A Link to the Past tricks and glitches

Published 2010-03-01
This is a movie showing a couple of timesaving tricks and glitches in A Link to the Past. It was mainly done for www.zeldaspeedruns.com/ (A great Zelda site focusing on Speedrunning) to include some information about the 2D Zelda titles as well.

Anyway, to the movie itself! I should start off by saying that I didnt find all these myself. The ones I found myself are: The bomb boost shortcut in Palace of Darkness, bomb boost in the Ice Palace and both the Shooting items through moving blocks glitches.

1. Normally when you go into the room and straight down, Zelda will start talking. If you hold right atonce, youll be able to go around the tiles that trigger the text and can pull the lever at once. Doesnt really save more than probably half a second, but is very easy to do.

2. The skeletons in this room wont appear until you go to the middle area of the room. It will thentake a while before they become visible. During that time, youll still be able to kill them using pots. If you manage to kill two before they become visible, the door will open. Normally four skeletons will appear in the room that you have to kill.

3. The anti-fairies will disappear from the pot if you kill all other enemies in the room. That takes toolong, so just get damage, lift the pot, stand on the button, wait until you can press the button and grab the chest!

4. This should however be quite well known. For it to work, youll have to stand 1-2 pixels from the hole, put a bomb behind Link and youll hopefully be boosted across. If you charge up the sword, Link will walk slightly slower, which makes it easier to stand in the right position. When you want to go back, simply dash against the chest.

5. This bomb boost is much easier to do, as you dont need to be as close to the hole to get over. Its easier to be too much to the right/left instead. Once you have boosted, hold right to get to safe land!

6. If you place the mirror warp point where the ocarina will land when you dig it up, youll automatically teleport to the Dark World as soon as you have picked it up. This is actually slower in an any% speedrun because you are supposed to be in the Light World when you are

7. A third bomb boost! This one is the trickiest yet, but skips nearly the whole temple. I cant really give you any more advice or such than can be seen in the movie. Both where you place the bomb and where you stand matters for it to work. Its easily done that you hit the blocks when you boost. If you succeed, then just go to the boss and kill.

8. You can shoot items through blocks while they are
moving, such as fire rod, ice rod, arrows, hookshot etc. The same glitch can also be used in Links Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.
At this place, it saves a lot by not having to move all blocks and go into the small area where the torch is located.

9. During the second phase of the fight, Arrghus normally goes up as soon as you have hit it. But if you use the fire rod twice and then release a spin attack, youll be able to kill it at once without waiting for it to fly up and land again.

10. Most people who buy the Super Bomb, walks around the area the normal way to get the bomb to the pyramid. But it is actually faster to warp to the Light World and back to the Dark World via the gate teleporter.

11. After you have lit the four torches, you have to ride the platform back to the start, as you cant just walk off the platform down the hole. But if you use the hookshot on one of the torches, youll fall down at once and can go through the door faster.
You cant get hurt while using the hookshot, so if you want to get through faster without getting hurt, this is one method. Having full health saves some time later in the dungeon because you can shoot with the sword.

12. First off, you can skip going through into the teleporter by dashing against the wall and fly over it. You can also get hurt by the beetle and, while blinking, go through it without teleporting away.
If you dont want to go around on the invisible floor, do like this.

13. Heres just a way to clear two of the many enemy rooms you have to clear in Ganons Tower. The second one is simple, but if you are unlucky in the second room, the beams will hit the spiky thing instead.

14. Another use of the items-through-moving-blocks glitch.

15. It is actually possible to kill Ganon without having the Silver Arrows. Just before he teleports away after he has fired the fire bat, there are a few frames where you can hurt him with the sword. Easiest way to hit him is to charge up your sword and release it while he is blinking. Several hits are required, but eventually he dies.
I also do another glitch with the torches. When the last phase starts, the torches will run out, always starting with the left torch. If you light the left torch before the right one goes out, the right one will never go out.

All Comments (21)
  • @Roan7995
    I laughed so hard when he did the bomb jump maneuver to get to the treasure chest. If I had known there was such a simple solution when I was a kid...
  • @PerryMason123
    The best thing about this video is it taught me new stuff when I've pretty much kicked this game's ass already
  • @indalcecio
    This game is so nostalgic it's painful to watch... That musty, heavenly basement that me and my brothers spend so much time in playing this game... The distance beyond the map-screen clouds that our imaginations dared to dream of... No one else will ever understand it... But as insane as this sounds...if, when I die I wake up in a one-room house to my uncle going out into a rainy night after Princess Zelda has telepathically communicated to me.... I will feel as if I've come home.
  • @netsendjoe
    Wow didn't know about some of those timesaving maneuvers. I thought it was awesome when I noticed that you could skip going to the village and just find Sahasrala in the East, but these go beyond that.
  • @russthorn6377
    Been doing glitches for a while - although last play I jumped out at Argahnim, beat him, then got stuck in the Dark World - no mirror lol
  • @danielsahn7112
    I wish I would've looked this video up about a week ago when I first booted the game up. These are awesome glitches! (My personal favorite is the hook shot rendering you invincible for a second.) I just entered Ganon's Tower, hopefully I'll get to utilize a couple of these. Thanks, man.
  • @NotSoz.
    One glitch i found: when the fire bar thing is moving around, use the hookshot to avoid being damaged just before it hits you.
  • @mrlucidboy
    I really enjoyed this vid, I just replayed this game last week and got a kick out of the moonpearl trick and also killing off ganon without light arrows.... amazing!
  • @ThrashCommander
    I was hoping this was a video for exploration glitch exits but I'm glad I watched the whole thing, a lot of good stuff in here, thank you!
  • @MattKimura11
    I'm already a veteran at this game, these will spice me up a bit. Thanks
  • @LilBrownieD
    Omg falling to get to the door faster after lighting the lamps, brilliant ! Wish I thought of that 😩 + 5:02 very badas
  • @BicMitchum
    Awesome video. One of my favorite games for sure
  • @laithakkad2221
    Keep in mind the bomb jump in ice palace is frame perfect and is one of the hardest in the game but if you get it the rest of the dungeon is free
  • @narkoid
    If you have a super controller and activate rapid fire on the run once you have the boots you can float over holes as long as you hold it down. There is also some crazy glitchey rooms in dungens when you float over the holes to the unreachable areas of the map and go thru the wall.
  • @Deltaray
    surprised I didnt see the hookshot trick while moving a block like u did with the fire rod, I remember yeas ago 25 years ago I couldnt get the blue mail and I accidently discovered it.
  • @TompaA
    Several of these still work on the GBA version actually. And there are also loads more glitches in the GBA version than on the SNES. If you check the Youtube channel Greenalink you can find loads of GBA glitches in his videos.