The Matrix: Why We Can't Unplug – Wisecrack Edition

Published 2020-04-10
The Matrix - While everyone agrees that this late 90s sci-fi flick is a classic, the sequels both struggled to achieve this level of greatness. While we've previously tried to find meaning in The Matrix: Reloaded and The Matrix: Revolutions, the news of a fourth Matrix film inspired us to ask: Is there something we missed? Let's find out in this Wisecrack Edition on The Matrix: Why We Can't Unplug.

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Written by: Michael Burns & Jared Bauer
Hosted by: Jared Bauer
Directed by: Michael Luxemburg
Motion Graphics by: Jackson Maher
Additional Illustrations by: J.R Fleming
Editing and Additional Animation by: Isaac Gilbert
Produced by: Evan Yee

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© 2019 Wisecrack / Omnia Media, Inc.

All Comments (21)
  • @lastvestiges
    Whenever you think outside of the box, you're just getting into a larger box.
  • @SheWhoWoodworks
    I wonder how many times Neo picked the blue pill until Morpheus finally got him to take the red one.
  • I can't be the only one who thought the whole twist of Neo being one of many other previous incarnations of the One was legitimately the greatest narrative aspect of The Matrix Reloaded....
  • @MalikDraw
    When you realize that a reboot of The Matrix is just the matrix being reloaded
  • @f7forever
    "Come home to the flavor of shattering the grand illusion. Come home, to Simple Rick's."
  • Philosophy isn’t about finding answers, it’s about asking questions and I think that’s important because life isn’t a destination it’s a journey 💖
  • @Smmmile
    Matrix 4: Neo wakes up at his desk realising everything was just a weird dream. He then proceeds to get started coding that GUI his boss asked him to do 5 hours earlier.
  • @limacom
    The “John Wick” universe is a subroutine of the Matrix.
  • @omgitsme435
    Neo having powers in the "real" world means he's still in the Matrix. The 3 movies are just another full circular dream, he's still plugged in.
  • @atomoclast
    I'm a simple man. I see Wisecrack and the Matrix, and I have to watch it.
  • In my opinion, the 5 previous versions of the matrix represent a trial-and-error system, the goal of which was to understand the human mind in order to keep humans hooked to the machines. I remember I saw a video some time ago, which talked about Satti being the representation of love in the matrix, and her actions at the end of the last movie (she basically created a sunset on her own) represent the importance of her presence in the system, which means that love is the final form of human motivation, and hence, the key to controlling their decisions. The Oracle was not actually trying to help humans escape the matrix, but she was simply looking for the way to keep humans connected (which was the reason she was created in the first place), and in the end she realized that love was the answer.
  • "Sometimes raging against the machine is what the machine wants" Makes me think of some riots going on right now. And the riots from 4 years ago
  • @thaolinh92
    last time I was this early I could still go outside
  • @SpacedOutDoonie
    The Animatrix is so underrated, its one of the best movies ever made (The Matrix is however the actual best movie ever made)
  • @benedictifye
    Thank you Wisecrack for actually examining the ideas and themes of the trilogy, and moving past just complaining about the superficial shortcomings of the films, like you did in your previous videos about them.
  • @loudermusic
    leaving the cave is realizing everything is money laundering.
  • I never thought the wachowskis "thought they were making a movie about the philosophy of Baudrillard". They knew the entire time they were making a movie VERY loosely based on some of his ideas. Thats why the book is gutted, and used as a housing for whatever it is neo was up to. It's pretty clear they knew they were using a gutted version of Baudrillard to tell a story.
  • @rask004
    A point missed in this video: ideologies and control systems can be memetic, and from that they can need or want to spread and reproduce like viruses. A successful virus has mechanisms that cause it's host to spread it more and keep it's host alive and functioning longer while infected. From that, the most successful memetic systems allow us to still function in life while remaining stuck in said memetics, and are easier to buy into, and reward or encourage spreading them to others. Why do you think things like consumerism and woke culture have taken off so well? The deeper problem - the point I want to get to - is memetics is a part of human nature. When you get a large population of individuals in a dense enough space, each with limited cognition of personal relationships, and especially with limited resources (or the perception of such) you need some form of management to keep things functioning, to prevent any "us and them" mentality causing chaos or harm (assuming everyone in the population is still considered part of "them"). Memetic tools allow us to adapt faster than genetic tools usually would. To say another way, agreeing to a few rules is not enough, we need social and cultural cohesion, and memetic tools to develop this. The cost of this cohesion, is that some societal control is in place - I'm not "free" to do anything I want because of laws, but also because of memetics (I develop the meme that I don't want to break these laws anyway because it is not moral, and I feel a letter person because of it). You will always be living under some control. Even if you formed a subculture or a gang and ignored the broader social laws and norms, you are still controlled - by the rules and laws of the subculture. The whole red pill, consumerism etc ideological thing, these are systems that take advantage of memetic tools in our head, hijack them to their own ends. It's part of why social media has grown so well (remember what I said relating social cohesion and memetic tools). If you want to take something away: there is always some system of control you are in. However, you can learn what systems you exist in and choose if you will partake. Even when it seems unavoidable, like with consumerism, you can still exercise choice to not be involved, or how much to be involved. It may require some counselling to get over retail therapy or social media fomo but it's possible. Was I going somewhere with this? Or was it just another meme?