Twilight Princess - Song Of healing

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Developer(s) Nintendo EAD Group No. 3
Publisher(s) Nintendo

コメント (21)
  • I don't see many people talk about how when you first turn into the wolf this is the first song the hero of time teaches you. He's trying to heal the twilight curse. Through that lens, the fact that it doesn't work just feels tragic.
  • I saw the comment regauridng how the Song of Healing being used first may have meaning with how Link is currently cursed, but I think theres a neat little extra layer to it if you look into how the song of healing is used in Majora's Mask. In Majora's Mask the song doesn't remove curses, nor does it heal in traditional sense. What it does is it helps spirits accept their death and move on. It's a harsher form of healing, as it doesn't heal the body but rather the soul so spirits can rest in peace. This is how it "heals" link of the deku curse, by allowing the spirit possessing his form to pass on. It's also how the other transformation masks are acquired, by helping the dead accept their deaths and pass on their unresolved burdens to Link to solve them in their stead. This song might not be playing for TP link, but rather for the Hero of Time, a soul still tied to the earth due to regrets. Regrets that you help satisfy and ultimately help the spirit move on by convincing him that you are now strong enough to take over the burden of the hero.
  • in memory of The hero of time, the ancestor of the hero of twilight.
  • @WGY_Games
    This further proves that Majora's Mask is not a symbolic telling of either Link's depression or death. It did happen, and the scars remain. But they can indeed be healed.
  • @wockio205
    Found one without the wolf howling. Finally!
  • For a second I forgot this was in the game and thought it was fan made and thought to myself "Goddamn this sounds just like it was in Twilight Princess" and then remembered the howling stone and felt stupid.
  • I still get shivers from this song... When I first played Twilight Princess, I didn't have Majora's Mask or Ocarina of time. So initially, the significance of this song being there was lost on me. Eventually, I got Majora's Mask, and then Ocarina of Time. I don't really get the theories of Majora's Mask and the Ben Drowned stuff just seems weird, but I still genuinely love this song and game. On top of that, realising Queen Ruto's theme was the Serenade of Water brought me to tears all over again when I replayed and got to the part where you follow the Queen's ghost. Say what you will about this game or that game and what was better or what was worse.. but all three games have a special place in my heart now.
  • This very song, is enough to prove that the memories of Termina carried through with link, and that it actually happened. Enough to prove it to myself atleast.
  • That fact that Time tried teaching you this one first breaks my heart. Whatever form he takes, he just wants to stop people’s pain and help them heal. The worst part is, he can’t do that for you, not really. You have to do it yourself, but he’s always there for you to help you however he can
  • @peepeerogers
    I once met a homeless man in my town when i was in highschool 12 years ago and he was about the age of 37. He never begged for money or whatsoever, he was the kind of man who would look out for bystanders who get into trouble. ( I live in a dangerous city ) I gave him $20 Everytime I saw him and humbly would accept it tho he's told me money has no value of life. I asked him how do you find kindness to life in this shitty town? He told me that everyday he would have the song of healing in his head to get him through. He passed away around this time 6 years ago. Ironically he did look like Jesus but Everytime I hear this, I think of him and his kindred soul.
  • I just realized the eye on Midna's helmet is the same eye on the Majoras mask
  • This sounds relaxing and sad at the same time. Wow, I miss Twilight Princess. I would do anything to get to play it again...
  • @nickk3077
    I find the Song of Healing, although simple, very powerful and moving and I don’t understand why it’s hardly ever referenced in subsequent Zelda games. I hope that the musical score in Tears of the Kingdom is an improvement from Breath of the Wild and that maybe we can see this theme return in an important way some how considering the darker themes this second game will seemingly have.
  • I like the inclusion of the piano as a nod to how the happy mask salesman taught kid Link the song.
  • Ocarina of Time and the Twilight Princess hold a very special place in my heart
  • Seeing the Majora’s Mask wear a piece of Midna’s helmet is both awesome and ominous. Also, sick track.
  • The Hero of Time's life is a tragic tale. But by passing on his combat knowledge to his descendant that also defeats Ganondorf, The Hero of Time is redeemed and can finally lay in peace.