Solar flares (CME's): transformational energies during dark times

Published 2024-05-12
All readings are for entertainment and spiritual purposes only. Please note I do a variety of readings on this channel including astrology, mediumship, psychic predictions and political tarot.

I do not do personal readings at this time.

I support the pro democracy movement.

Comments: Suspicious embedded links, self promotion, promotion of social media channels and business promotion will be removed. In general, don’t post URL’s or YouTube channel names as I don’t have time to check where they’re going, nor vouch for accuracy, authenticity and quality.

All readings are intuitive and come through my connection with Spirit…Card interpretations are my own and are based on my clairvoyance and intuition and the totality of the messages I am receiving at the time of the reading, clairvoyance, Clair sentience and Clair audience.

Please check the pinned comments for notes and any corrections on the reading. Rudeness and disrespectful comments towards me or others, and trolling, is not tolerated on my channel and your comments will be removed and, in the case of trolling, you will be blocked.

All Comments (21)
  • Correction…the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st June. I was looking at the ephemeris for June not May. Gemini May and Cancer June…thought, communication and awareness in May and then events which may generate strong emotions in June. I want to also note that yes CMEs occur every 20 years however Friday’s event was one of the strongest in two decades and scientists believe the threat of a super solar storm like the Carrington event is growing. These are not normal times, and the astrology is telling us there are similarities between the astrology at the time of the Carrington event and now.
  • @melinda8700
    I wish everybody would watch Howard Stern's interview with President Biden. It was so good. I learned so much more about him. What a good and decent man. His family is so good too. If Trump supporters watched him and then watched a Howard Stern interview of Trump, I think they would realize what kind of man is needed to be President of the United States.
  • @talonyoung6160
    Today a rather normally bit gruff neighbor walking into elevator with grocery bags said in a cheery way, "for some reason that sun sure feels friendly today, think I'm going to put these away and take a little walk". People at outdoor yoga were saying things like "man, doesnt the sun feel smooth today even though it is really bright." Yes, i noticed a different feeling in the sun today beyond heat on skin. A heartfelt, emotional feeling.😊
  • The middle east hurts my soul. So many people are dying! Beyond sad.
  • @laurame4301
    Sunday night, just when you need her. 🥰 Bless you, dear Maryanne. 🌹
  • @ShirleeKnott
    :rocket-red-countdown-liftoff: Did you know leaving a comment, replies or just clicking the thumbs up on ones left by others really helps feed the algorithm ❓
  • @debbiejeanneh
    I pray that humanity , each of us become peaceful , peace is channeled through each of us and into the world. Peace be with you, in you and around you!
  • @knelson3484
    Happy Mother's Day everyone. 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐 💐
  • The happiest of Mother's Days to you, dear Maryanne. Being 71, I remember so very well the demonstrations against the Vietnam War. The fact that the people are being arrested is inconceivable to me. Yes, I did demonstrate against that horror, and here we are, another absolute horror war, with students getting arrested, expelled etc. Just listen to the song "Ohio" by Crosby, Stills and Nash. The treatment of the Gazans by the Isrealis leaves me speechless. Blessings to all here tonight. And the West has to stop the Russians!!! Be safe and well!!
  • ☮️💙☮️💙☮️💙☮️Americans Vote Blue🍀🍀🍀 praying for mercy for all of our friends in Ukraine and Gaza. from another friend in Maui, Hawai'i.
  • @barbj9785
    Happy Mothers Day dear Maryann and all the mothers on this channel. Its a Sunday night here in NJ and here you are!
  • Extraordinary reading, thank you Maryanne. I came to America from Australia in the late 60's, and immediately felt the renaissance of that time. We came together to change the way we lived, to recycle, to wear used clothing, to care about what we put into the Earth and what we took out of her. We lived communally, we loved each other, we protested a horrific war - and we got it ended. We moved to the country, learned to grow food organically, we celebrated music like never before, and we loved each other. Now we have to do it again. I am ready for change (again), I crave change (again), after the decades of greed and self interest. There is great struggle in change - my generation was vilified, ridiculed for our music, our hair, and used clothing, even our outpouring of love, universal love. But it didn't matter, because what we were doing felt so good, meant so much. Give peace a chance, sang John and Yoko, and imagine us all together, helping each other, not hurting. We really can create miracles.
  • @juanitaross5492
    My mother has dementia and lives in assisted living. I picked her up Sunday morning to go to my sister's home to celebrate mother's day. Mom repeatedly said wow isn't it a beautiful day. I repeatedly said yes, it sure is. I did feel a difference in the atmosphere, but it was for the good. Also Saturday said goodbye to my neighbor and good friend. She passed away in her sleep. Her funeral was absolutely beautiful, and so was she.
  • @LaniAnne402
    The saddest time for us in a very long time. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Peace to all. 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️😊
  • @5DNRG
    I know of no one who is sleeping well this weekend. The solar storm is amazingly powerful.
  • As an oldie...these protests for peace☮️takes me right back to the 60's when we took to the streets over the Vietnam War. Are we stuck in a perpetual repeating loop here on earth?🥺
  • Sending deep peace, love, empowerment, security and fierce resolve to all women in every corner of this beautiful planet we call home. 🌏💞🕊
  • Mary Anne you look radiant and glowing! Yes I myself woke up after the Solar flares and felt lighter, happier and energetic. Previous to that I was waking up not feeling rested. I feel like life has taken a great turn! How wonderful!🥰💫☀️