The Ballad of Dreggs: Taco Truck Man

Published 2024-03-31
Genre: toe-tapping storytelling country


In a dusty old town, where the tumbleweeds roll
There's a man named Dreggs, with a heart made of gold
He's got a long, bushy beard and a hat on his head
Slinging tacos from his truck, makin' magic with bread

[Verse 2]
With a knife in his hand, and a smile on his face
He'll whip you up a taco that'll take you to space
From spicy carne asada to tangy BBQ
Dreggs' taco truck has got a flavor for you

Oh, Dreggs, the taco truck man
With his beard so thick, catchin' food in the fan
He's cookin' up love, wrapped in a tortilla
Dreggs' tacos, they'll make your taste buds holler "olé-a!"

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Inspired by The Taco Truck King The_Dreggs:

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