Thinking outside the box requires a box: Michael Bahr at TEDxSUU

Published 2013-04-18
Michael Bahr, Education Director for the Utah Shakespeare Festival makes the argument that the best teachers inspire creativity by providing parameters to their students and then asking them to transcend the barriers.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Produced by: Steve Swift
Cameras: Steve Swift and Dayne Fay

All Comments (21)
  • According to this man: Rule 1: Know your box Rule 2: Embrace your box Rule 3: Push outside your box Rule 4: Build your own box Rule 5: Repeat
  • @12cottaadr
    It's disappointing that this video doesn't have more productive/inventive comments. Questions like "What motivates us to break out of the box?" and "What are the boxes we deal with in life?" are more what I was expecting people to be talking about. The most brilliant people I know of and look up to were very much about pushing the boundaries, but they weren't pushing the boundaries only to rebel. They had a deeper purpose driving them to be different in the way that they were. Simply "thinking outside the box" isn't what is being discussed, it's how we can use the regulations put on us as a way to create and become something new and progress because of (or despite?) those regulations. If you are content to stay in your box and follow the rules then you aren't thinking about the bigger picture. There is more than the box, and is what is outside of your box that is worth breaking out to get it? What box has society constructed that may not be correct? What are the benefits of breaking out of a specific box? Why are the most of the comments on a video like this making jokes and stating the obvious instead of expanding to explore the bigger picture?
  • @nirajup13
    Constraints are good for creativity. You need a box to be creative. See the solution in the box then throw the box and expand your idea. It is like after crossing the river, you do not carry a boat on your head. It will slow you down. So, you must have to come out of the box, but for that, you first need a box.
  • @rahulnavalkar
    I have seen Ted talks with rubbish content and hundreds of comments, and this brilliant one has only 29 so far. What a shame!
  • @nafeenafa9694
    I am gonna try this. Thank you so much for this talk
  • @21348676jeff
    The box The box is a square, it's got six sides. Each side is a block, a hurdle, an obstacle, a series of preventative measures to keep you inside. The sides are as follows: 1: Your parents. 2: Your 18 years of schooling. 3: Your religion. 4: Your government. 5: The inherently stupid public at large. 6: Your television. All these represent the six sides of the square you're trapped in. That's why some people fuck with your mind when they tell you to 'think outside the box'. Remember, they don't ask you to do it, they tell you to do it, like they're helping you out. Well, I just tell them, 'I'm sorry to have to inform you, but, I'm outside that box to which you refer, and, as a result, it's obvious to me that you will not be able to understand what I may have to say, and I may also have to make copious amounts of analogies to make my meaning clear, and the chances of you getting an idea of what I'm saying to you is probably nil, because you are trapped inside that box. I can't help you, you'll have to do it all by yourself.' Which means, however, that the sides are not completely sealed. There are weak links in the chain, as it were, and once you get a glimpse of the outside, it's up to you to keep that pathway open before it slams shut. Each side has its multitudes of gatekeepers, and they come in all shapes and sizes and denominations, so, be advised, bring something back to use as a thinking tool to keep you vigilant and always ready with a question.
  • @EchoYoutube
    I think of life as two things: 1. How you, yourself in your own perspective, see things. 2. Everything else that's currently unknown to you. You only know what you observe through life. You can only think things from what's inside your brain currently(inside the box), or what you can see and absorb from outside around yourself(outside the box). You either have the knowledge you previously have learned, or the knowledge you absorb in the moment.
  • I was so damn happy he stepped out that box. It was killing me the entire video.
  • @supergamer303
    this felt like the opening of symphony of destruction
  • @danf4447
    awesome. applies to science and business too
  • For such a well thought out talk, this has very very very limited views and even lower number of comments. gosh
  • @MarcusMusique
    Saturn Black Cube..that is the box..what we enclosed within! that is where it comes from. It is the creation we find ourselves within!
  • The purpose of the box is to understand the basis of your thinking. After that, you have no problem with the box. Don't be conditioned by the box, think outside of it., think as if it never existed.
  • If you think about it, what he is basically saying is that, first know how others have done it and then try to make changes to that according to your personality and thinking. I feel this is something that we don't need to do consciously. The reason being, that is how human brain functions. Your memory contains what you have learnt till now and then you use your imagination to do something different. So, this talk was great, but he just told the truth. But that's why they say common sense is not so common.