2020 In a Nutshell - The Best of 2020 | CreatureConnor

Published 2021-01-05
Hey guys, long time no see! A lot of you have been asking me when I'm going to start uploading Youtube videos again as it's been a year since I uploaded! the reason for that was, I was trying to make a super elaborate, in depth best of 2019 video and after half a year, I was only halfway done and realized that I wouldn't finish until 2021, so I bailed on that project and afterwards, just kind of took a little break from YouTube! I'm currently editing another video on Camp Tuckahoe and I'd like to get back into posting at least every other month or so! But in the meantime, here's a brief, epic compilation of how my 2020 went that I made for Instagram and decided to post it on YouTube as well since I haven't posted in 4 eva, and it's SOOOO GOOD! By the way, if you enjoyed this video and want to see my more current adventures, everyday, go follow me at @creatureconnor on Instagram as that is my primary platform now!

2020 was...a pretty crazy year to say the least! For me, in more ways than one...or two...or three, or four or five, or well you get the point. But while it had it's challenges, I definitely wouldn't say it was a "bad" year. In fact, to be honest, it was one of the most fun years I've ever had by far!!! And while due to the virus, I may not have gotten to due all the epic stuff I wanted to do including go skydiving for my 18th b-day, travel to Florida, Hawaii, Wyoming, etc. as originally planned, I didn't let that stop me from living my life to the ABSOLUTE FULLEST for my final year as a teenager! I got to do so many things this year that I have always dreamed of, ever since I was a child and to be honest, I know it might sound crazy, but this was one of the best years of my life, and one I definitely will never forget, not even when I'm 90 and suffering from dementia! J.K., there's no way I'm living that long! 😂 But, yeah, this year was SICK...also in more ways than one! 🤢 Don't believe me, watch this compilation I put together this week! It is jammed full of some of the best content you've ever witnessed for seven minutes straight after I talk about the new year for two minutes! And this is only a fraction of all the awesome stuff I did this year, I had to cut a bunch of stuff out to make it fit under 10 minutes for Instagram. A lot of the following footage is exclusive and never before seen (and I might regret posting some of it later, but whatevs!) ENJOY!!!


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