3 ways you’re colonized & DON'T KNOW IT // conscious decolonization

Published 2024-04-02
What does it actually mean to be colonized?

We’re hearing a lot more about decolonizing these days, which is a promising & exciting sign of sociocultural growth.

We also have a looooong way to go in fully understanding what that truly means - in terms of our socially constructed external reality, AND ALSO on an internal, embodied, somatic level.

I want to share with you some personal insights on 3 specific ways you are probably colonized [meaning: socially conditioned/indoctrinated with a colonial paradigm] & don’t know it:
1. Subconsious beliefs around nature & spirituality
2. Unexamined appearanceism
3. What it REALLY means to be civilized

[If you were raised with any of the following cultural conditions, this is especially for you: emphasis on academics, white = normative, politeness over authenticity, what you do & how you look over how you feel, high masking, homogenous, well meaning liberal leaning, absence of ancestral connections…]

This is a break-you-down, build-you-back-up kinda video. We’re gonna confront some tough truths about ways we’ve ALL internalized colonialism growing up in this cultural conditioning, AND THEN we’re gonna talk about what to do about it.

Colonialism is a CHOICE: one we can continue making & subconsciously supporting, OR one we can slowly, progressively begin to distance ourselves [& thus the broader culture] from.

Awareness is the FIRST step. Here to support you in expanding yours💞

All Comments (10)
  • @NaturopathMD
    Oh thank you Nature for bringing me to your video. We're oceans apart, yet I've found a friend after so long. Thank you for this. Much love ❤️
  • @turquoismama33
    You have presented many components to life on this planet. Very good questions and talking points. I do think you are mixing stewardship & controlling(or dictatorship), though controlling our environment is part of that stewardship, not the dictatorship part; self-control & facades/denying our emotions; religiosity & relationship. Freedom and liberation come with responsibility. Which encompasses proper self-control. Meekness is not weakness, but controlling the power that one has, so as not to cause irrevocable or unnecessary damage or harm. Continuing to feel shame is a choice, easier said than done, true, but we have the power to stop shameful feelings to continue and not live in them. Our thoughts ARE more important than our bodies, though that doesn't mean our bodies are not important. Thoughts and how we think are just MORE important and should control our bodies, which ARE important. We are left with our mind, if we lose our limbs, FACT. True, we can not live without some body parts, but it is the mind(which is part of the soul) that lives past these mortal bodies. Of course, this is all IMO and comes from a Judeo Christian/neurodiverse perspective. So, I welcome any thoughts, questions, comments or even complaints from anyone. We are here to learn from each other. And I have much to learn so far.
  • @_eddiecole
    Im in puerto rico as a white guy. A gringo. Am i a colonizer. Or the colonized. Both . Neither? P.R. is a U.S. territory...i think they called it that because the didnt want to call it a colony due to the baggage(negative conotation) of that word. Some people here want independence from the u.s. some want to be an official state. Which do u think is best? And is pro colonial ideology diminishing in your opinion ? Should we become a world without nations. Or is colonialism just a mindset?
  • @katakana1
    I FEEL the thing about formal clothes. I'm like "uhhh, where's the connection between wearing fancy clothes and eating at this restaurant? Because you're not being fancy enough? Who said I needed to reach some sort of fanciness quota? What if I just declared the clothes I'm wearing right now to be fancy? Who decides what's fancy? How about this: I'm fancy all the time, and no one else is fancy at any time. Can you explain why that rule is any worse?"
  • @bruceparker805
    I hear ya but prefer to be more words than one and dont need to use colonize for this. Exhaust maybe. Extort maybe. Keep colonize for original meaning.
  • @billscott1601
    What color is the sky in your world, and are you off your meds. Also matter in neither created or destroyed, and the earth isn’t a living, it’s an inanimate object.