Published 2011-10-05
There were a series of videos entitled 'Babylon 5 War Collections' that used to be on You Tube. There are links online but they all lead to a dead You Tube account. I recently found three files on an old hard drive containing both parts of the Earth Civil War and on video on the Earth-Minbari war. These masterfully edited videos show highlights from the series and are scored by some great great music (mostly from Dune and Transformers I think). I don't know why these videos disappeared but if your a fan of the show I hope you enjoy these videos. If you happen the have better copies of these videos (including the Narn-Centauri War videos) please upload them. Thank you and enjoy.

All Comments (21)
  • @fireshiata
    This is an exceptional video compilation, but it omitted one of the most crucial moments; during the initial incident when the Minbari appear with gunports open, the Humans unknowingly target the ship with The Grey Council onboard. Dukat (the leader who speaks to the council early in the video) dies in Delenn's arms, and in a fit of rage, Delenn (being his second-in-command) tells the survivors to strike back with everything they have... it is Delenn who creates the war. This makes the scenes with Sheridan all the more poignant, especially when he tries to tell the Minbari that he 'know(s) what's in Dukat's heart"... while Delenn stands there veiled, not realizing the destiny she has ahaed. You have to rewatch this series several times to appreciate the depth and subtleness of the storytelling, which is why it is my favorite sci-fi series of all time.
  • @kkhagerty6315
    When you accidentally attack a fallen empire in stellaris
  • you got to love how humanity was portrayed in the first shows.. nearly defeated and yet still continued to fight against all odds
  • @ThyFacelessOne
    This war is perfect example of where misunderstanding, arrogance and being conceited can lead to.
  • @Dimetropteryx
    A shame they didn't bother with a diplomatic caste.
  • @iarthur3211
    one of the greatest science fiction series ever.
  • @JemHadar422
    The part where Delen breaks down and starts crying and yelling no mercy no mercy …Jesus Christ the scene was excellent
  • I am one of few who saw Babylon 5 as a child. My Grandmother had in the beginning on the old VHS tapes. I was 5-6 at the time. I was to young to appreciate the nuance of story. now in my late 20's I find rewatching them as I added the DVD's to my personal collection worth while. To see and learn to understand morals that...I wish i could have understood earlier.
  • @pinky6758
    "What do you want?" ... Bad question. He should have asked "Who are you?"
  • An excellent share, and a really good promotional for Babylon 5. This was really rather well done, wasn't it.
  • They are primitive, passionate, violent and unpredictable. They must be forged in the fire of a hopeless war, knowing they are dead before each battle, yet going willingly to that death. Only then will they become the perfect sword to use against the shadows. Nothing else matters.
  • @johnduffy3878
    That was an awesome video, well edited, great music. really awesome!
  • @Jadguy24
    about the triluminary: the Minbari have this holy relic from Velen, but they forgot to change the Admin settings from the original Biometric login of the original owner. He doesn't have the soul of Velen, he is Velen.
  • @UteChewb
    This well made summary glossed over the details. The Minbari had their gunports open which to them was a gesture of respect, the humans when they fired killed Dukat their most respected leader, like killing the Pope and Dalai Lama, that didn't go down well. The Minbari being very communal went to war as one, which meant they went collectively insane (as Delenn would later describe it). But when they snapped out of it at the Battle of the Line they went collectively sane again.
  • @luxeternity
    Thank you for the scene where the mimbari captured and scan the dude. I've been looking it everywhere
  • @kevinkottom1526
    I just want to go on record to say, the Minbari are absolutely at fault for provoking the war, or it was written really poorly. Opening gun ports upon approach of military vessels of unknown origin without communications is like someone walking down the street late at night, and someone suddenly changes direction, intentionally walks across the street directly at you, pulls out there gun, loads a round into the chamber and cocks the hammer, and starts pointing it strait at you, without saying anything. Or 2 warships at sea approaching each other, and one opens its gun ports, and aims them right at you while steaming directly at you. There is no other logical reaction then to assume violent intent.