Monsters that a Witcher would refuse a contract on

Published 2023-01-10
This is my full video on what monsters a Witcher, or more specifically Geralt, would refuse a contract on. This is based upon my most popular tiktok (@GifGafGavintw3) and my most popular YouTube short on this channel. In this video I take a deeper dive upon the monsters I had mentioned, respond to comments from the original video and discuss some of the monsters I had missed out. I hope you enjoy as we explore some of the nastiest monster Geralt has either faced or generally avoided and with the Witcher 3's next gen update having just come out, this video seems all the more relevant to get you up to speed with Witcher lore. I hope you enjoy and lets get started!

All Comments (21)
  • @GiGaChadAF
    In B&W Geralt has undergone special mutations that may have made him much stronger than your average Witcher.. maybe you're not considering this at all
  • Geralt refuses to kill Regis because he saw that he is a good guy. Regis, even at that point in the story, helped them on many occasions, save there lives, refused to drink blood, and saved innocent man just becuse it is a right thing to do. Geralt said that he would refuse any contract on Regis not because they were friends, but because Regis was a good person
  • In defense of the games, most of these battles which make him seem a lot more powerful are encounters in which Geralt gets help from outside sources or is in extraordinary circumstances.
  • I'm willing to bet Djinns can't even die. They're probably the most powerful beings of magic there is, they can conjure up pretty much anything, do almost anything with their magic. Even the most powerful sorceresses and sorcerers ever have nothing on even the weakest of Djinns.
  • The unseen Elder from Blood and Wine shows perfectly how powerful a vampire can be and therefore I agree
  • @thegreenmage6956
    Honestly EVERY monster in the book seems to give Geralt trouble. It’s not an easy job. He’s CONSTANTLY got some kind of new injury.
  • The thing about Geralt is that yes fine he’s not some all powerful Elder Vampire or a Demon or anything like that, but he is one of the most powerful members of the species of Earth, both species before and after the conjunction. Geralt’s extra mutations made him faster, stronger and more durable yes, but it’s a lot more than that. Geralt’s overall Witcher school is also a big reason to his success, with the use of Signs and Blades in seamless combinations during combat. His extensive years of experience fighting the worst monsters a witcher could encounter and killing said monsters, and also the fact that he seems to be a favourite son type figure of Vesemir, the oldest living Witcher we’ve seen. Geralt is the most morally neutral of all of the witchers we have alive at the end of Witcher 3, but he is genuinely one of the most terrifying people to face in the world of the Witcher. He hunted and killed every ringleader of the Wild Hunt, he slaughtered a higher vampire, SURVIVED an attack from an Elder Vampire, successfully outwitted Gaunter O’Dimm, (who is widely speculated to be Satan or God) the reason Geralt is so famous is because he’s so fucking terrifying. He has all the tools necessary to kill realistically any enemy he comes across, and is a master of all of said tools. No debate Geralt is in fact one of the most powerful characters we know of in the Witcher universe.
  • @vahlen5281
    Something a lot of people seem to miss is that Geralt didn't kill Detlaff in B&W - he merely incapacitated him, and Regis finished him off. On his own, Geralt would have undoubtedly lost to Detlaff, because even though he briefly managed to gain the upper hand, and cut Detlaff in half, the vampire immediately started to regenerate thereafter.
  • That thing about higher vampires needing to be killed by other higher vampires isn't a thing, well it's only a thing in the games... Regis in the books even admits there are ways to kill a higher vampire. Besides, Geralt from the games kills Orianna, who despite seeming like a Bruxa in the trailer is supposed to be a higher vampire like Regis. I swear it's the confusion on the term Higher Vampire that causes some of this wrong information to spread. There are higher vampires (Regis, Detlaff, etc) within the classification of "Higher Vampires", but even they can be killed by something other than themselves.
