Retreat from Deneb Cinematic Complete [Freespace 2] [4K]

Published 2021-12-31
Plot for context (fanfic):
The Battle of Deneb takes place in 2/28/2335. The objetive was to attack the SD Lucifer in full force while it was bombarding Deneb 3 from orbit, the GTI believed an attack of sufficient force using the new Harbinger bombs could overwhelm the Lucifer shield system.
For this effort the GTI deployed the GTD Legion, carrying Ursa bombers and the Harbingers bombs needed for the attack, while the GTA deployed the GTD Bastion and GTD Galatea battlegroups, along with 20 cruisers, the PVN deployed the PVD Guardian and 10 more cruisers.

The Legion and the Guardian along with the cruisers were to attack the Lucifer directly in full force.

The GTD Galatea mission was to seek and destroy the SD Eva, a Demon-Class destroyer, that was somewhere in the system. The GTD Bastion battlegroup mission was to provide fighter support for the GTD Legion and the PVD Guardian, while staying in a hidden location in case that the Legion or the Galatea needed assistance. Should problems arise during the battle, the Bastion and the Galatea were to secure the Sirius jump node to cover the retreat.

During the battle, the GTD Krios was in Vega, unable to breach through the Shivan positions at the Deneb node, the Krios conducted attacks of opportunity against Shivan transports and cruisers in on the way to Deneb. It was during one of these attacks that the Krios fighters sighted a 2nd Demon-Class destroyer jumping to Deneb and designated it as the SD Tantalus. With the comm buoys in Vega destroyed and lacking fighters intersystem jump drives the Krios was unable to warn the GTA forces in Deneb in time.

The day started badly with the Galatea being unable to find the Eva, as result the Eva fighters and bombers were providing assistance to the Lucifer. Worse, the Shivans were showing up at the Sirius jump node, attacking at any ship that retreated from the battle and the Galatea had to deploy half of its fighter complement to the Sirius jump node.

The GTA and PVN were suffering significant losses on the battle and the Guardian was disabled by Shivan bombers, but they were making progress, the Harbingers bombs, when used in a large enough quantity, were proven successful in penetrating the Lucifer shields, and they had managed to destroy one of the Lucifer reactors. But it was at this moment that the Lucifer fired its planetary attack canon at the Legion, destroying it. Whiout any way for the Ursa bombers to rearm, the attack was aborted and the GTA started a full retreat to Sirius.
The Bastion recalled its fighter wings and proceeded to the Sirius jump node to cover the retreat, leaving the Vasudans and PVD Guardian to fend for themselves against the Lucifer while waiting for repairs.

It was at this moment that one of the Galatea wings found the Eva, Admiral Wolf decided to stay hidden and deploy the rest of the fighter complement and all of its 3 cruisers (Neptune, Gladiator and Orff) to attack the Eva. But the Shivans found it, some time after launching the attack, the Galatea was sighted by a Shivan scouting wing, an attack quickly followed. Admiral Wolf recalled the wings at the Sirius Jump node to defend the ship. The Bastion also sended two of its three cruisers to help defend the Galatea. But it was too late, by the time they arrived the Galatea was already disabled. The Bastion deployed transports with repair parts and to help in the evacuation of non essential personnel.

The attack on the Eva was a success, destroying it completely along with 4 Shivan cruisers, but the GTC Neptune was lost in the attack. Admiral Wolf recalled all ships to assist in the defense. But they ran out of time, the Lucifer jumped to the Galatea position and destroyed it. Almiral Wolf, beliving that it was all his fault, decided to stay onboard. Little did he knew the wings that found and ambushed the Galatea were coming from a 2nd Demon destroyer, the SD Tantalus.

This cutscene covers the events that happened at the Sirius jump node shortly before the Galatea destruction and after.

