do anything with that. I loved the 3 Amy’s together and Mangey and Sails. I wish the fight didn’t take like 3 episodes or something. But my favorite moment was Nine hugging Sonic. The fact that scene was still so emotional after all that happened was really well done. I am not really an expressive person and even I screamed at that moment😅 So I did really like it, but I think the 2nd season is my favorite. I hope they are still going to make a better ending tho. Since we only had 7 episodes I’m still hoping we get episode 8 at some point
  • @kariminal2999
    Honestly I agree with you it feels like they either are leaving it open to do one more season or have just decided to say its canon for the sake of it and move on. Also it feels difficult to work out where after advance 3 it might go based on the characterisations of base amy and knuckles. Base amy seems to be closer to the idw one and knucks also is away from his island just chilling. Maybe im looking into it too far but feels like it'd slot in nicely someplace after forces
  • @bornsinner_8092
    Maybe Sonic Prime’s ending is supposed to lead into the upcoming game that’s supposed to feature Sonic & Shadow and will tie up the loose ends of the show’s story.
  • @LJTheHedgehog
    The director of Sonic Prime Duncan Rouleau has said in a recent interview that “they have no current plans of continuing the series at the moment”
  • @JasLamArr91
    Season 3 handled the whole “Forces” thing better than Sonic Forces ever did.
  • @benraven9087
    This season basically confirms my theory that making the show canon was either an afterthought to drum up hype or something they just added because "It wipes itself out anyway. We can do anything we want because in the end, it doesn't even matter." The final battle reminded me a lot of the third Hobbit movie. The action was good but after a while, you're like "Oh my gosh, END ALREADY!!!" There a bunch of issues I have that I don't have time to get into, but I'm not sure if I want Season 4. If they did it, I'd want them to take full advantage of the Sonic universe. No more sidelining the canon versions of the cast.
  • @raptorneon4919
    I genuinely confused on why people don’t understand the ending. I expected it as soon as I saw episode 1 of season 1. It’s pretty basic stuff for when your universe splits into multiplies so I’ll explain. Green hills is the husk of the shatterverse, meaning the other realities didn’t really exist and were just fragments of green hills reality. Once the paradox prism got reformed completely it got sent back to its place of origin (its husk in the green hill husk) however everything didn’t return to normal because it was still missing sonic. That’s why we saw green hill as its own shatter space, it was its own until Sonic returned, in which all shatte rspaces and the void reformed into the original world Sonic is apart of. The characters did exist but were just fractured or different versions of their whole.
  • @irkendragon
    Also yeah, I'm very confused by the ending. I was under the impression one of the biggest points of contention between Sonic's goals and Nine's was that when the Prism was restored, the shatter spaces would cease to exist, along with Nine and all the alt-variations of everyone. And when Sonic and Shadow re-entered the restored Green Hill it did seem like everything resumed where it left off from the point of the prism being shattered. I took that as the explanation for why Shadow had the green emerald again, because he'd had it at that same moment in the past. So none of it ever happened. So Nine is gone, Dread is gone, Rusty Rose, etc, all gone and never existed. Unless the Shatter-spaces were just alt dimensions that had always been there and are only accessible when the Prism breaks? Dunno, they didn't make that clear.
    here r my honest thoughts on sonic prime s3: SPOILER WARNING !! ⚠ firstly, it was pretty awesome, definitely my favourite sonic show. there was lots of action, and jokes that made me crack up. although, i felt like most of the episodes were about the characters fighting nine's robots in the grim. i did like the variants teaming up with the council though, it was an interesting plot twist i would have never expected, but they did betray everyone in the end. nine was pretty annoying in this season, i felt like he should of fought everyone himself instead of sending out robots to do his dirty work. but i'm glad that he came to his senses in the end, my favourite part was when he hugged sonic it was so cute <333. now let's talk about shadow, i feel like he could have been more important, because after all, this is the year of shadow the hedgehog. but, he did save sonic in the end which i knew would happen. he was super badass in this show but he could have had more screentime. i absolutely loved the variants of amy, i feel like they were the best trio in the show, they had major character improvements, black rose became captain of the angel's voyage crew, rusty freed birdy from inside the "hole in the middle of her chest" or whatever it's called, and thorn rose isn't selfish anymore. and i found it so wholesome that they thought of eachother as sisters. sonic was still kinda goofy in this season, but he also had major character improvements . in the first season he was all silly and not serious at all. but then he realised that it's not all fun and games, he shattered his reality. i found the ending quite emotional, i wanted sonic to take all the variants with him to green hills, but sadly he had to leave them all behind. but what i found really strange was the very end of the episode, where a large mysterious shadow appeared and sonic seemed surprised. i think that the large shadow was the chaos council's ship, but idk. what i also don't understand is that there were only 7 episodes, because in 2022 it was announced that there will be 24 episodes in total, (8 episodes each season), which means there should have been eight. maybe their planning on making a sonic prime movie or something, or maybe just a really long episode. fingers crossed for a sonic prime movie!! overall, i'd rate s3 a 9.7/10
  • @ixiahj
    It seemed like Sonic came up with the idea to surrender to Nine at around eps 3 but people kept getting in the way until eps 7. If they just talked it out, Nine could've fixed everything from the start. Funny because it all started with Sonic not listening to his friends but got resolved when other characters started listening to Sonic. Weird.