8 culture shocks after moving from Sweden to the USA

Published 2021-11-11
I miss cheap coffee 🥺

Hellooo! I'm officially back in the USA (for now), since the migrations office kicked me out of Sweden. I explain everything in this video:    • Migrationsverket kicked me out of Sweden  

I've experienced some culture shock since moving back to the States, so today's video talks about 8 things that have stood out to me.

The list:
1. Speaking Swedish in public
2. Driving everywhere
3. Too many choices at the grocery stores
4. Late store hours
5. Small talk with strangers
6. Cash
7. No shoe horns (feat. my 98-year-old grandma!)
8. Prices of things

I also rant about unnecessary umlauts because for some reason the branding team for Gevalia coffee decided to ADD an umlaut to their American packaging. It drives me nuts!

My Instagram: reaganlouis

Thanks for watching!

All Comments (21)
  • @Frozen_Clouds
    Listen shoehorns are a gift to humankind. One day you will realize this and give the shoehorn the respect it deserves.
  • @Mezziah777
    In Sweden we generally don't wear shoes indoors, so we put on /remove our shoes pretty regularly. The shoehorn is a good way to prevent the heel from getting worn out.
  • An overlooked perk of the shoehorn is that it protects the heel of the shoe from damage when you put them on. So you won't step on them or pull them until they're disfigured.
  • @bengtmowitz5012
    The store hours have a price. It costs the business a lot of money which reflects in the poor pay the cashiers etc get.
  • @JanLarssonfred
    Kul och se dig igen! Det kanske skulle va lättare att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige om du säger att du verkligen gillar SKOHORN!! (kanske det var där skon klämde).....;)
  • @Mortac
    Yes... I can see it now. Your future. It's so clear to me. You will open a store in Minnesota. Meagan's Shoehorns. Yes. You will sell them in all kinds of shapes and colors. Black Friday specials, buy 3 and pay for 2. Now your customers can put on both shoes at the same time and still have a spare.
  • @godofllies
    But!! But!! You know how strict weapon laws we have here in Sweden!? To have a long iron shoehorn hanging at the hatthylla is our last defence. ✊
  • @HansenSWE
    There was probably never any misunderstanding with your VISA application. The purpose you were sent back to the States was because Migrationsverket knew about the new Gevalia packaging, and they needed someone Stateside to kick up some dirt and flip some tables.
  • @darkhenk
    Ditt spontana ”förlåt” i början blew me away! Helt perfekt uttal! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • I’m glad you’re back with a new video! Can’t wait to see more comparisons between Sweden and USA. Also can’t wait before you’re back in Sweden ❤️
  • @soulis1000
    We actually have cars with automatic transmissions here in Sweden too ;)
  • @josefine6241
    Haha, jag kollar allt du lägger ut men har aldrig kommenterat innan. Vill bara säga att du är så otroligt ROLIG. Jag sitter alltid med ett leende på läpparna under dina klipp <3
  • Hope you be back to Sweden soon. Greetings from Gävle ! I did grew up 100 meters from Gevalia Coffee roastery ! :)
  • @JL-xz1vw
    I once watched an american youtuber reviewing make up and she all of a sudden picked up a product that had the word Kosås written in massive letters on it. I’m guessing an american brand called Kosas where trying to be fancy but unknowingly ended up literally naming their brand cow sauce in swedish. I think the brand was made aware of it though because the ring over the a is now gone from the name. But it was fun while it lasted
  • @EricReno20
    Ugh, as a German, the umlaut thing bothered me as well when I was in the States. Anytime some German themed brand or store or restaurant wants to come across as "cool", they apparently just add a random umlaut. Like a soup bar would be called "süp" or a smoothie would suddenly be marketed as "smoöthie". It all sounds weird when you pronounce it the German way and it's not at all authentic. By the way greetings from Gävle! I'm here for an exchange semester and I kinda feel happy when the city gets mentioned somewhere :)
  • @BlueEagle3
    As someone who is lazy with shoes, a shoehorn is the best. Cause then I can just tie the shoes once and never tie them again and just use the shoehorn
  • @Edvinator
    Glad to see your making another video, hope to see you back in Sweden again!
  • @Tycho156
    Meagan: Rants about shoe horns Migrationsverket: Migrationsverket will remember this So nice to see you doing videos again though, I always enjoy them!
  • @Sara-mr1hs
    Totally recognize the stress when meeting someone in the street..! And would be just as upset about the new Geavalia design!
  • @DanielSwede
    Så kul och se dig igen! Har klurat på hur det gick för dig. 💕