-GTD Legion and Deneb 3 planet asset taken from Deneb 3 mod
-Backgrounds taken from FS port deneb missions
-Voices by Azure text-to-speech


All Comments (21)
  • All this madness, and the GTC Orff survives... one might wonder if she will survive the Hades Rebellion's final battle sometime later.
  • @Fusiondax1
    The music is sometimes a bit too loud and we can't quite hear what they say, but overall its very well made. I'm glad to see Freespace 2 content being made in the year 2021/2022
  • @userojwhdbs
    Dialogue: GTD BASTION: Alpha 1-9, thats the last group, only the Galatea and Bastion battlegroups remain in Deneb. ALPHA 1-9: Understood, we have an update on the Galatea status? GTD BASTION: Standby... ALPHA 1-9: Dragon class fighters arriving, Epsilon and Theta engage! We got a Basilisk wing inbound, Gamma wing move to intercept. KAPPA: This is Kappa, we're starting our run! ALPHA 1-9: More Basilisks jumping in, they're targeting the cruisers, Zeta and Iota protect the cruisers! GTD BASTION: We're picking up 4 wings of bombers with fighter escort inbound to our position. ALPHA 1-9 All Valkyries and Ulysses, disengage and return to the Bastion. GTC HAMMER: This is the GTC Hammer, we're under attack. GTD BASTION: Hammer, jump out, there is nothing you could do. GAMMA 1-9: We're too far out, we're not going to make it in time! ALPHA 1-6: This is Alpha 1-6, requesting... All wings engage. Priority taking down bombs and bombers, nothing else matters. I repeat, bombs and bombers, nothing else matters. ALPHA 1-6: Sky, 2 bombers, targeting the Orff, intercept. DELTA 1-6: Got visual, engaging. GTC GLADIATOR: The Shivans are retreating! DELTA 1-6: Damn, that was close. Good call, Alpha 1-6... Alpha 1-6, commander Handerson, you copy? (some time later) Ancient: And we retreated to our home system. Abandoned our empire. We believed at home we will be safe, for they are not a terrestrial species. We know when we entered subspace we were trespassers. For our planet is our home... Yet still they came.... And our world is gone.
  • @captainandros
    This is extremely well made just seeing how they struggled in the beginning against the Shivans and doing their best to survive really goes to show how we never give up even when faced with unwinable odds. I really wouldnt mind being in the thick of that fight flying an Athena with quad avengers and tonnes of fury missiles. Keep up with the great vids
  • @RuneNorse
    Fantastic work! ❤ If you ever need some Voice Acting on the cinematics, let me know. Would love to assist 😁
  • @111muz111
    If a studio picked up freespace 3 it would kill it I today's market
  • Yeah this is awesome, as a longtime fan of the series since the first game, I commend this! I ran a demo at a movie theater for a computer store I worked at back in the 90s when this came out, we had a crowd of ppl wowed at the graphics of this game running on a high end PC. Unfortunately will never see another game in the franchise.
  • @AstraphUriel
    This is absolutely stunning and fantastic... If only we could get some proper voiceover... XD
  • Theoretical personal Thoughts of Admiral Schima, GTD Bastion, after these Events: "Wolff, my old Friend. You've always been a good Admiral and Commander. I don't remember how often you saved my Butt from Trouble. But now...i'm ashamed to not repay you saving you this Time. The only Thing i can do now is to destroy that damned Lucifer before it reaches our Home. Just like it destroys Vasuda Prime. No, i will not let that happen. With your surviving Pilots, a lot of Harbingers, Ursas and an Iron Will we might be able to overcome the Lucifer. Or a Miracle maybe happen. Not that i believe in that. But i trust my Pilots. And i trust in Command. They may have a Plan. I hope they have. And the GTI may also come up with something. They always did. Despite they lost the Legion at Deneb. Although i not always approve of their Methods. So many Dead. The Shivans WILL pay for that. I swear it on all those Souls lost to them. For the GTA, for Vasuda and for Humanity" A great Effort you've put into this "cinematic" and it captured nearly exactly the Situation the GTA and the PVN were in at this time. Well done 🙂
  • @Riondrial
    My heart is happy like the little child i was back then
  • @fedeac31
    Damn! The Lucifer is such an ominous presence. You can feel the desperation in that Aten-class cruiser's crew. Running towards the node, praying that the Lucifer somehow doesn't fire on them. Perhaps she's still recharging from her last shot. Perhaps she won't regard a lowly cruiser as worthy of her attention. And then... Bam! 😬 Yikes.
  • @Nergalsama01
    Aw man, Harbison survived the destruction of the Galatea by, what, minutes? ;_;