Explaining my beef with @jhspedals

Published 2024-06-29
In this video, I discuss my personal experience with JHS Pedals and why I no longer support them. Over the past few months, I've made several posts about my issues with JHS, and many of you have asked for more details. Here it is: the full story.

It all started when JHS featured one of my pedals in a video. As someone who was inspired by Josh Scott to start building pedals, this was incredibly exciting. However, after the video was posted, JHS misgendered me, using "he" instead of my correct pronouns, they/them. They quickly took the video down, promising to reshoot it, but months went by with no follow-up. Despite my attempts to get them to correct their mistake, it became clear they had no intention of doing so.

Their response felt cowardly, and I believe it was influenced by their fear of alienating their conservative fanbase. This situation was especially difficult given my financial struggles at the time. Demonic Machines had recently gone under, my workshop had flooded, and I was dealing with significant losses. The exposure from JHS could have helped me immensely, but their decision to avoid controversy left me feeling punished for their mistake.

This isn't just about a personal slight. It's about calling out disingenuous behavior and advocating for genuine support and inclusion in the music gear community. I also discuss the broader implications of JHS's actions, including their ties to the International House of Prayer, which has a history of anti-LGBTQ stances.

If you share progressive values and want to support inclusive businesses, consider checking out Audio! Audio! We've got pedals, mods, and more. Follow us on Instagram @audioaudiomn and visit our website at audioaudiomn.com/ . Let's make noise and start a revolution together.

#JHSPedals #AudioAudio #PedalCommunity #GuitarPedals #LGBTQRepresentation #ProgressiveValues #BoutiquePedals #Misgendering #QueerCommunity #PedalMods #InclusiveMusicGear #PunkEthos #PedalCritique #AudioAudioMN

Do you also not want to support JHS? Check out this list of alternatives to JHS pedals: audioaudiomn.com/2024/06/23/top-jhs-alternative-pe…

All Comments (3)
  • @ErbieGerbies
    "I know who I am" is the thing I too always tell people. I really hope Josh and JHS make this right. I have an Alleborith and it is the exact distortion I've been looking for for a long time, and it excites me for what's in store with Audio! Audio! I dig what JHS does, but like... c'mon. It's friggin 2024, queer people exist and there's no amount of misgendering or sweeping under the rug that's going to make us disappear. I don't care if someone doesn't use my pronouns, it says a lot more about that person than it does about me.
  • @Papapasta
    Excellent explanation of the situation, wondering if Josh would address it and own up to his mistake