LOCKED UP In a PSYCH WARD: My Experience

Published 2015-06-08
NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Book an appointment with me: bignoknowllc.setmore.com/ Test your testosterone / Hormone levels with LetsGetChecked and take control of your physical and mental health. Get 20% off with this link and code: NOAH20: trylgc.com/noah
Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

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This video is for educational and documentary purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose. The opinions expressed are that of the individual in the video and nobody else. Please consult a health care professional for all mental and physical healthcare needs.

I Noah Thomas, the creator of this channel, have been diagnosed hypogonadism by a medical doctor and legally prescribed the medically indicated treatment of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

My Story

My name is Noah and on May 18 2011, I had a rare reaction to a medication called VIVITROL and consequently, spiraled into a suicidal depression with depersonalization and anxiety. I lost 25 lbs in 4 weeks and was in full panic or near panic for 8 weeks straight mixed with the darkest most painful depression I cold have ever imagined. I immediately could not work and had to move in with my parents who, along with many siblings and friends, had to watch me 24/7 as I was a danger to myself. Eventually I was hospitalized in the Psych Ward for a week. Getting through each day seemed truly unbearable and I knew I would surely die. I have been put on many many different doctor prescribed SSRI's SNRI's Tricyclics, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, holistic meds, acupuncture and even a form of shock therapy called RTMS. I barely saw any improvement in my condition for a full year. It was decided I had treatment resistant depression and I spent nearly every moment in tears. Weeks after starting my newest round of medications (Seroquel & Nortryptaline) as a last ditch effort, I had my blood drawn for possible hormone imbalances and my Testosterone levels came back 200 ng/Dl and 150 ng/Dl. The average 25 year old male has 750 ng/Dl. With this discovery I had an explanation as to why I was not getting better and why I might be so so sick. The symptoms of Low T are very similar to those of major depression. I started legally prescribed testosterone replacement therapy soon after and have been checking in with the world and documenting my experience with treatment as well as giving my insight and perspective on various topics of mental health. I am blessed to say that I have slowly, over the last 6 years, been improving and becoming more stable which I never thought to be possible. My low T manifested itself in the form of Major depression, anxiety, and depersonalization/ derealization for over a year. Treating my low testosterone has been 1 HUGE part of the puzzle but I have had to continue to work hard to hold on to my mental stability with many set backs. Gaining some mental stability back is nothing short of a miracle as I was near death for what felt like forever. I do not consider myself to be totally healed yet but I am closer now then ever before and aim to use what I have been through to help or at least offer support to others in need I was able to successfully come off my Seroquel and Pamelor.

I work out all the time as a part of my mental health recovery!!! Weight training and all kinds of cardio rule much of my free time and I also share this on my channel.

Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

All Comments (21)
    I’m reading this and it breaks my heart. I’m suffering with anxiety and depression. I pray for people who suffer from mental health
  • @inkedinRl
    Thanks for sharing. I'm going through one one the worse times of my life. My anxiety is so high I'm having trouble leaving the house, every little tingle or twitch in my chest I think I'm having heart problems. I'm 30 days today sober and smoke free.. I was using alcohol to mask my major anxiety and it got to the point where even binge drinking was doing nothing to control it. I've since been put back on high doses of Xanax and my Seroqel has been bumped up. I'm lucky I'm alive because I was drinking heavily on these drugs. And benzodiazepines and alcohol and a death sentence sooner or later.. I'm making progress every day, thanks to a very supportive wife and family. I hope to shake this awful Anxiety and depression and resume a "normal" life.. God knows I'm putting in the work!
  • @itsraphael09
    Never wanna go back there ever again. Place is like prison, we weren't even allowed to go outside
  • @kaiman5307
    You are lucky have family members care for you . i go through this suicidal depression alone .
  • @wisingertracey
    I have major depression I decided to go get help I was in the hospital for 10 days to overcome of it was pretty good I learned a lot of stuff that I didn't on my own I still fight depression and Suicidal Thoughts but something inside of me keeps on fighting on
  • @jaccrazy21
    Thank you for your honest video and the sharing of your experience. You r a strong person. And many people will benefit from your story.
  • I'm so happy for you! I am a nurse at a psychiatric hospital. We love and care about every person . God bless you always!
  • @user-ly5qg6kd4e
    What a great guy.. I myself have been through multiple psych hospitals.. Faith and hope... Never give up.... It gets better no matter what you have been through...
  • @katlove5481
    You are so incredibly loved. I hope you know that. I've been watching your vids on DP/DR and it may be hard as an outsider to realize how loved you are. I'm trying to remind myself of that also, everyday while I'm going through this myself. I often feel so alone, and abandoned. I know I'm not.
  • @IkuTree
    As always, thank you for your talks. They're always honest and comforting in their honesty. I live in Brussels and my experience with the emergency room and emergency services was not pleasant at all. One evening as I was enjoying some time with my work collegues, I had what I consider to be odd panic attack. I didn't know who I was and where I was anymore and I was crying uncontrollably and no one around me knew me well enough to know how to handle it. They called an ambulance and the two guys who took me to the ER were horrible. I had bruises everywhere on my body, my arms from being held down, my legs from where they stuck a board on top of me to keep me still. Way to stop someone from panicking right? Not to mention the things they were yelling at me about how they were going to call the police if I didn't calm down. At the hosptial they stuck me in a room alone for an hour and then a nurse asked if I was ready to go home. That was it. I do not trust doctors or hospitals with my mental health and it's a disgrace that people worse off than I am have to deal with this fraud of a system.
  • Thanks man your vids always encourage me to keep on fighting that maybe one day I can get better and it will all be worth the fight
  • @philipbrailey
    Your a brave man. And helping others. You deserve a medal.
  • @BBThumper1939
    Hey man, I can definitely relate to your situation. I started drinking when I was 12 and the first time I tried to kill myself was when I was 18. I self medicated. I tried to quit drinking repeatedly on my own. I tried a 12 step program which didn't work until I found Jesus. My father asked me to read the new testament. One night I was reading the book of Mark at about 4 am. When I read the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, at that point, I closed my eyes and everything was white and I saw the words I Love You in my mind. I felt unexplainable peace throughout my entire body. I was born again. If it happened for me, it can happen for anyone. Seek Jesus, he loves you. God bless.
  • @sccm100
    Thank you for sharing your story. Dude you're brave, not at lot of people have the balls to do what you do. I'm sure people will benefit for your story and once again thank you.
  • So transparent, and brave of you.. you are giving hope to others hurting, thank u God wants us to be happy!
  • You are very brave for sharing this. I'm grateful that you have. You have come so far, done so much, as hard as it is to look back, look how much you have conquered. It's an inspiration.
  • @lionessdez
    You are so underrated. Your stories and words of wisdom honestly are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing, you're helping out a lot of people who are going thru something similar including myself.
  • @0KJo
    Thanks for all the videos, takes courage doing what you do and have done... I "voluntarily" checked in to the psych ward in stockholm, sweden. (I write "voluntarily" because I was just in a place where I didn't care but the suicidal thoughts had cooled down so I just accepted all offers presented without a thought... numb and indifference where key emotions at that point...) Once I got in I felt a calm wash over me, as you said, it felt very secure after only a day but spent much of my time alone with my thoughts. It was the sense of no obligations and no pressure that was the main reasons I liked it. For once, I could be "alone" with my thoughts... I had tons of help which saved my life and I am forever grateful for that. Having said that, I tried to hang myself in the middle of the night in the bathroom... luckily (but not surprisingly) I failed. there was some safety thingy installed so I wasn't able to finish it off.. but no one noticed, no nurse doctor or anyone heard me smashing in to the floor of the bathroom where I laid for about half an hour without a thought or emotion passing through me. After that, the medicines kicked in and fortunately for me the side effects did seem to take on me and I was up to go a week after. I wasn't an addicted, I did good in school and had everything going for me. So when people ask why I was depressed I usually let my answer dissolve into the simple and understandable yet mildly dishonest answer: "pure genetics". All in all my experience turned out excellent. My uncle, not so much. After being a successful lawyer with three children and a wife his drinking went out of control, he lost his job, most of his family and his sense of purpose. My grandpa described him as a shadow when he visited him after his divorce (that came the day he was released from the ward...) Perhaps needless to say he jump of a bridge two day after his release. My father called his doctor and asked how it could've been prevented, the answer.. "Depression is a deadly disease." no more, no less. And it is true, depression is a deadly disease. But when a patient dies from a heart related disease that there was a chance of survival, the responsible doctors confer and takes it tremendously serious (at least in sweden) just to give you a contrast between the wives of mentally sick people in dire need of help compared to one with a heart disease. Let us work to change that. Depression is a sickness able to be cured when found out in time and right circumstances.... Just like a common heart disease. Equality, respect and understanding is whats needed for people suffering with psychological disorders. Love, always, Gustav Stockholm, Sweden
  • @mrme123ee
    Dude, I am so sorry to hear that you had to go through that. :( Again, love your videos. We share a great deal of the same medical issues. From depression, anxiety, and VERY low T. Love your videos!!!!!