Getting My Closet PROFESSIONALLY Organized!! *extreme*

Published 2021-11-14

All Comments (21)
  • @as.dexter
    Parker is really professional and I like how she wasn't afraid to tell Alisha what clothes to toss bc our girl can be a hoarder sometimes
  • @csk1452
    for future reference, a lot of counties actually offer fabric/clothing recycling through the normal recycling programs so you don't have to throw dingy stuff in the trash! they will accept stuff that's stained and holey and often even shoes you would normally throw away (and other fabric stuff like sheets and towels- I would try to donate that stuff to an animal shelter first but if they don't accept it then fabric recycling plants will). definitely recommend to anyone looking to get rid of clothing/shoes/fabric that is not in good enough condition to be sold or donated :)
  • @Just999Me
    the fact that we've gotten to the point in society that someone's job is to be a closet organizer because we've just hit the point of overconsumption where we have stuff just to have it or collect it. Then we forget we have it in our closet so we buy more. Don't get me wrong i love seeing the before and after/process. but there is a whole niche and market in this is crazy.
  • @izzyw2009
    okay, but can we just take a moment and appreciate parker?? Girl, your brave to tackle Alisha Maries closet!!!
  • I need to go through my closet SO BADLY so this is just the video I needed 🙌🏽
  • I like how Alisha just finally decided to get someone to do it for her 😂😂
  • @emilyatso
    I feel like remi would’ve loved to organize your closet lol
  • the fact that its almost been 5 years since you moved in is the most concerning cause at this point I don't even know how long I've been watching you now
  • @lbgirlie707
    This would have been a great opportunity to look up companies that take old clothes and shoes and they recycle them into playgrounds or insulation for homes, etc. instead of just throwing everything away and it ends up in the landfill
  • @wpbhd
    Honestly her “you can do better” does more for me than anything Marie Kondo says. I am going through my closet tomorrow and asking myself if I can do better 😂
  • @stephanie8890
    I love that the organizer doesn't blow smoke and tells it like it is. Alisha has too many "Yes" people around her.
  • @AanYaMark
    Hi Loshy!! I know you probably won’t see this, but with the small chance that you do I wanted to take the time to say thank you to you! I’ve been watching you for many years and I love your smile, your personality, and your videos, and everything else in between. You have gotten me through some tough days by always putting a smile on my face. I love how you are so open with us and I also love it when you talk about your mental health, as someone who also struggles with anxiety. I recently started my own YouTube channel and I don’t think I could have done it without you as my inspiration. So once again, thank you so so so much :)
  • @sandranewman342
    This video is a sign I have to go through my closet and whole room and organize everything because I'm honestly just a hoarder too, I also wish I had someone like parker to help me🙈😄
  • @savannah3780
    Professionally organizing a closet doesn’t mean anything unless you maintain it! :)
  • @tatiana8050
    “I’ve been waiting for this one” TURN IT UP!
  • @alniquedavids4
    I LOVE the fact that this channel is so authentic and you, and still quite produced