Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Darth Vader vs Dark Lord Starkiller

Published 2017-03-05

All Comments (21)
  • She did not love you, she loved a dead man.... Damn sounds like Vader talking to a mirror!
  • @gelul12
    the voice acting is amazing
  • @Timebomb_19
    "You are a deadman!" "You lie!" Good comeback Galen.
  • Such a shame they never made a third TFU, the voice acting in this game was spine chillingly good.
  • @juiceex136
    Vader: That woman is meaningless. Me: Says the guy who lost his wife because he chose the dark side.
  • When Darth Vader says she's not worth it Starkiller he should have said was Padme worth it
  • @JohnUrie
    the only person who would tell vader to come out
  • @SnipedGuy
    i love the way he screams after juno gets tossed out
  • @stevie_ily
    When Sam Witwer does his pterodactyl screech, you know he's angry.
  • @semperfi2014mn
    Damn it Vader! you should of stayed at the higher ground!
    Anyone else get the feeling that THIS should have been how Vader fell to the Dark Side? With Palpatine outright threatening to kill Padme if Anakin didn't join him and then ordering him to annihilate the temple? Palpatine then kills Padme with force lightning and blames it on Obi-Wan so Vader stays on in the hopes of one day getting revenge, then in RotJ you tie everything together by overdubbing Padme's screams as an echo while Luke is being electrocuted, and that's what finally causes Vader to go HAM.
  • @riverh6998
    Fun Fact: Sam Witwer, the voice and face of Starkiller, voiced the Son in clone wars, Palpatine in rebels, and Darth Maul in clone wars, rebels, and solo
  • @theseeker2360
    "You're vaders puppet. Just a body filled with the memories of a dead man." I love that line