The time I saw the Chili Peppers completely sober while I was 4 months preggo 🙃😂 August 10, 2022

Published 2024-06-17
Me fulfilling a lifelong dream of seeing the best lineup of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. August 10, 2022 in Atlanta at Braves Stadium.

Thundercat opened and some other band I do not listen to 🤣. You could see Flea off to the side watching Thundercat’s set. He’s a true fan. The day was perfect. The weather was nice. It was amazing seeing John Frusciante and Flea up close and personal. They encored with “Sir Psycho Sexy” and I had never felt that amount of exhilaration in my life before. Only thing that sucked was the fact that I was pregnant and standing up the entire evening (no seats in the pit) 😂 but I bought the tickets and entire year in advance so who knew i’d be tied down 🙃😂

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