Why The Chaos Council Are Awful Villains

Published 2023-08-20
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is finally time to start discussing Sonic Prime. And I wanted to begin by discussing the main villains of the show, the Chaos Council. I think that, overall, Prime is a good show, but it has many aspects holding it back from greatness and, unfortunately, these guys are one of them. But, as always, I'm getting ahead of myself. I will go much further in depth in the video so I hope you all enjoy it.

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00:00 Introduction
02:19 The Chaos Council
05:39 What They Could Have Been
06:26 The Design Of The Council
07:30 The Believability Of The Council
09:22 The Narcissism Of The Council
10:44 Conclusion
11:52 Outro

All Comments (21)
  • @thepjshow
    So, what are your thoughts on the video? Do you agree with my take on the characters? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below as I do my best to read and respond to as many comments as possible. As always, thanks for watching!
  • @dollmaker6599
    What annoys me the most is how much they overuse the baby one. I think they’re even aware of it since Sonic himself complained about it and grew tired of him.
  • @xgaming2427
    Honestly the only member is the Chaos Council I liked was Mr Doctor Eggman because of how identical he is to the real Eggman in terms of personality.
  • @Cherrybombz_1388
    i think that each eggman is meant to represent each shatterverse instead of a side of eggman because egg yolk is the only shatterverse that has eggmans and there are five
  • @DigiWarriorCallum
    Suddenly Orbot and Cubot look like incredible characters in comparison to those guys...
  • @agentomecha634
    I don’t hate the Chaos Council, I think they’re fine for what they are. But they don’t hold a candle to the original Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik himself. Although Mr. Dr. Eggman does have his moments, although seldomly. You’re right though about it being cooler if instead of these five, we did have a more tyrannical and merciless Dr. Eggman that lacked the small amount of humanity that normal Dr. Eggman has.
  • @RealmsSMPStudios
    What if the writers are holding back a special detail where it’s like the Shatterverse slowly falling apart, and then once Sonic puts the Paradox Prism, the Choas Council actually proves there sinister existence because they all become a complete Eggman, and then start blowing up the shatterverses, PS: the Prism Titan Eggman was the one thing that made me laugh crazily…
  • I actually had a much better idea called the Robo-Egg Force. it's literally alternate versions of Eggman/Robotnik from all of the alternate continuities. but they're actually made more threatening by combining their intellect together in an attempt to rule the multiverse.
  • @saffink
    The thing is, the Chaos Council is setup in a way that a tiny little change would AUTOMATICALLY make them better. Mr Dr Eggman is kept more back in the begining and starts to lead the group more in the second season. They could have easily made four funny characters and then to balance the scale, make one of them the actual evil one. Make Mr Dr Eggman so cruel that even the other members fear to say something against him. The writers even try to do something like this with the "bigger robots vs a completely new idea" but they don't commit to it. All the villains get played for jokes and as a result are taken as jokes by the audience. That and just funnier jokes for the council. That would fix SO MANY problems. At least we could laugh at them being bad.
  • @juanca2567
    I feel like the whole purpose of the Chaos Council is to be fodder for the twist villain. The premise of New Yoke City is menacing until you actually meet the Chaos Council. Then you see the weak humor of each member while seeing Nine slowly rising towards power. Chaos Sonic was meant to remove any suspicion of Nine as he is genuinely afraid of what was created and was a threat to Sonic. The Chaos Council getting stronger through more Shatter power and rivaling Shadow caused people to think that they finally mean business with the giant Dr. Eggman cementing them as the sole antagonists until Nine ruins Sonic’s victory by saying his intentions to him like it’s okay with him. The suspicion on Nine is further hidden as Sega always failed pitting Tails against Sonic (Lost World and Archie issues 178-9). The “twist fodder” syndrome of putting a weak villain in the center to build up a twist villain was used with very little success, because even if the twist villain was great, wasting our time with a uninteresting or annoying villain isn’t good.
  • @takistakis9252
    I actually don't mind the chaos council as villans sure they aren't the best villans ever but i don't hate them i think they are pretty okay i just hope that they take a back seat for a bit and let Nine become the villan because i think they can do some very interesting stuff with it
  • @liamphibia
    How can the people behind Prime go from writing Shadow the Hedgehog brilliantly to... These weirdos?
  • The whole "Its for kids" argument really doesn't work because we have seen cartoon villains for kids shows be terrifying and monstrous and well written. Slade from Teen Titans was horrifying as he not only could beat the TT in a fight most of the time, he was intelligent enough to always get the better and outsmart them, only really losing in the end when his greatest apprentice fought back and managed to kill him and prior to this, Terra won and he succeeded in taking over the city. 2003 and 2012 Shredder were also monsterous, 03 Shredder was a (literal) inhuman monster who was sadistic even to his allies. Every time Baxter Stockman failed him, Shredder would remove a body part until Baxter was just a brain in a jar and he traumatized Leo (much like Slade did to Robin). In Adventure Time we get the Lich who is basically a horror villain who somehow found his way to a goofy show like Adventure Time. You go from the Ice King stealing princesses to get a date to a literal force of nature trying to eradicate all life and at one point skinning his former adversary alive and walking around in their corpse to trick Finn and they even made the goofy Ice King tragic and when an alternate Finn gets the crown, he is actually terrifying. Essentially, kids media has been able to create threatening and terrifying villains despite the show normally being more silly and light hearted. Teen Titans could have an episode where Beast Boy fights a Tofu Alien followed by an episode where Robin nearly kills himself in an hallucinogenic frenzy brought on by Slade from beyond the grave. Adventure Time could have Finn and Jake being annoyed by formerly frozen Lawyers and in the next episode, The Lich (still in a stolen corpse), wakes up and kills a sleeping old man with a single minded hatred for life in particular and I don't even need to go into how silly TMNT can get. The normal silliness of a kids show can be used to great effect to really highlight the seriousness of a scary or threatening villain, where its no longer fun and games when they arrive and its been done in kids cartoons before so you can't use that as an excuse now. Kids in the past got awesome villains, shouldn't kids today get some too?
  • @badersimari5693
    The deadly six were decent in IDW,so they're not really a problem there. Zavok was actually competently written there.
  • @joelblake5310
    I actually like the Chaos Council, and I liked them even more in season 2, since they now have the ability to travel to other shatter spaces. Granted, I feel like the baby and teenager were unnecessary inclusions, but I don't really dislike them.
  • @zephon6745
    I would have like a version of Robotnik closer to his Fleetway or Archie versions.
  • @guyonyoutube3850
    i think they're fun. i actually appreciate the contrast between how pleak new yoke is and how goofy the chaos council are. i also love the generational eggman idea and think their mech designs are really cool. Dr. Babble's mech in particular seems like a really interesting boss that i'd love to fight.
  • @manuelinacio4038
    I heard a lot of people defending the comedy of the Chaos Council saying "Comedy is subjective" and to that I say: "I'm gonna find your house and have an hour long discussion with you" I'm so sick of that excuse. Yes comedy is subjective, but so is music and art, and people are still here giving number scores. Chaos Council's comedy is literally just we have an emo kid, an old man, an annoying baby, and a guy who likes yoga. That's it.
  • @marvelboy2211
    The weirdest part for me was that the baby offered to split the city into different districts. Name one baby that voluntarily shares his stuff! PS: PJ I wanted to ask you what you think about Sonic X. For me I like the show but I hate the human characters, except from Eggman
  • It would have been way cooler if Eggman also had variants across each shatter space like all the other characters. Then have the Eggman of New Yoke City start travelling the shatterverse and gathering the other Eggmen, then forming the chaos council with the multiversal Robotniks. Just an idea.