Refuting CATHOLIC Authority

Published 2015-08-19
Refuting foundational claims to Catholic authority. Why you DON'T need to believe what the Vatican says.
If we reject the authority claims of the Roman Catholic Church than we no longer have any reason to embrace their unbiblical teachings on things like purgatory, the papacy, the priesthood, indulgences, the insufficiency of grace, the Apocrypha and the bodily assumption of Mary.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-fq7eh3jz7u
    I think if Peter himself descended from Heaven and told the pope that Roman Catholicism is wrong, the pope would say Peter is wrong quoting Paul’s “if they preach another gospel let them be accursed”
  • @ecrypto1729
    As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!" But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" Luke 11:27‭-‬28 ESV
  • @starlight-xt7po
    I grew up Catholic , went to church every Sunday and classes on Wednesday for years and I understood nothing. After all the years of being involved with the church I didn't have a clue about how to have a relationship with Jesus. I know all the stories in the bible but not how to be saved. Being saved by" your works" is exactly how I was raised, so I didn't understand why Jesus was crucified. The crucifixion and resurrection didn't mean very much to me when I still had to save myself. So much ceremony and ritual goes on with just a simple Sunday mass but no real communication and teaching. Also the saints and the virgin Mary were prayed to almost equally as Jesus, like I said I didn't understand anything. I felt so much judgment through the church it was a place that filled me with guilt, there was no joy. In the last few years I have left the church, read the bible and started listening to pastors who actually speak to educated. I think I finally understand why people say the " good news"! Once I got out of the Catholic church everything seems so simple I can finally love Jesus for what he did for me! all of my life I was trying to save myself by doing everything perfectly but I am a flawed human so i never could .
  • @timg2088
    "The Bible will be a big help to us if we would only just read it." ~Alistair Begg
  • @luciano1984able
    Before I make a comment I want to let everyone who reads this know I am a Christian of no denomination. I was raised catholic but I never felt close to God. Things happened later on in my life that made me run to Him and buy the Bible. When I read it I was astonished to see many things about the catholic church teachings that are unbiblical or came after Jesus and the Apostles. I know the catholic church and many catholics do good things in the name of Jesus and I will always have respect for them. However, after I read scripture myself and allowed it to speak for itself I clearly saw the truth. God's word has authority! The way to salvation is through Jesus Christ and not to attach yourself to a denomination. I have a lot of love for my protestant brothers and sisters too but again it doesn't do them many favours that there are literally thousands of different sects within the reformation. There are some sects that do focus only on the word of God though. The catholic church gives bold claims that they cannot hold to because their actions say differently. God would not allow the bible to only be half-authorative when it was written over a 1,500 year period only for Rome to take over it??? Let scripture speak for itself. With much love brothers and sisters
  • @MaccaBased
    Society used to be taught to "go to the source". Rome perpetuated their standing as the only true wisdom in the Word, and it's interpretation. Unfortunately we drank the cool-aid. As a young boy (who was an Altar Boy) who wanted to read Revelation, the Parish Priest told me not to because I would "go insane" trying to understand it. When I was a teenager, my mother became born-again. Over the next couple of years, myself, and my three siblings became Christians. My father, who was raised Catholic was not interested. Eventually, he started to read the bible for himself. One night, at the dinner table, my gentle natured father slammed his hand on the table during dinner in an uncharacteristic angry act. When mum asked what was wrong, dad said, "They (the Catholic church) have lied to .e my whole life, Daph! Those "xxxxxxxx" have knowingly lied to me. I will never set foot in a Catholic churcj again!". Dad kept his word, and he learned THE WORD. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
  • @lostinAR
    8:56 "Many Catholics do not know Catholicism and this may be their saving grace." As a former Catholic (born, raised and educated in the Church) I agree, this is abosolutely true. As Mike points out, Catholicism is extremely complicated and I would go even farther and say almost no Catholics actually really know Catholisim as the Vatican would express it. I would consider most of the Lay Catholics I know saved because of their faith in the fundmental doctrines Mike mentions at the beginning. Most of the Catholics in my family fully believe they are saved by Grace alone and don't know that the official doctrine of the vatican is different. They are (as I was) largely ignorant of problems in the Vatican's many other "official" teachings.
