America Not Long From Now

Published 2024-07-04
I Pledge Allegiance • I promise to be faithful and true (promise my loyalty).

to the Flag • To the emblem that stands for and represents.

of the United States • All 50 states and territories, each of them individual, and individually states represented on the flag.

of America • Yet formed into a union of one nation.

and to the Republic • And I also pledge my loyalty to the government that is itself a Republic, a form of government where the people are sovereign.

for which it stands, • This government also being represented by the Flag to which I promise loyalty.

one Nation under God, • The 50 individual states are united as a single Republic under the Divine providence of God.

Indivisible, • And can not be separated

with Liberty • The people of this Nation being afforded the freedom to pursue
"life, liberty, and happiness".

and Justice • And each person entitled to be treated justly, fairly, and according to proper law and principle.

for All. • These principles afforded to every loyal American regardless of
race, religion, creed, or any other criteria.

CIVIL WAR (2024)
#civilwar #collapse

All Comments (11)
  • @mtbjorng5166
    Some people want too see the world Burn. Some of us don't give a F about what you want
  • @A.BC-
    It will be 'magical', just crickets... 👀
  • @eric-ms3pz
    Trump after using official immmunity for a day
  • @geroutathat
    Its what happens when you give greed a back door by saying "well if you work hard its okay". Every greedy civilzation has fallen. Its why the pagans had 5 or 6 feasts and parties a year to share resources, and they lasted for 7-8 thousand years, until they were forced to comply at first with a catholic view of christianity where they still believed in rich being fortunate and having to share wealth by building hospitals, parks, schools. Then the protestant view took over. If you work hard and make 100 billion, then you did nothing wrong buying 20 private jets, 10 houses, 145 cars etc. Its end game greed, and it always, always, always collapses on itself. Its almost collapsed on itself 3 times in the last 30 years. Soon, the number of people who own no homes will out number the number of people who do, and the land and homes will all be owned by corporations, soon after the crtical mass point will be reached and the USA will collapse. Because USA gave weapons to Ukraine to use on Russia, they are ready to speed up the collapse, by busing migrants to the EU and USA. If you only have 300 jobs in your town paying enough to own land, and you have 3000 people, how long before your town collapses into violence? When you hit 4000, 5000?
  • @Linkolite
    I think young men in particular will find more meaning in a world like that, rather than what we have now. I’ll never watch the movie, but I like the aesthetics.