  • @Kapral-ld8zl
    I think the reason for Regis being unable to get up from under the rubble because as he said he didn't fully recover his vampiric powers/strenght, additionally to that he refused to drink blood because he feared that he will become the monster he once was. So i think that explains it a bit after all another higher vampire threw into a brick wall a vampire that wasn't cut to pieces and still was regenerating his power.
  • I don't think the rubble is what stopped Regis in the Blood & Wine DLC. It's more just the impact of him being thrown into it by dettlaff at full force broke all his bones and during the whole fight he is regenerating them.
  • Succubi I would consider on the same thin line as trolls. He takes contracts and questions them and prefers not to fight. But if they are a threat he will. Generally succubi aren’t violent and don’t kill unless it’s a accident or self defense (I know people find Selma suspicious but when you kill her dandelion comments in the quest log saying that Geralt probably made a mistake or something like that) He states that he much prefers not to hunt kolbalds, godlings and such also fall under this category As for higher vampires, I believe that the best Geralt can do canonically in the books is like the first fight with Detlaff where he can hold his own for a bit but not win the fight. Also. You didn’t mention the unseen elder who legit can kill Geralt before Geralt sees him move. No way Geralt can kill a golden dragon either. Even with saskia I question it. He kinda had plot armor for that fight like he does Detlaff. Gorgons.. if they are Greek gorgons yeah I see why Geralt would want nothing to do with it While I don’t doubt Geralts skill. Most deep sea monsters are a hard no. If they are beached MAYBE he can pull it off (like the kayran) I also do not think that Geralt would EVER accept a contract on the crones or “she should knows” if she weren’t around (I know she is the tree spirit but the power level is very different) if the creature(s) is legendary in status or worshipped.. probably a hard pass if he doesn’t know what they are (lord of the wood ect he knows what they are so he would take the contracts.) Deities/legends like the lady of the lake would also fall under this category As for Djinns they are probably immortal anyway. BUT notably.. using silver on post conjunction creatures does affect them. I can buy silver working but i cannot but Geralt beating or killing one. Gaunter is legit Satan, enough said. Maybe if he were offered gwent cards…
  • @YukiVapor
    Geralt would kill any sea monster if the whole lore had The Witcher 3´s underwater fight gameplay. He’d just pop out his crossbow, shoot a few arrows and boom, done !
  • @rain-cy6ve
    The higher vampire lore is definietly not done well in the game. Before he meets Regis again and Dethlaff, he meets and kills a higher vampire in Novigrad.
  • @josbr6247
    There are a couple creatures in the first Witcher game not mentioned that Geralt probably would have no chance against in normal circumstances, those being the being the Vodyanoi worship, Dagon, whom Geralt can only banish, and the kikimore queen that Geralt had to essentially collapse a cave on top of
  • @DPD232
    I mostly agree. Like you said, Geralt WOULDNT take on contracts on sea monsters but i don't believe he couldn't complete them. More like it's too complicated, out of his expertise and he would just rather not do the contract, because odds would be stacked against him heavily.
  • The thing I really like about Geralt is I see him as a blue collar worker in a high fantasy world. He is interesting because he's NOT overpowered. He's a bounty hunter working based on learned skill, some enhancements (the mutations) and low end magic. It makes him very good at his job but not a god. He's not Aargaron running around with the Arundil the sword that cut the one ring from Sauron's hand he's not Luke Skywalker the chosen one trying to redeem his father he's a guy with a job to do who gets in over his head. THat doesn't make him less of a hero, arguably it makes him more of one, just not a larger then life superhero.
  • @truffelnootje
    Please go through all monsters that aren’t in the game!! Per category of monster - one vid That playlist will be a tresure for every w3wh player!
  • @BertoPlease
    It's been a minute since I've played W3, but wasn't the conclusion of the Djinn fight where Yenn subdues it and states that they can keep fighting for eternity and be deadlocked, unless they accept Yenn's demand for a wish? So I wouldn't even think Geralt OR Yenn could kill it, they just pulled a Dormamu and bargained with it