[Introductory] Solving the "hard problem": Part 4: Multiple strata of cognitive-perceptual syntax

Published 2023-10-28

All Comments (7)
  • @mehmetasma8719
    Wish I had a teacher like you when I was in my most formative years (high-school or 7th, 8th grade). Can't imagine the conversations we would've had and the light you would've brought upon the initiatory explorations I was having! I am very happy for the philosopher-spirited kid(s) that has/have you as a mentor/teacher in real life, if there's any.
  • @michaelmack9168
    exploratory, intuition, emotion; sorrow, anguish, torment, invitational for unity language dualism L = (Σ, Γ, SΣ) separtion from the universe of the meta formal context of 'higher order language comprehension' topic what can be pardigm called 'lost of humanity vs maximal utility between separation of sentience from U/universe) (re-relivantization) In my life it has come to my attention that I find myself aiming to maximally exert myself for a 'logical self-awareness ontic intelligibility criterion' in terms of the CTMU. Yet at the same, I feel like an automaton in the sense that people around me intentionally ignore my emotional state and just want me to operate like an object and fulfill their demands without getting help back; thinking that they are more wiser and intelligant than I am and know what is best for me because I am too young to know anything.( i dont want to play 'classical paradoxial game theory' but people around me keep on insisting to even though I keep trying to invite* them that we are equals through non-judgement. and no matter how stressed I am other secondary telors whom are double my earthly age, in their pure ignorance, it feels like they just walk all over me. it seems like when a person tries to escape from the 'ego' to attain freedom, instead of 'self-surrendering/free-will choice' to an infocognative monic distribution of their highest level of identity, it is exactly the egotisitcal process that convinces people that freedom is found in psychological insecurity between what sentience is and the logical* existential status of their existence being negated by 'materialism'. (obviously, I am not so-called enlightened*, but that is a tangent) In the end I've failed to self-actualize on the highest level of my identity for more than 5-30 mins(roughly estimated on any given day) and in this i have failed all these people who are deeply hurting inside. It feels like I've failed everyone I have ever known. and even though I have been deeply hurt by all these people I yearn for the day of a global unity of Earth. Although I expect it will not happen in my life time. overall, it feels like I am talking to 'misbehaving children' because I rarely met someone in the cases where intentionality emotion cognition, perception are all integrated in non-deception. It feels like I am being lied to everyday and it is starting to annoy me. in this sense I am not a healer of emotional tramua, because if I were I would find more sucess in help telors. I am sorry my integration of this paragraph is low because I am so emotionally stressed right now it is crazy. plz dont expect overall categoricity of synthesis, i cant do anything intellectual right now. I am 'emtoionally compromised'. I am just really mad and only want real solutions. Love Unity Truth
  • I've observed over the course of time that you read the text almost as if your possessed by the spirit of Chris himself!