I Went Homeless For 72 Hours (REAL CHALLENGE)

Published 2019-09-07
This time the girlfriend was not happy about my new challenge and to be honest, neither was I. Going homeless for 72 hours was no piece of cake. Watch here to find out how I survived without shelter for 72 hours (3 days).

#challenge #homeless #theinfographicsshow

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All Comments (21)
  • I want to point out that the purpose of this 'challenge' was to bring the attention to the issue of homelessness and not make fun of it. If you have watched our videos in the past, you will recognize that the tone of the video is far less comedic than usual. And to those sending me hateful emails by just seeing the title, please watch the video first.
  • @egontoao
    These challenges are going to escalate to being a serial killer for a week.
  • A homeless man had been a regular at the restaurant I work at, and after almost a year of giving him free meals and being friendly, he got a job and this last holiday season he gave all employees $20. Will never forget Leo ❤️
  • @scionixx9568
    I was legit homeless for 4 months. I still did what I could to help others. You’d be surprised how many homeless people are actually quite generous and helpful.
  • @ayedhanpharmr11
    Imagine ur finally about to see ur girl after 3 days and she doesn’t stop yelling at u 😂
  • @lastname2110
    Once I meet a homeless guy and gave him a large pizza that was fresh out of the fast food joint i was at, Now I know why he started to cry...
  • @amia560
    72 hours? amateur. my dads been doing it for 13 years
  • @nue1n691
    Infographics: "A high secure place always has a weakness." Everyone: EVERYONE! RUSH AREA 51 AND FIND A WEAKNESS AND BUST IN!
  • We should all leave food that looks damaged, that way theres more for the homeless
  • @nikelodeon1139
    “They assumed I had bad intentions” 2 seconds earlier: I’m no thief but...
  • @rrjm9163
    I am homeless and have been for way to long however I really appreciate the making of this video for so many reasons that I cannot express all of my thoughts. We are not diseased and I say that because like he explained he was looked at in a different way which is at least I believe the worst part of being homeless. Secondly getting anything from food, money, toiletries, (someone just gave me a zero degree sleeping bag recently), to clean socks- this one is huge, and even just a smile. A smile or a wave hello goes along way when your treated like your below low if that is even a thing. There is just one thing that this video could not illustrate and that is when you first actually become homeless. There are so many thoughts sprinting like Usain Bolt through your mind its overwhelming. How did I get here? What am I going to do? I am scared! How am I going to survive, I don't know anything! Am I going to be OK? Where am I going to sleep? I give him credit for even trying but to go out and know that in 3 days it's going to go back to normal again and that it is going to be over is so much different than it actually is being a reality. Sorry for the long comment, I could write a book on this topic (maybe I should). Its really hard being homeless so if you could next time you see someone down and out just appreciate what you have and what we don't! Thank you. D.G
  • @JaschaShum1986
    I was homeless in LA. For a year and I liked this show but this episode made me remember how I was living prequarantine
  • @vaughnyt7653
    Guy: Becomes homeless to get paid in work in youtube Homeless man: You guys are getting paid?
  • @TH-dc3fg
    Challenge: I spent a month in jail for admitting to stealing donuts in a previous video
  • @nicotopcat1188
    I've been homeless. It's no picnic, but you learn the ropes. Hook up with somebody else because to a degree, you must have a little trust. I found out where to be warm when I slept and how to make sure I got fed. Now, I do try to help others who are still in that space. I do believe in karma...
  • @ItsAsparageese
    I've been homeless in a few different ways (urban, tent in the woods, and now mobile living in a converted truck thank goodness) and I really appreciate this episode and the integrity of the way this challenge was done. I love how you guys leverage your platform to spread empathetic and realistic messages like this. The end is especially admirable; I completely agree that the majority of people on the street are compassionate. Something I've said since I was an urban street kid is that "98% of people were always warning me about how bad 98% of people are". I'm really grateful you guys are giving that kind of humanizing insight to your audience. You're really helping to positively influence a new generation to be more aware and have more perspective on lives less privileged than their own. Great work, thank you.
  • @boogie05
    "People looked at me like I was untrustworthy or a criminal" Steals from 7/11 twice hmmmm
  • @ztca142
    This struck a chord with me. My mother, brother, and myself were always on the move because my biological father got involved with the wrong people. The closest i've been to homeless was living in my moms car when we were pretty young and eating timed out mcdonalds food, bless my moms boss she let that slide as an employee to feed her kids. Since escaping that situation, we've always been in the really low income bracket and i've done things i'm not particularly proud of to make rent and get food. I'm thankful that i've been able to hold down a flat with my family before and now with roomates as i'm trying to go to college so that I may support myself better with future employment. The thing I really empathized with is how he was being stared at and judged based on his presentation. I frequently get the same treatment but for the reason that i'm blind and walk with a white cane. My friends always let me know when i'm being given the stink eye. somehow both that people assume that i'm getting special privilages and treatment just standing in line like everybody else, and also like i'm just broken, a walking freakshow or something to that effect. I aggree with and promote sentiments made at the end and that is that beyond a persons appearence, there is a human being that is just trying to exist and survive and a small act of kindness goes such a long way even something as small as treating someone with respect and kindness. I'm incredibly thankful for kindness and generocity shown to me by total strangers, and even though I don't have means, I try to give back with my time to help others. This isn't a contest, i'm well aware of those who have it much worse than I, but I thought I would share my perspective. Have a great day or night and stay safe.