  • I lived for 5 years in a Roman Catholici convent as a child. I was well versed in Catholicism. I left the R.C. church and was baptized in an evangelical church and the truth really did set me free. I am now 72 years old and my eyes tear up still when I realize the sacrifice Christ paid for me. I look forward to the day when “the government will be upon His shoulders”. Thanks to mike winger for truly clear biblical teaching. Thanks to the holt spirit for the insights laid upon my heart some 50 years ago
  • Holy Bible, Jeremiah 17.5 : The LORD says, " I will condemn those who turn away from me and put their trust in human beings, in the strenght of mortals.
  • @drescorpio1114
    Psalms 62:11 Go has spoken once, twice have I heard this that power belongs to God. It did not say power belongs to man. The pope changes their doctrine every some years but God's word never change.
  • @NaptownSubaru
    Religion is like politics. You can give facts, stats, exact quotes, etc and people will still disregard it. Nothing is more true than, “You can only reason a man out of something that he was reasoned into.”
  • @minagelina
    I just got out of an interfaith group and I got told that I needed to repent of a bound conscience because I essentially said that between the apostles of the first century and the third century, it's relatively silent about the early church and then we get church fathers who taught things. We have a century and a half in which things can get twisted and changed. Heck even Peter was caught modifying the Gospel and got chastised. So I said we needed to be careful and use the Scriptures as our only Infallible source for doctrine.
  • @billy1132
    Thank GOD i read the bible in 1996 on my own n after 24yrs in the 💒 of rome, i Came out n Came Home to CHRIST n JESUS Alone in Protestant Holy Bible Based Churches👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • DEAR brother, that's really are making a greatest point to adress all those in this world, kindly keep up your body language, and especially keep away that mocking laugh...since you are talking on behalf of the truth ..which is true all the time... God bless you...
  • @mrcsregan
    Another section of Scriptutre that comes to mind is Galatians 2:11-20, where Paul describes how he opposed Peter because Peter was not in line with the Gospel. Paul didn't just submit to Peter as though he were the infallible "chief of the apostles". Paul opposed him when Peter was in the wrong. I think that highlights a principle here that is relevant to the convo about Papal authority/infallibility and the Catholic claim to the succession of Peter. We have precedent in Scripture to be able to judge and discern the teaching and actions of others, no matter how much of a "reputation" they may have for themselves; and for that we have Scripture as our means for judging.
  • I was born and raised in a Catholic family. My mom is a devout Catholic, serving the church, doing rosary with those images made of wood or stones. She's also doing procession of the images of Mary, bowing down and touching the image with handkerchief. I grew with all these things that my mom is doing which doesn't really bothers me because I am not a religious person. I would say my faith with the God that we believed in is somewhat 10%. I didn't even know the concept of "God" came from, didn't even know the Bible. But after 43 years of my life, God made me realised that He's doing miracles in my life. He always provided an exit to my adulterous situation. (cried too much 😭😭😭) So I started going to the church which is the Catholic church. With a few weeks going to church every Sunday, I've felt something wrong seeing people kneeling down in front of the image of Mary (a grotto outside of the church). Then I started reading and studying the Bible, of course with the guide of the Holy Spirit. God is gracious with wisdom when you asked of it and everything it make sense to me. God is truly faithful with His promises, He gave me a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26) I am born again in spirit ( John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 3:6) He made me realised that from Heaven, He came down on earth to save us, and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (John 14:6, Luke 2:11, 1 Timothy 1:15, Titus 2:13) From 10% to a million percent faith.😊😊 Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all this things will be given to you as
  • Would love to have public debate between anyone from Catholic Answers and this man...
  • Grew up as a catholic, family left when I was about 16. I was saved by Jesus at 23, now 55. The Lord helped me to see that Catholicism was not right with Him, is the best way I can put it. These videos though have been helpful in understanding more in depth why.
  • @adrialee8149
    Your video bad theology is one of the best I've ever seen refuting the man made false doctrine of the catholic church. I took pages of notes. I was born and raised into a catholic family and reading the Bible and other revelations led me to realize a lot of things. I can't go back now.