You're this close to everything you desire...

Published 2024-05-23

All Comments (21)
  • 1-Stop Complaining about not having it ! 2- Blessing what You want in Other's Lives. 3-Become Real in Inner World . 4-To the Person that Needs Nothing 🙏 The whole world Reveals Itself . 5- Develop Personal Relationship with a Higher Power. 6 - Aware that You Are a Divine Being 7 - Everyday You are ready to Receive Unexpected ABUNDANCES❤
  • @katkar369
    I found 3 crisp hundred dollar bills in a book I haven’t opened in over a decade last week! “Large sums of money can come in unexpected ways.” Thank you Jake Ducey!
  • @RussPouliot
    Don't give up one second before the miracle happens
  • @GenX_Gal_71
    Visualization works! Last year I planned to manifest winning the lottery. I drove to the lottery office in my city, pulled into the parking lot, and walked in the doors so I could see the entrance of the building, all to help with my visualization. I then would visualize driving there from my house with a feeling of excitement. Driving down all the roads, pulling into the parking lot and walking in the doors. Within 6 months, I took that exact drive in real life, but with my mum, who had won $50,000, and she shared some of her winnings with me. I'm in my early 50's and have never experienced that before, so it was way more than just a coincidence that it happened so soon after.
  • @hodeneofficial
    Don’t complain that I don’t have it Bless what I want when I see it - see it as a sign that I am aligned Make it real in my world - make a picture in my mind and dwell in it Feel like I don’t need it anymore - be happy regardless Develop a personal relationship with the higher power - know God is on my side and I live in a friendly universe I am aware that I am a divine being worthy of everything I am ready to receive unexpected abundance - I am open
  • @djgraham60
    I am worthy of all I desire. What I want wants me.
  • Shout out to Jake Ducey grateful to you, you was the first videos I watched after seeing the movie secret & to get a better understanding of what everything was I’m now over 5 years clean from class A drugs & have £100K grateful for achieving my goal it didn’t come in lump sum or easy but now a reality that I once dreamed about I had to offer a service in exchange for money to get where I am now….“Live in the end”
  • @jemmynjoki969
    I am a divine being and I am worthy of everything that I desire
    "We walk by faith and not by sight" 2 Cor. 5:17. To consider if our manifestation is coming by using our physical senses will put us out of alignment with what we want. Manifestation is an inner world philosophy and it works by using inner world rules. You cannot be successful playing baseball using football rules. We must use our inner world of faith to determine how close we are to manifestation. The key is to influence our subconscious mind. And we do that by visualizing, affirmation, meditation, prayer, etc; all inner world techniques to program our subconscious mind. Whatever is felt by the subconscious must be expressed. Once we impress our beliefs upon the subconscious through repetition, it will attract to us the people, resources and opportunities that will help you achieve what you are attracting.
  • @JayRays1truck
    I’m a divine being. I am worthy of everything I desire!
  • @EcomCarl
    The idea of blessing what you want and being open to receiving unexpected abundance is profoundly empowering. This mindset not only elevates our personal vibrations but also prepares us to embrace opportunities when they arise. 🌟
  • @Hueyofthewaters
    All truth! I am a divine being!! I am worthy of all that I desire!!!✨
  • @lisaobrien4898
    I'm dealing with major dental issues right now, and just wanted to say that I LOVE your teeth! They are beautiful, yet they look real.
  • @rjstrange
    Thought I found the love of my life and flew out 4600 miles to meet her just to have her tell me all the reasons it won't work and how she doesn't see me that way. Now I have 12 more days here to go... I was using manifestation techniques, guided meditations, noticing synchronicities, seeing what I want in others and feeling happy for them, etc. I manifested this, but it's not what I thought it was. Prayers are appreciated. I want out of this mentality of need, but I don't know how.