Clone Troopers During Andor

Published 2023-11-21

All Comments (21)
  • @5o1stFilms
    “Wait a second Teardown, why are we all different heights?”
  • I love Andor and I love the clones. This scene was perfect. Wish we had more live action pre stormtrooper Dark Times
  • @nursestoyland
    never knew the republi- ahem the empire used 18th century tactics
  • I love how scary and intimidating the clones were here. This is how the galaxy saw clones before they were discarded.
  • @ColDylanG
    My main question is I wonder now how many “Imperial Officers” such as the one here, were originally Republic Officers.
    This brings back the memories on coruscant stopping those protest with thire and thorn
  • RedSun's voice acting is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural
  • @halothere6995
    Clone trooper 1: hell yea feel my vengeance you ungrateful heathens 0:42
  • @nchldmn
    This scene always confused me. Are the citizens saying "Long live the Republic?" It's sounds like the voice of the Officer, but it can't be, because this is the Empire timeline, and the Republic doesn't occupy homeworlds. But then in an earlier scene, Andor's mom calls the separatists aboard that downed shuttle "Republic", which makes it sound like they are separatists. I like Andor, but sometimes the lore gets confusing.
  • @themelon_1785
    How did andor get the clones to look so much better than in ahsoka, ahsoka's clone troopers look like they have oversized, cheap plasti cosplay armor, whereas here those clones look so good, like theyre straight out of RoTS
  • @panzershock441
    Their about-face tells you which ones were paying attention during drill.
  • The attention to detail in this scene is amazing when a realistic perspective is considered. First of all, it's a flashback of a person's pretty traumatic memory of a civilian population's massacre by a military force, and no they didnt show it happen in the typical way like how the Mandalorian did with the camera in slow-mo, blasters blazing, people screaming, etc. What we instead have in Andor is a methodical build up to how such tragedies could have and would have happened in real life. Plenty of atrocities committed on civillians were due to soldiers reacting too impusively, be it a protesting mob or a large group of people straight up harrassing them. A historical case very similar, and most likely an inspiration to the scene depicted in Andor was the Boston massacre, where a mob of colonial Americans were fired on by British troops after they were harrassed by said colonial Americans...
  • It’s good to see the elite of my forces getting proper recognition for their… services.
  • @csm0331
    What we need is an animated tv show JUST about the clone troopers stories