Truth about Korea exposed | Koreans HATE Indians controversy | Abhi and Niyu

Published 2024-01-05
Some days back, a video went viral about Koreans BANNING Indians by ‪@nikitaksthakur‬ where she exposed a very important point about microaggression against Indians & Pakistanis in Korea. We reached out to ‪@SubtleCrazykorea‬ and asked him about the whole story. About situation of Indians in Korea and how we are treated.

Checkout SubtleCrazyKorea on YouTube:    / @subtlecrazykorea  
Checkout Nikita Thakur on YouTube:    / @nikitaksthakur  

This video is not to incite you against Koreans or to portray Koreans in a bad light. In every society there are good apples and bad ones too. We must strive to improve the society we live in. And take corrective measures accordingly. That's why we have given the example of Dr Ambedkar who inspired us to use education, knowledge, and power to change the world.

#korea #india #abhiandniyu

A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve

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Abhi and Niyu is the fastest growing Indian educational YouTube channel. Abhi and Niyu are a husband-wife couple who believe in the power of our youth.

Abhi and Niyu started their page to talk about positive, impactful ideas and to inspire offline action from online content. It was a way to change the way our negative feeds operated and replace negative news with positive, action-oriented news that made some change. They decode and simplify issues for Millenials and believe small steps lead to big outcomes in the future. Their videos span different genres like history, environment, and sustainability, policy discussions, social commentary, economics, personal finance, among others.

All Comments (21)
  • @AbhiandNiyu
    What should Indians do to get the respect we deserve in the world? Comment below 👇🏽
  • @shikoo7907
    Problem is not that we are liking korean culture, it's that we aren't promoting OUR CULTURE 🇮🇳🇮🇳
  • @chhawipanwar
    please my request to all the Indians, always and always keep your country at first don't get influenced by any country and don't need to get validation that we are the nice cause we are the best focus on your family, work/study , country and bhakti 🙏🙏
  • You forgot most important point here. We as indian follow the law of land where we go but i see many indians don't follow basic manners. I blame indian movies be it south north or Bollywood for such typical behaviour. We don't follow lines we try to break out and get ahead, we dont follow basic hygiene rules, we don't dress appropriately i have seen guys wearing sandals open shirt messy hair in gulf like they are coming out of pushpa gang. We talk loud, we try to cut the lane, we don't greet people with manner we are wo direct in our conversation, we don't know how to receive call on phone n cut the phone without even ending the convo. Eveyone is runnin pusphpa bahubali kgf image of themselves in their own mind. We need to change and we will change. We used to be taunt by Pakistanis for lack of toilet n we won that battle. I m happy this issue are coming out we will win this battle as well.
  • @tomriddle1195
    I am flattered when mainland Indians lecture about racism, as a Northeast boy which have been living in Delhi and Haryana for the past10 years we have experience all that kinds of toxicity. Please first learn to respect others. Now you know how does does it feel when others treat you like that, yes our heart' breaks too when we face racism in our own country. Jai Hind 🙏
  • @themusicguy616
  • @meenakshi2599
    As an Indian student in South Korea I totally agree with the everything said in this video. Thank you so much for making people aware about the situation. I really like the way you represent the content and talk about the solutions when others are just exaggerating the problems. Just because of some people whole country can't be blamed. It's been 4 months since I have come to the korea and what I have noticed here is even our Indian people are discriminating each other on the basis of the place they have come from. They don't call themselves Indian instead they divide india on the basis of North India and South India. Telling about your state is not wrong but be proud of just your state and looking low at your own Indian people is morally wrong. Being a student in a different country I believe that it's our responsibility to take care of our behaviour because whatever we do is directly linked to our own country's image. And I agree discrimination exists in korea. But they are also trying best from their side to welcome foreigners in their country and their hearts. So before blaming others we should first improve ourselves.
  • @Chandankumar0591
    We as Indians should stop being racist towards fellow Indians. We all know what we have been doing with our fellow North-east Indians in metro cities likes Delhi and Bangalore. This is what we call as tit for tat..or what we sow is what we reap. As Indians we should fight the internal racism first. Jai Hind!
  • @gamingarghya7436
    We should promote and be proud of our culture, but not adapting foreign culture. We Indians have enough things to be proud of, so love India and be proud to be an Indian ❤🇮🇳
  • @chhawipanwar
    you said everything correct .......we should develop our own country and make it like that we don't need to leave our country
  • @parthshahh95
    People who are outside India, remember you are representing a country and millions of people. Be proud of your country and make your country proud of you by doing the right things
  • @chwlabwsa7141
    Now Indian people's they feel they are ignored by Korean 😂 we as as a Northeast people's ignored by our own counrty everyday the Whole Mainland people's ignored if u don't get me read again this coment🙏
  • As an Indian we really have to work on our social habits. . It's our nature to take things for granted... We must work on our manners to overcome such kind of things.
  • @swathi6728
    This is what happens if we are obsessed with other culture and completely ignore our own. Be it cousine, costumes, morals or entertainment.
  • @rishabhgampa3832
    What a great video thank you for the correct path to tackle this kind of things
  • I lived in South Korea from 2002 to 2007, my husband worked in Samsung and I lived in 3 cities of Korea,  Daejeon, Busan and Seoul.....And at that time very few Indians lived there but in those years I never faced racism, in fact when I would go to buy groceries, the ajuma who worked there would start giving me extra fruits and vegetables And when I said no, she said, "I'm giving it to you because you come from the country where Buddha was born." Then all I can say is...there are good and bad people everywhere, try to be nice to everyone wherever you are, impress people with your values and culture.
  • @vrithikareddy132
    Let us treat out northeast sisters and brothers well first then pick on others
  • @sansxverse
    Thank you bhai for making a video on this topic with valid solutions too I'm one of the people who has lived in S.Korea for the last 6+ years and created a video sharing my experience of racism/discrimination/pretty privilege in Korea sharing my experiences honestly (as real as I could be while still trying to keep it light despite it being a heavy topic) Took some notes on the solutions you offered: 1. on a governmental level: creating international pressure (example of apartheid in S.Africa) - involving government officials - raising awareness through social media - non-violent approach, no hate, facts + implementation of vision of an ideal future 2. for indian businesses take inspiration from the situation (example of Jamsethji Tata) - create indian international companies or brands providing value to millions globally 3. for individuals - spreading awareness in Korea about India (for this purpose, I'm a part of the unesco cross cultural awareness program (CCAP) in Korea) - show the great parts of India to other countries, amazing parts of india: festivals, music, dance, diversity - as an indian, don't be prejudiced against other indians who are probably less educated, from different villages, different religions, etc (on a spiritual level) - find the part of you that discriminates against others and integrate it Take inspiration from the greats in India: Babasaheb Ambedkar, Gandhi (and omg thank you for saying my favorite quote ever) BE THE CHANGE YOU WANNA SEE IN THE WORLD