Major Charles Kawalsky: the tragic case of Stargate: SG1 best character | AvidCat! | Father's Day

The Tragedy Of Major Charles Kawalsky | Stargate: SG1 | AvidCat! (a shorthand transcript)


Major Kawalsky was one of the best characters in Stargate history / of course he's taken out / necessary to drive others / Kate / to tell proper we begin with... /


Stargate (The 1994 Motion Picture):
Dir: Roland Emmerich (Independence Day)

The Stargate and necklace found by Catherine / decoded by Dr Daniel Jackson / spelled Kawalski on first meet? / billed as Lt. Kawalsky US Air Force but wearing Lt. Col rank / very little interaction before first travel / Lt. Col. Jack O'Neil quiet bc the recent death of his son / friends w/ Ferretti / Yells at and shoves Jackson / Ferretti tosses Jackson briefcase / O'Neil hides the Mk.3 nuke from all / remains loyal throughout /

Goes w/ to local village / Ferretti stays behind / it's a theme / travels along w/ locals across desert to City of Ra / isolated by a sandstorm / takes hostages / sees storm / Kawalsky apologizes / feast bc locals think strangers know Ra /

Ferretti and teammates while sheltering are attacked (insert theme) by Ra's men / ship nests on pyramid / Kawalsky and rest don't know / silver lighter / gun slap /
Salutes to O'Neil and Skaara kept doing it to him too / sneezing / chicken man / chasing after llama-camel /

Finding Jackson and backstory (to be overwritten) / Ra was an Asgardian? / Ambushed / No head symbol tattoos / gets put in water pit jail w/ O'Neil / Ra has bomb / different armor heads / child slaves / Jackson resurrection from sarcophagus /

Rescued by Jackson and Skaara / still optimistic about surviving / O'Neil about the bomb / Jackson tells Kawalski about the 7th symbol / revolution / locked out of pyramid / creates barricades /

Sha'uri (Sha're) is shot and Jackson carries her to the sarcophagus / fighting against Death Gliders / shouts to distract bc out of ammo / Jackson evades the mind-electro hand bc O'Neil decapitates a jaffa w/ a ring transporter / swap places /

No off switch / attack on Helm's Deep / up to the escaping warship so it goes boom / alien glows in kid / dope explosion / everyone saluting O'Neil / thanks Daniel /

Eye of Ra necklace given to O'Neil / that terrible movie with a plot that erases itself / End of film with trippy slide back into 'The End' /


Pilot / Cable Movie: Children of the Gods

Shows up after the attack and O'Neill /
Major Charles Kawalsky of US Air Force /
From the planet Earth (the Tau'ri) /
Abydos w/ Ferretti, Jackson, O' Neill / sandstorm prevents travel to Map room /
Skaara / didn't know about O'Neill son /
Usually friendly w/ everyone / sarcastic /
Apophis attacks and abducts Sha're and Skaara / was with SG1 at Hieroglyphs /

Stayed by Ferretti after the attack /
Leader of SG2 / first command (group) / O'Neill and rest are arrested and sentenced to death / GoW changes mind /
Refuses to leave Chulak w/o everyone /
Invaded by immature goa'uld escaping dead jaffa of Apophis / saving Casey /
Headaches begin / ominous music plays as eyes glow / fade out / bf or Sean Bean /


S1 / E1: The Enemy Within

Seems normal / plans for expedition /
Sees it as his first 'real command' (solo) /
Goa'uld takes over in spurts (blackouts) /
Doctor exam shifts parasite in further /
Kills doctor and fellow airmen /
Voice changes deeper with eerie reverb / optional for them to do / dramatic effect /
Enhanced strength and healing / some psychic ability / genetic memory
Attacks Sam Carter in elevator /

Gets strapped to the bed and sedated /
Goa'uld wrapped around spinal cord /
Genuinely confused and scared /
Demands to kill parasite no matter what /
Gets surgery to try to remove it / 10% /
Colonel asks to keep it alive for study /
O'Neill tries not to punch him / M. Gen. Hammond delivers speech / snowball /

O'Neill sits bedside / heavy sedation / asks for stereo in jest / hurts to laugh /
'wake up as me or not at all' / goes too well / Shar'uri hope / full husk removed /
Becomes 'one with the host' / acts normal and asks to Teal'c before he's shipped out for experiments / gloats and chokes out GoW / rematch fight leads to mild decapitation by Stargate to Chulak that he opened to escape / turned off auto-destruct sequence @ 45sc left / head of parasite falls and evaporates /
'My friend died on the table' / something of the host survives / fade out /


Later, Ferretti takes over for SG2 briefly / barely a character after that (mention) /

Kowalsky reappears in virtual reality, alternate universes, and timelines /
see IMDB or wiki for more info/

'The Gamekeeper' has Kowalski follow O'Neill back on a VR mission that went badly back in 1982 / He's actually a Lieutenant /


Starring: Sir StormChild
Editor: Invisible Carl

Transcript Notes Above ☝️:


Merch Plugs:

Absurd & Dangerous: a novel
JC Wolf

(check bio for more)

コメント (2)
  • My headcannon for ra was he first took the boy from earth and in the years afterwards encountered the asgard and he managed to implant himself in an asgard and used tech to keep the human appearance to keep his new host secret from the other goauld, maybe the asgard knew and they used the knowledge as leverage to implement and enforce the protected planets treaty.
    Love the stargate content, my dad loved this show as well